Hi, my personal opinion to this topic is: I’m say thanks to everyone who is enganged in Pharo and better ways of thinking and writing software. That‘s first. Yes we are living in a time where words are analysed, interpreted and instrumenatlized for own purposes. People seems to look more to what they can take out from a wording for their own purpose than trying to understand what the author wanted to say. The other thing is, not everyone is a educated writer from the beginning. So helping together to „spread the word“ in a manner which has the best chances to be understand right, help together to become better writer and communicater is my suggestion. Statements like „stop writing“ does‘nt help, I think.
Having said this and related to the basic Statements below, I agree much with Ben. Cheers Hans Gesendet von Mail für Windows 10 Von: Ben Coman Gesendet: Samstag, 18. November 2017 07:13 An: Any question about pharo is welcome Betreff: Re: [Pharo-users] New Pharo article at The Cohort I'm not going to ask you to stop writing. I think its difficult to get the balance right, and I think you are improving every time. But there are some points to consider... On 18 November 2017 at 11:55, horrido <horrido.hobb...@gmail.com> wrote: I appreciate all the feedback, even the negative comments. Let me address some of them... First of all, you need to understand that this article, like nearly all of my other articles, is about /marketing/. I've never made any bones about this. If you know anything about marketing, you know that it involves exaggeration and hyperbole. It sometimes involves bending the truth. The point of marketing is to persuade on an emotional level, not a logical one. This is exactly what companies like Apple and Microsoft do. If you think Apple ads tell the absolute truth, then you are terribly naive. That is Apple and Microsoft talking about *themselves* to the present the image *they* want. But you discuss the work of other people, which impacts their self-image, and it behooves you to consider that impact on them. So, is Pharo being used to fight Ebola? Not exactly, but who cares? I'm trying to change people's perception. I'm trying to *move* them. If I have to exaggerate, I will do so. Case in point. Has everybody heard of Smalltalk? Of course not. And it doesn't matter. I'm taking /literary licence/. As a writer and a marketer, I am allowed to do this. It could be easy for your audience to mistake that you represent Pharo. So the people whose work you write about can feel impacted by any exaggeration you use. A strategy could be to distinguish yourself as an enthusiastic user rather than a core developer, which would likely improve the authenticity for both parties. Consider that in a world where we a constantly marketed to, the sensitivity of your audience to Signals & Noise in your message... http://www.catb.org/esr/writings/cathedral-bazaar/homesteading/ar01s11.html Second, the article hasn't been published yet that pleases everybody. I accept that some people may not like what I've written, and that's perfectly fine. What's not perfectly fine is if the majority of readers are turned off by my article. I do not believe this is the case. I have published literally hundreds of Smalltalk articles over the past three years, most of them on Medium, and I've tracked responses and viewership. As far as I can tell, these articles have been generally well-received. I have something of a fan base! Something else that I've been told: marketing to programmers will not work because they are too smart for that. What a load of bullcrap! Programmers are human beings, and all human beings are susceptible to marketing. My Smalltalk campaign over the past three years have proven that it works. So why should I stop? Third,... > You will not convince people to use Pharo by spitting on everything else. What am I spitting on? I claim that the way everybody has been doing programming, ie, with file-based languages, has not been ideal for productivity. That's not insulting. That's just the truth. Isn't that why we use Pharo (Smalltalk)? For productivity reasons? General statements about functionality are not so problematic. Its more when being specific about "Pharo is better than languages X and Y" which may create a barrier to for people that love X or Y from listening to your message. HTH cheers -ben --- Diese E-Mail wurde von AVG auf Viren geprüft. http://www.avg.com