Come to think of it, what has happened to Claus Gittinger’s Smalltalk/X
(https://www.exept.de/smalltalk-x.html). My German is feeble so I cannot
understand most of it. But googling it brought me to Smalltalk/X jv-branch
(https://swing.fit.cvut.cz/projects/stx-jv). That looks both interesting
I think SqueakJS would be a good addition for the Open Source resources:
https://squeak.js.org (Javascript based VM for running both headful and
headless images both in the browser or (headless) in nodejs).
And maybe Caffeine should get a mention in that same area (it uses
horrido wrote
>> Another thing to consider is a section (or page) for Smalltalk demos
>> (postings that demonstrate Smalltalk strengths and attractive aspects);
>> you
>> already have one, "Seven minutes of Pharo for Rubyists". There are many
>> more...
> Perhaps you can provide a few more exam
Thanks for curating a list of useful resources. Personally, I like the book
"The Design Patterns Smalltalk Companion" very much. Maybe it fits your list
Best, Steffen
Richard Kenneth Eng schrieb am Tue Jan 28 2020 23:24:16 GMT+0100
(Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit):
I've added a Resou
Hi Richard
For Dolphin Smalltalk there are youtube videos by Andy Bower (co-creator of
Dolphin) showing Dolphin Successfully running in MacOS under Wineskin
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9HhHFJn5gg). It should almost certainly run
under Wine as well.
So maybe you mighlt like to add that it
On Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 11:35 PM Benoit St-Jean via Pharo-users <
pharo-users@lists.pharo.org> wrote:
> I don't know if it's still the case but "trial version" for VAST, in the
> past, only meant that you could use the product forever but you didn't
> have the possibility to create an executable i
On Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 10:26 PM Richard Sargent <
richard.sarg...@gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
> Thanks.
> On Tue, Jan 28, 2020, 17:21 horrido wrote:
>> Done. I didn't realize there was a free license for GemStone/S.
>> Too bad VA Smalltalk doesn't offer a free license.
> I believe the
If someone can confirm that this is still true, I'll update the Resources
Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list wrote
> I don't know if it's still the case but "trial version" for VAST, in the
> past, only meant that you could use the product forever but you didn't
> have the possibility to
--- Begin Message ---
I don't know if it's still the case but "trial version" for VAST, in the
past, only meant that you could use the product forever but you didn't
have the possibility to create an executable iirc.
On 2020-01-28 20:37, horrido wrote:
I never consider a trial version as a fre
I never consider a trial version as a free product. As far as I'm considered,
it's only free (or Community Edition) if I can use it indefinitely.
Dale Henrichs-3 wrote
> I think the free license is contingent upon having contributed to an
> open source project. Also there appears to be free tri
I think the free license is contingent upon having contributed to an
open source project. Also there appears to be free trial version[1].
[1] https://www.instantiations.com/products/vasmalltalk/download.html
On 1/28/20 5:25 PM, Richard Sargent wrote:
On Tue, Jan 28, 2020, 17:21
On Tue, Jan 28, 2020, 17:21 horrido wrote:
> Done. I didn't realize there was a free license for GemStone/S.
> Too bad VA Smalltalk doesn't offer a free license.
I believe they do.
> Richard Sargent (again) wrote
> > Thank you, Richard.
> >
> > Would you be kind enough to ann
Done. I didn't realize there was a free license for GemStone/S.
Too bad VA Smalltalk doesn't offer a free license.
Richard Sargent (again) wrote
> Thank you, Richard.
> Would you be kind enough to annotate the GemStone link to point out that
> we have a free license that permits commercial u
tbrunz wrote
> Very good, Richard -- this is helpful, and is a great page to refer people
> to.
> The image(?) under "Miscellaneous" is broken (at least in my browser; the
> other links all work.)
Fixed. Thanks.
> You might consider adding a link to "A Terse Guide to Pharo",
> https://gist.g
Thank you, Richard.
Would you be kind enough to annotate the GemStone link to point out that we
have a free license that permits commercial use, not only personal use.
Thanks again for all your hard work!
On January 28, 2020 2:24:16 PM PST, Richard Kenneth Eng
>I've added a Resources
Very good, Richard -- this is helpful, and is a great page to refer people
The image(?) under "Miscellaneous" is broken (at least in my browser; the
other links all work.)
You might consider adding a link to "A Terse Guide to Pharo",
I've added a Resources page to my new blog:
It is very much a *curated *list. I felt this was needed because when I
visit other Smalltalk resources pages, I get overwhelmed by the number of
links and options. It is possible to have *too many* choices.
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