And in Windows land, "long" is 32 bits even for 64 bit apps...
Even after you're done with the VM part, someone will have to go audit
all the external interfaces and make sure they really follow the manual.
On 4/1/14 21:24 , wrote:
How would that work?
Would this be a 32 bi
Hi Nacho,
On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 6:35 AM, nacho <> wrote:
> Would you consider this good code?
> Would you change something? or re-arrange the code?
Some random comments:
- your class models 2 roles: a quadratric equation and an algorithm to find
roots. And there are instan
On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 4:20 AM, peter yoo wrote:
impressive. Thanks
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without losing
Winston Chur
Now I do have a ton of new symbols in autocompletion but no class has been
2.0 image...
Le 2 avr. 2014 08:18, "Hernán Morales Durand" a
écrit :
> RBClassRegexRefactoring new
> renameClasses;
> replace: '^XX(.*)$' with: 'ZZ$1' ignoreCase: false;
> execute.
> cheers,
> Hernán
pdf version? but i dant hava LaTeX file. and may original version use
LaTeX. but im using xetex.
(because LaTeX ko-fint process so ugly in linux. but xetex is ok. same
wiki to pdf file can make. but ok? wiki-pdf look no beautiful.
Hi !
First, I apologyse for the wall of text.
I'm trying my hands at Spec and I have few questions:
- How can I implement an instance-dependent layout ?
Regarding the layout method lookup, the documentation states that it
"starts on instance side, which allows a UI to have a more specific la
In Pharo 2.0, we could enforce the image not to look for sources and
changes file at the startup with:
checkChangesFileAvailability: false;
checkSourcesFileAvailability: false.
I could not found these selectors anymore in my Pharo 3.0 image.
Clement mentioned
On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 11:59 AM, peter yoo wrote:
> wiki to pdf file can make. but ok? wiki-pdf look no beautiful.
maybe just tell us when you want us to put the url on our website and
I will do it. You can email me privately to be sure.
Thanks again, nice contribution
Damien Cassou
On the first part I have to make a class named BlankCell which is a
subclass of TestCase.
So far no problem.
But when you are on the MirrorCell part BlankCell must be a subclass of
But then the tests will fail because should: cannot be found.
The manual says nothing about that
On 2 avr. 2014, at 13:21, Roelof Wobben wrote:
> Hello,
> On the first part I have to make a class named BlankCell which is a subclass
> of TestCase.
> So far no problem.
> But when you are on the MirrorCell part BlankCell must be a subclass of Cell.
> But then the tests will fail because s
2014-04-02 13:21 GMT+02:00 Roelof Wobben :
> Hello,
> On the first part I have to make a class named BlankCell which is a
> subclass of TestCase.
> So far no problem.
No, firstly, all cells are just subclasses of Object (
And in step http:
You probably misunderstood the task.
On the first part I have to make a class named BlankCell which is a
> subclass of TestCase.
You had to create the class *BlankCellTestCase* (not BlankCell) which is a
subclass of *TestCase*.
BlankCell and BlankCellTestCase are two different classes.
Camille Teruel schreef op 2-4-2014
On 2 avr. 2014, at 13:21, Roelof Wobben
On the first part I have to make a class named BlankCell which
is a su
Mark Rizun schreef op 2-4-2014 13:51:
You probably misunderstood the task.
the first part I have to make a class named BlankCell
which is a su
> And only on this method the test fail on should:
> testCellOnState
> | cell |
> cell := BlankCell new.
> cell should: [ cell isOff ].
> cell shouldnt: [ cell isOn ].
Yes it does, inasmuch on the bottom of this page (
Mark Rizun schreef op 2-4-2014 14:22:
And only on this
method the test fail on should:
| cell |
cell := BlankCell
Thanks a lot for your comments and the time taken to review the code.
It makes a lot of sense what you said, and it's a great aid in learning to
not only solve a given problem but also to do it with style and in a better
Smalltalk way.
I will refactor this to reflect your suggestions.
I re
On 02 Apr 2014, at 12:10, Thomas Bany wrote:
> Hi !
> First, I apologyse for the wall of text.
> I'm trying my hands at Spec and I have few questions:
> How can I implement an instance-dependent layout ?
The usual solution is to have a method looking like this on instance side
Does this test fails to assert something or it throws you some error?
2014-04-02 15:27 GMT+03:00 Roelof Wobben :
> Mark Rizun schreef op 2-4-2014 14:22:
> And only on this method the test fail on should:
>> testCellOnState
>> | cell |
>> cell := BlankCell new.
>> cell s
Mark Rizun schreef op 2-4-2014 14:58:
Does this test fails to assert something or it throws you some error?
Like I said earlier it fails with this message:
MessageNotUnderstood: BlankCell >> should.
Which I find wierd because I use should: also on the other test methods
off BlankCell and n
Could you give me the code of test that fails?
2014-04-02 16:05 GMT+03:00 Roelof Wobben :
> Mark Rizun schreef op 2-4-2014 14:58:
> Does this test fails to assert something or it throws you some error?
> Like I said earlier it fails with this message:
> MessageNotUnderstood: BlankCell
Mark Rizun schreef op 2-4-2014 15:07:
Could you give me the code of test that fails?
I can but I did already.
The code is :
| cell |
cell := BlankCell new.
cell should: [ cell isOff ].
cell shouldnt: [ cell isOn ].
And this is a code which succeeced
The mistake is simple. You have to write as follows (just replace cell for
self in two lines before should and shouldnt):
| cell |
cell := BlankCell new.
self should: [ cell isOff ].
self shouldnt: [ cell isOn ].
2014-04-02 16:12 GMT+03:00 Roelof Wobben
Well here is again, the refactored version.
"The idea is to have a class to calculate quadratic equations.
This second draft still only calculates real roots (leaving aside imaginary
But thanks to Damien Cassou I think it has a better style.
A QuadraticEquation is a class used to solve Qu
i have to make a UI where users can sort items (sentences) into different
collections by dragging and dropping them between list views. Is this
possible with the widgets currently available in Pharo?
View this message in context:
Mark Rizun schreef op 2-4-2014 15:16:
The mistake is simple. You have to write as follows
(just replace cell for self in two lines before should and
| cell |
Hi Martin,
yes, most list-like widgets can drag and drop. Feedback when inserting
items in lists could be improved, however (i.e. you can drop on a list
item, but I've never seen the feedback for dropping between list items).
Le 02/04/2014 16:09, MartinW a écrit :
i have to make
That is really wierd:)
2014-04-02 17:17 GMT+03:00 Roelof Wobben :
> Mark Rizun schreef op 2-4-2014 15:16:
> The mistake is simple. You have to write as follows (just replace cell for
> self in two lines before should and shouldnt):
> testCellOnState
> | cell |
> cell := BlankCe
On 2 avr. 2014, at 16:27, Mark Rizun wrote:
> That is really wierd:)
> 2014-04-02 17:17 GMT+03:00 Roelof Wobben :
> Mark Rizun schreef op 2-4-2014 15:16:
>> The mistake is simple. You have to write as follows (just replace cell for
>> self in two lines before should and shouldnt):
Hi Nacho,
I wouldn't throw an error because otherwise one must know beforehand that an
equation is non-resolvable or must use #on:do: everywhere.
Since that when you ask to resolve an equation you get back a collection of
solutions, a non-resolvable equation could just return an empty collection
If I understood everything well on page 26 my Cell initialize must look
like this:
super initialize.
self initializeActiveSegments.
self initializeExitSides.
self leanleft.
The Blankcell initialize must look like this :
super initialize.
self initi
2014-04-02 16:40 GMT+02:00 Roelof Wobben :
> If I understood everything well on page 26 my Cell initialize must look
> like this:
> initialize
> super initialize.
> self initializeActiveSegments.
> self initializeExitSides.
> self leanleft.
> The Blankcell initialize must look
I tried the following, but i do not know what to do in the acceptDropBlock.
It seems the receiver in the block is only an item in a list, but how do i
get the receiving list/collection?
What i want to achieve is that a user can drag the '1' from list1 to list2
and the resulting collections will the
Nicolai Hess schreef op 2-4-2014 17:05:
2014-04-02 16:40 GMT+02:00 Roelof
Wobben :
If I understood everything well on page 26 my Cell
initialize must look like this:
Ok, look at that code:
| collection1 collection2 list1 list2 |
collection1 := #(1 2 3 4 5) asOrderedCollection.
collection2 := #($a $b $c $d $e) asOrderedCollection.
list1 := ListModel new.
list1 items: collection1.
list1 dragEnabled: true.
Thank you. This is a step forward. The thing is i can't hardcode the
collections. In the end product i don't have two but seven lists, so i must
be able to detect in the acceptDropBlock which is the receiving
Goubier Thierry wrote
> Ok, look at that code:
> | collection1
Roelof Wobben wrote:
If I understood everything well on page 26 my initialize methods must
look like this:
Cell >> initialize
super initialize.
self initializeActiveSegments.
self initializeExitSides.
self leanleft.
BlankCell >> initialize
super initialize.
self initial
Le 02/04/2014 17:40, MartinW a écrit :
Thank you. This is a step forward. The thing is i can't hardcode the
collections. In the end product i don't have two but seven lists, so i must
be able to detect in the acceptDropBlock which is the receiving
I'll try to redo a halt in t
Le 02/04/2014 17:40, MartinW a écrit :
Thank you. This is a step forward. The thing is i can't hardcode the
collections. In the end product i don't have two but seven lists, so i must
be able to detect in the acceptDropBlock which is the receiving
Ok, the :source is your frie
Hi Nacho,
I wouldn't throw an error because otherwise one must know beforehand that an
equation is non-resolvable or must use #on:do: everywhere.
Since that when you ask to resolve an equation you get back a collection of
solutions, a non-resolvable equation could just return an empty collection,
As solving an equation is basically giving the set of its solutions, I
prefer to use a set to solve the equation.Instead of the OrederedCollection
of course. It simplifies the algorithm if the discriminant is 0, because
adding two times the same root yields a set with only one element, not the
On 2 avr. 2014, at 18:45, nacho <> wrote:
> Hi Nacho,
> I wouldn't throw an error because otherwise one must know beforehand that an
> equation is non-resolvable or must use #on:do: everywhere.
> Since that when you ask to resolve an equation you get back a collection of
Very good idea. A Set it's much better than an OrderedCollection. Already
changed that. Now when the solution is in both cases 0, it returns only (0)
and not (0 0). And also intuitively I agree with you that the solutions of
an equation are a set.
Smalltalker ap
I now understood what you've said. It makes sense and I've changed it that
way. The only thing I'm not happy with is that implementing:
^ self calculateRootsIfNone: [ self error: 'No real solution for the
equation' ]
Makes the debugger appear an
Yes, and if there are no solution, you get an empty set instead of an error
message. I find it more coherent, and simpler to use.
On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 9:48 PM, nacho <> wrote:
> Alain,
> Very good idea. A Set it's much better than an OrderedCollection. Already
> changed that
First of all thank you for taking the time to explain all this to me! I
already learned a lot about working with the spec widgets..
I still have a problem. The first version with the hardcoded collections did
obviously change the original collections (that's the desired behaviour).
Goubier Thierr
nacho wrote:
I now understood what you've said. It makes sense and I've changed it that
way. The only thing I'm not happy with is that implementing:
^ self calculateRootsIfNone: [ self error: 'No real solution for the
equation' ]
Makes the deb
2014-04-02 5:05 GMT-03:00 :
> Now I do have a ton of new symbols in autocompletion but no class has been
> renamed.
> 2.0 image...
Works for me here in a clean 2.0 image.
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