Mark Rizun schreef op 2-4-2014 15:07:
Could you give me the code of test that fails?

I can but I did already.

The code is :

      | cell |
      cell := BlankCell new.
      cell should: [ cell isOff ].
      cell shouldnt:  [ cell isOn ].

And this is a code which succeeced:

     | cell exit |
    cell := BlankCell new.
    exit := cell exitSideFor: #north.
    self should: [ exit = #south ].
    exit := cell exitSideFor: #east.
    self should: [ exit = #west ].
    exit := cell exitSideFor: #south.
    self should: [ exit = #north ].
    exit := cell exitSideFor: #west.
    self should: [ exit = #east ].


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