tbrunz wrote
> Very good, Richard -- this is helpful, and is a great page to refer people
> to.
> The image(?) under "Miscellaneous" is broken (at least in my browser; the
> other links all work.)

Fixed. Thanks.

> You might consider adding a link to "A Terse Guide to Pharo", 
> https://gist.github.com/jdevoo/8e8866cd6087e05790841d0f20b2e377

Learn Smalltalk in Y Minutes <https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/smalltalk/>  
has nearly identical contents and I cited it in the Smalltalk Resources

> Another thing to consider is a section (or page) for Smalltalk demos
> (postings that demonstrate Smalltalk strengths and attractive aspects);
> you
> already have one, "Seven minutes of Pharo for Rubyists".  There are many
> more...

Perhaps you can provide a few more examples? Thanks.

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