[Pharo-users] [ANN] Pharo TechTalk 21 Nov: Discord Demo

2017-11-18 Thread Marcus Denker
Pharo TechTalk: Discord Demo When? 21 Nov 2017 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM (UTC+01:00) Topic: "Discord communication Demo”, how to script discord from Pharo. https://association.pharo.org/event-2642665

Re: [Pharo-users] New Pharo article at The Cohort

2017-11-18 Thread Hans N. Beck
Hi, my personal opinion to this topic is: I’m say thanks to everyone who is enganged in Pharo and better ways of thinking and writing software. That‘s first. Yes we are living in a time where words are analysed, interpreted and instrumenatlized for own purposes. People seems to look more to wha

Re: [Pharo-users] New Pharo article at The Cohort

2017-11-18 Thread Pavel Krivanek
Yes, people are emotional entities and good marketing should work with that, but it needs to be done carefully. I'll give you three examples: 1) Imagine you are an Apple user who bought a very expensive iPhone X one week ago, you spent next hundreds of dollars on applications you bought over last

Re: [Pharo-users] New Pharo article at The Cohort

2017-11-18 Thread Dimitris Chloupis
> > > First of all, you need to understand that this article, like nearly all of > my other articles, is about /marketing/. I've never made any bones about > this. > > If you know anything about marketing, you know that it involves > exaggeration > and hyperbole. It sometimes involves bending the t

Re: [Pharo-users] Teapot and Websockets

2017-11-18 Thread Hans
Hi, now I'm playing with a new type of TeaRoute>>TeaWebSocketRoute. It conrains the ZnWebSocketDelegate. And I also use the WS: message. I want to try to setup my Teapot fork to Github with IceBerg. Just an Experiment :) Cheers Hans -- Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users

Re: [Pharo-users] New Pharo article at The Cohort

2017-11-18 Thread horrido
"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about." Oscar Wilde Smalltalk was on the verge of being forgotten. Now, people talk about it. Some may be turned off, I have no doubt. Some are curious; some are intrigued, enough to actually try Pharo (Sm

Re: [Pharo-users] Which dbf does GADM need?

2017-11-18 Thread Andrew Glynn
The dropbox URL for the dbf for GADM is no longer there. I can upload the file to my Google drive and share it publicly, but there’s two dbf files, one a single layer and one a 6 layer file. Which does GADM actually use (yes, I’m being lazy). Andrew Glynn

Re: [Pharo-users] New Pharo article at The Cohort

2017-11-18 Thread Andrew Glynn
It is, according to various citations (CiteSeer) etc., being used to fight measles. Maybe not as flashy, but at least it’s true. Andrew Glynn From: Dimitris Chloupis Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2017 5:10 AM To: Any question about pharo is welcome Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] New Pharo article a

Re: [Pharo-users] New Pharo article at The Cohort

2017-11-18 Thread Andrew Glynn
I have written a few articles on Medium, largely about the state of the software industry as a whole, the way disruptive software disrupts its own industry. However most of the articles mention Smalltalk and Pharo in particular as having a good blend of being able to build-on what’s been done,

Re: [Pharo-users] New Pharo article at The Cohort

2017-11-18 Thread Andrew Glynn
Here’s a list of the articles @ https://medium.com/@dasein42/latest, in case any catch your eye: Latest Go to the profile of Andrew Glynn Andrew Glynn Nov 14 “Dynamics Trumps Semantics”: Why Java is Easy to Learn, but Difficult to be Good at. Read more… Go to the profile of Andrew Glynn Andre

Re: [Pharo-users] Timespan translateToUTC problematic

2017-11-18 Thread Alistair Grant
On 17 November 2017 at 14:44, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote: > Both interpretation are correct and valid, it is just hard to capture them > with one class. > > In normal human conversation and in the abstract, of course a date is just a > year/month/date triple. But that is because most people onl

Re: [Pharo-users] New Pharo article at The Cohort

2017-11-18 Thread Brad Selfridge
I’m starting to get really annoyed with all the naysayers within our own community that seem to pick apart every dot and tittle of any article this man produces. It seems as though people don’t really care whether the Smalltalk community grows or dies. I view pretty much any news as goods news a

Re: [Pharo-users] New Pharo article at The Cohort

2017-11-18 Thread horrido
Looks like we may have a taker! You're my Doctor Who regeneration. :-) I'm in earnest. If someone can take over the marketing duties, I'll be glad to step down. I just don't want to see Smalltalk slip back into obscurity. Remember what marketing is all about:attracting eyeballs; raising curiosity

Re: [Pharo-users] Timespan translateToUTC problematic

2017-11-18 Thread Sven Van Caekenberghe
> On 18 Nov 2017, at 17:46, Alistair Grant wrote: > > On 17 November 2017 at 14:44, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote: >> Both interpretation are correct and valid, it is just hard to capture them >> with one class. >> >> In normal human conversation and in the abstract, of course a date is just a

Re: [Pharo-users] New Pharo article at The Cohort

2017-11-18 Thread Sven Van Caekenberghe
> On 18 Nov 2017, at 18:19, horrido wrote: > > Can anyone show me one technical article in the past 20 years that has > garnered more than 10,000 pageviews? I've published eight such articles in > the past 3 years! Views or reads ? Popularity is not necessarily an indication of quality, but y

Re: [Pharo-users] New Pharo article at The Cohort

2017-11-18 Thread horrido
Yes, I've even cited your excellent "Elegant Pharo Code" article on several occasions. Okay, perhaps I'm wrong about the number of pageviews. Nevertheless, prior to my campaign, hardly anyone talked about Smalltalk. That was my essential point. By the way, I am gratified that at Medium, I have ne

Re: [Pharo-users] Which dbf does GADM need?

2017-11-18 Thread Hernán Morales Durand
Hi Andrew, The GADM Configuration should download and uncompress the CSV database file directly. It is downloaded from the Territorial GitHub repository (https://github.com/hernanmd/Territorial/raw/master/res) and can be installed with the following script: Metacello new smalltalkhubUser: 'he

Re: [Pharo-users] X11 options on Ubuntu VM / Athens renderingproblems

2017-11-18 Thread J.F. Rick
Interesting. Could be. The specific problem came up on an Intel NUC which uses Intel integrated graphics. Cheers, Jeff On Mon, Nov 6, 2017 at 5:24 PM Andrew Glynn wrote: > I don’t have any issues with Linux in full screen mode (Mint 18 KDE and > OEL7 UEK KDE) but it sounds like it may be an is

Re: [Pharo-users] Which dbf does GADM need?

2017-11-18 Thread Andrew Glynn
Thanks, for some reason the version I have is trying to pull it from http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/103833630/gadm28_dbf.zip Andrew Glynn From: Hernán Morales Durand Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2017 2:40 PM To: Any question about pharo is welcome Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Which dbf does GA

Re: [Pharo-users] X11 options on Ubuntu VM / Athens renderingproblems

2017-11-18 Thread Andrew Glynn
If you stored the settings without full screen mode checked, start up Pharo, then switch in into full screen mode, it should run at full performance if I’m right. I have an intel integrated card + an NVidia, it can work in either mode or in Optimus mode, where it only goes into NVidia if an app

[Pharo-users] Deploying using the minimal image of Pharo

2017-11-18 Thread gabriel sor
Hi, In in the past days, in the context of the Smalltalks 2017 conference, I talked about my attempt to deploy on production using the minimal image of Pharo . My goal was prepare an inmutable or stale

Re: [Pharo-users] How to deploy headless app without changes and source files?

2017-11-18 Thread despotadesdibujau
I applied the solution of Sven over a minimal image of Pharo and it works! I created a script to disable the calls to sources and changes and then I deleted those. The complete tutorial for use the minimal image is here

Re: [Pharo-users] New Pharo article at The Cohort

2017-11-18 Thread Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
Hi, Richard I think that there is possibility to create a more constructive conversation while promoting Pharo. Ben Coman has give his balanced view pairing constructive criticism with advice, Sven and Andrew have given some post examples, written by them, that help to give better coverage to Smal

Re: [Pharo-users] How to deploy headless app without changes and source files?

2017-11-18 Thread Holger Freyther
> On 7. Jun 2017, at 17:11, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote: Hi, > > Note: it might be possible that some code fails due to missing method > sources, YMMV. does the exception handling code need the sources files? Anecdotical I had some issues (exception handling causing exception handling tak

Re: [Pharo-users] New Pharo article at The Cohort

2017-11-18 Thread horrido
> Apple certainly does not do what you. Really??? I don't know what kind of ads Apple runs in Europe, but in North America, it's very obvious when Apple exaggerates or bends the truth. Remember those popular "I'm a PC, I'm a Mac" ads from a few years ago? They had all kinds of exaggerations and ha