Looks like we may have a taker! You're my Doctor Who regeneration. :-)

I'm in earnest. If someone can take over the marketing duties, I'll be glad
to step down. I just don't want to see Smalltalk slip back into obscurity.

Remember what marketing is all about:attracting eyeballs; raising curiosity;
precipitating discussion; appealling to emotionality.

Marketing is not about pumping out technical articles. We've seen plenty of
those over the years and they've done squat to promote Smalltalk.

Can anyone show me one technical article in the past 20 years that has
garnered more than 10,000 pageviews? I've published eight such articles in
the past 3 years!

I want someone to continue doing this. Publish articles on a regular basis
that draw attention to Pharo and Smalltalk. Inspire interest. Get them
excited. Make Pharo the next iPhone!

aglynn42 wrote
> Here’s a list of the articles @ https://medium.com/@dasein42/latest, in
> case any catch your eye:
> Latest
> Go to the profile of Andrew Glynn
> Andrew Glynn
> Nov 14
> “Dynamics Trumps Semantics”: Why Java is Easy to Learn, but Difficult to
> be Good at.
> Read more…
> Go to the profile of Andrew Glynn
> Andrew Glynn
> Nov 8
> IoT Initiative — “little brother”
> The core notion behind “little brother” is to overcome the inevitable lag
> between the increase in…
> Read more…
> Go to the profile of Andrew Glynn
> Andrew Glynn
> Nov 7
> Software Developer Tooling: Then and Now
> While my criticisms of current tooling for development are often met with
> an attitude of…
> Read more…
> 6
> Go to the profile of Andrew Glynn
> Andrew Glynn
> Nov 5
> The Inverted Ambiguity of the Post-Modern Public, or Not
> Read more…
> Go to the profile of Andrew Glynn
> Andrew Glynn
> Nov 5
> Someone Was Asking About Devops …
> Someone I know was asking me about devops the other day, particularly the
> number and variety of…
> Read more…
> 5
> Go to the profile of Andrew Glynn
> Andrew Glynn
> Nov 5
> Reality and the ‘Simple’ True, or the True-in-Itself, or the Truth
> Read more…
> Go to the profile of Andrew Glynn
> Andrew Glynn
> Nov 5
> What is Intended by the term “Object-Oriented”?
> Read more…
> 1
> 1 response
> Go to the profile of Andrew Glynn
> Andrew Glynn
> Nov 4
> Pharo Smalltalk as a DSL Without a DSL
> If anyone has written a DSL in Eclipse, for example, simply the base
> projects Eclipse…
> Read more…
> 22
> Go to the profile of Andrew Glynn
> Andrew Glynn
> Nov 4
> Tooling: Design of Meta and Underlying Rationale
> Read more…
> Go to the profile of Andrew Glynn
> Andrew Glynn
> Nov 2
> How the Results of Disruption Changes the Discussion Between Aficionados
> of Specific Languages and Environments
> Read more…
> Go to the profile of Andrew Glynn
> Andrew Glynn
> Nov 2
> Disrupted Software the Disrupted Software Industry Uses to Build
> Disruptive Software
> Read more…
> Go to the profile of Andrew Glynn
> Andrew Glynn
> Nov 2
> Software is Virtual; the Virtual is Disruptive; Software Disrupts the
> Development of Software
> Read more…
> Go to the profile of Andrew Glynn
> Andrew Glynn
> Nov 2
> Three Comments from a Conversation on a Mailing List
> Read more…
> 10
> Go to the profile of Andrew Glynn
> Andrew Glynn
> Oct 28
> Reasons … and Reasons , How the Software Industry Turns its Issues into
> Subscriptions
> Read more…
> 12
> Go to the profile of Andrew Glynn
> Andrew Glynn
> Oct 19
> A Commentary On Three Quotes From “Working on the Go Team at Google”
> (https://medium.com/@ljrudberg/working-on-the-go-team-at-google-917b2c8d35ff)
> “First, a little bit about myself: I am 23 years old, less than two years
> out of my undergrad degree at UW…
> Read more…
> 1 response
> Go to the profile of Andrew Glynn
> Andrew Glynn
> Oct 11
> Building-With Versus Building-On:
> Improving Software Development Incrementally
> Three articles and a doctoral thesis that I came across or had pointed out
> to me recently deal with the state of the software industry from different
> angles. However different they are, they do relate, and by putting them…
> From: Dimitris Chloupis
> Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2017 5:10 AM
> To: Any question about pharo is welcome
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] New Pharo article at The Cohort
> First of all, you need to understand that this article, like nearly all of
> my other articles, is about /marketing/. I've never made any bones about
> this.
> If you know anything about marketing, you know that it involves
> exaggeration
> and hyperbole. It sometimes involves bending the truth. The point of
> marketing is to persuade on an emotional level, not a logical one.
> This is exactly what companies like Apple and Microsoft do. If you think
> Apple ads tell the absolute truth, then you are terribly naive.
> So, is Pharo being used to fight Ebola? Not exactly, but who cares? I'm
> trying to change people's perception. I'm trying to *move* them. If I have
> to exaggerate, I will do so.
> Actually there is a guy that I know that he actually cares
> very much
> he is called 
> "Mr Law"
> When a marketing , bends the truth and especially when it lies under UK,
> Greek  and European Law is called "fraud" and it punishable under
> crimininal (jail time) and civil (compensation for damaged cause by
> fraudalent marketing) law. The penalties can be extemely severe if the
> fraud caused a substantial amount of damage in some way.
> Under those legal systems I have studied (I am a lawyer) the only case
> that someone is allowed to lie is when he defiends himself. If you ever
> wondered how its possible lawyers to lie , now you know. Lying and bending
> the truth in this case is a legal principe set since ancient times by law
> to provide extra pressure to prove the a party is guilty. Its called
> "proof beyond reasonable doubt" and is  a very important legal principle. 
> Outside that, say I submited a document as a defense lawyer that is edited
> or changed in some way , its fraud and especially fraud against the court
> is even more punished. If a witeness , exaggerates , bends the truth and
> especially if he or she lies, its fraud and the court can send him straigh
> to jail with his lawyer.
> Apple certainly does not do what you.
> Actually Apple goes to great lenghts proving its claims , usually when
> Apple says "iPhone has a battery of 10 hours" you will see an asterisk
> that will point you to small letters in the bottom of the page that says
> exactly under which conditions 10 hours can be achieved. 
> On the other hand its use of words like "magical" is not of objective
> value and by no means can misled or tell a lie because well, magic does
> not exist. The law assumes the a person has at least average intelligence
> and knowledge (exceptions of course people with mental disablities).  Most
> of the words that Apple uses in the ads that could be considered lies or
> bend truth are purely subjective terms. 
> https://www.apple.com/iphone/
> "Your face is now your password. Face ID is a secure and private new way
> to unlock, authenticate, and pay."
> Say some experts come forward and prove that Apple's technology is not
> safe and especially if they prove that Apple knew it was not safe when it
> launched it, Apple is liable under law for fraud. 
> There is of course a lot of illegal marketing out there, fraud after all
> is according to my experience the most common offenses that I have came
> accross in my 10 years carrier as a lawyer , but I can assure you just it
> may happen quite often does not make it any less illegal. You going to be
> shocked how many illegal things happens on the internet and the law's
> complexity and sophistication in providing protection against those
> things.
> Of course I am not saying that someone is going to bother sue you
> tommorow, as its highly unlikely that someone will take your posts
> seriously as they are dominated by exaggerations and I have told you so
> many times in the past. But that does not mean he cannot. 
> Maybe USA law is more relaxed, because it not the most respected legal
> system, as USA has a notorious bad record with human right and consumer
> protection. But none the less I can promise you in Europe, what you do is
> not legal and there are special legislation to protect consumers for these
> scenarios.

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