Thanks for curating a list of useful resources. Personally, I like the book "The Design Patterns Smalltalk Companion" very much. Maybe it fits your list too.
Best, Steffen Richard Kenneth Eng schrieb am Tue Jan 28 2020 23:24:16 GMT+0100 (Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit): I've added a Resources page to my new blog: It is very much a curated list. I felt this was needed because when I visit other Smalltalk resources pages, I get overwhelmed by the number of links and options. It is possible to have too many choices. Moreover, many of those links are either broken, or they point to obscure materials that people may not be interested in. As curator, it is my job to present those links that I believe will be useful. Of course, this is necessarily very subjective. Also, it is likely that I've overlooked some links that others feel are useful. However, I am open-minded. If there are Smalltalk links that you believe I should consider, please let me know.