this website by Friday, 11
October 2024: <>
We are still looking for presentations: if you have something
interesting to show, please mention it in the registration.
until Friday, 19 April 2024 on
this website: <>
We are still looking for presentations: if you have something
interesting to show, please contact us or mention it in the registration.
register until Friday, 3 November 2023 on
this website: <>
Due to personal circumstances, testing has been delayed. sorry.
The environment is the same as before.
1. in SDL2 testime(SDL2 sample program). can see Korean input. (fcitx-sdl)
2. you can see SDL_IM_MODULE="fcitx" in the environment variable.
AAA@BBB:~$ export | grep fcitx
declare -x GTK_IM_MODU
of course... ~pharo-vm/lib/libSDL2.* libraries relink to system library.
2023년 5월 19일 (금) 오전 7:34, Tomohiro Oda 님이 작성:
> Peter,
> Please try setting the env vars SDL_IM_MODULE=fcitx.
> I haven't tried korean inputs, but I used a japanese input on
> linux/pharo with
my SDL2 is ok now.. can test already.
2023년 5월 19일 (금) 오전 7:34, Tomohiro Oda 님이 작성:
> Peter,
> Please try setting the env vars SDL_IM_MODULE=fcitx.
> I haven't tried korean inputs, but I used a japanese input on
> linux/pharo with a trick. (cf
what other parts should I check?
2023년 5월 19일 (금) 오후 4:12, stephane ducasse 님이 작성:
> Thanks Tomohiro.
> S
> > On 19 May 2023, at 00:33, Tomohiro Oda
> wrote:
> >
> > Peter,
> >
> > Please try setting the env vars SDL_IM_MODULE=fcitx.
> > I hav
ombination, and I'm using pharo-launcher.
Maybe the community can give me a hint?
-- |
peter yoo(Jonghwa Yoo). ROK
know until Sunday, May 7, I will
send you the details including the precise location. Also, if you would
like to present something, please let me know as well. There will be
enough time for some more talks.
Ursprung Software
Loren-Allee 18 • 8610 Uster
Telefon 044 450 72 72 • i
brasserie nearby.
If you are interested, please let me know until Sunday, November 6, I
will send you the details including the precise location.
Ursprung Software
Loren-Allee 18 • 8610 Uster
Telefon 044 450 72 72 •
Glad to have helped, but it was really Sven who diagnosed why the file was
messed up.
From: David Pennington
Sent: 11 February 2021 19:38
To: Any question about pharo is welcome
Subject: [Pharo-users] Re: Problem with Dictionary and Associations
Hi there Peter
ose key is the dictionary and
whose value is nil.
I can't see where it goes from there, but I think you need to look more closely
at the preceding line, FAOEntry>>getEntryObjectFrom:, and see what exactly it
does with the junk in your .dat file.
Peter Kenny
-Original Mes
Thanks Markus, I will check there and post an bug report.
Sent from:
Hi. I'm a Smalltalk newcomer, slowly exploring Pharo to understand its
potential and in the process I've found and fixed what seems to be a bug in
Metacello (although it could be more widespread). So what now, how to best
report the bug and my fix?
To reproduce the bug, in Pharo 8 or 9, simply cho
I see no problem with having *a* code of conduct, but there are some worrying
aspects of *this* code. Clearly there is a need for generality in any code,
but the vagueness of the drafting seems to me to open it up to all sorts of
mischief. Consider the paragraph:" *Project maintainers have the righ
t is exactly
the same. It will be the same as long as the original collection has no
duplicates. Somehow the effect is to ignore the asSet. It just smells wrong.
Peter Kenny
Kasper Osterbye wrote
> The first version:
> (#(1 2 3) asSet collect: #odd)
> do: [ :each | Transcript sho
--- Begin Message ---
C stack backtrace & registers:
rax 0x00fc67e4 rbx 0x7ffca58b6430 rcx 0x021b3de0 rdx 0x02186a68
rdi 0x7ffca58b64e0 rsi 0x7ffca58b64e0 rbp 0x7ffca587e6a0 rsp 0x7ffca587e610
r8 0x7ffca587e6b0 r9 0x0075 r10 0x000e r11 0x000131b8
r12 0x02991ed9 r13 0x0
--- Begin Message ---
Inspiron-1545 5.0.0-23-generic #24~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jul 29
16:12:28 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
=== GToolkit Installer ==
> when actually it is only called once (by your application) to register
> the block-to-be-called when the-selection-is-changed.
> You don't seem to have done any such registration.
> cheers -ben
Essentially ben is right. The method WidgetClassList >> when
SelectedItemChanged: should just relay the message to the component
ListPresenter, in the instvar list, which will carry out the registration as
he describes. The problem is that this method seems to have been replaced by
a debugging method, which simply displays a progress message on the
Transcript. I think all you need is to enter the correct code for this
method as shown in the 'Spec UI Framework' booklet:
WidgetClassList >> whenSelectedItemChanged: aBlock
list whenSelectedItemChanged: aBlock
This is at least worth a try. You will be sticking to the code as shown in
the booklet.
Peter Kenny
Sent from:
ntains a
log of probably 90% of playgrounds you executed.
There are still some conditions under which you can lose code even with
play-cache (e.g. ctrl+z sometimes)... so good to keep that in mind.
On Wed, Jun 19, 2019 at 3:20 PM Hilaire wrote:
> Beside that, auto-save is a nice feature,
Sven - Thanks for mentioning this - it's fascinating to see how it works.
Even though it's only (!) 900+ selectors, it must have been a nightmare to
construct - the layout of the source code suggests there was a lot of manual
effort. Peter
Sven Van Caekenberghe-2 wrote
> Note
components of a example are
separated by a period. This should read 'period plus space'; I put in #(1 2
3 4).0.4 as an example and it said no such method. Granted the example
quoted in the instructions has spaces, but a lazy so-and-so like me can be
guaranteed to foul it up.
Ben Coman
ce, you end up with a
negative index. This works equally well (I checked!), but it is not obvious
that it must, because it is not obvious that \\
has to be positive - I have encountered systems with a
different convention.
Peter Kenny
Tim Mackinnon wrote
> Peter - nice spot. I’m gla
e. the zeroth:
#(1 2 3 4) atWrap: 0 => 4
To get the item after the last:
#(1 2 3 4) atWrap: 5 => 1
As seen here, the method is inherited by Array, so it should do all you
Marcus Denker-4 wrote
>> On 29 Mar 2019, at 14:24, Ben Coman <
> btc@
> > wrote:
Collection, meaning it
uses #atIndex: rather than following the links. Even so I don't see why it
loops; surely going outside the range of the index should be a known error
condition. Anyway, between us we may have discovered a bug in LinkedList. Do
you feel stirred up enough to raise it as an issu
se it regards links as separate from the linked objects, it got too
complicated. But it could give a starting point if you have lots of such
Peter Kenny
Tim Mackinnon wrote
> Hey thanks guys - while it certainly makes sense when you think about it,
> I was kind of hoping we had som
step with wrapping is exactly
equivalent to moving forward (size - 1) steps - because of wrapping, a move
of size steps is null.
Finally, substitute move = size - 1.
^list at: (index + size - 2 \\ size + 1.
This can of course easily generalize to backward moves of any size.
Peter Kenny
hm... maybe not for font. because.
"Pharo 7.0.2
Build information:
Pharo-7.0.2+build.154.sha.9f17218676db0c1a0dd5d1b03226e660dbd674b6 (64 Bit)"
this version not have any problem for spotter.
ok.. change pharo version. thanks to you :D
thanks to Esteban. so simple :D
hello pharo guys. before using pharo 6.1 then "software update" in popup
menu. but want find then cant look in Pharo 7.
remove this utility in pharo 7?
-- |
peter yoo(Jonghwa Yoo). ROK
ok. today me tested again. maybe my XIM env is bad before. is ok now.
thanks to all.
all fcitx package remove and re-install. and ok...
감사합니다. for pharo users. :D
maybe my linux env is fail now. because xterm cannot use korean input. more
check after report this thread. thanks for all. :D
hello~.. im using pharo 7 with linux env. but cannot input korean.
and.. already start shell script file open and add "--compositioninput".
but any receive data from XIM(fcitx).
who know for this issue? thanks.
-- |
3) Metalinks - it's based on intercepting method calls, right? But I need
to intercept direct instance variable write, so probably not possible
no, you can attach metalink to any AST node, including an Assignment Node.
Some years ago I've made a small utility for this that also
wow.. thank you :D
or smaller images).
As changing it in either direction is usually simple, don't worry about not
using the "right" style.
On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 3:36 PM Esteban Lorenzano
> > On 27 Nov 2018, at 15:03, Roelof Wobben wrote:
> >
> > Thanks,
> Instance of ByteString doesn’t understand #atEnd.
This is a very typical error when you have accidentally passed a String
instead of a Stream.
... which you did here:
> stream := workingDir/myFileName readStreamDo: [ :stream | stream
You can either operate directly on the file
far I've
probably spent an hour per every five lines of code trying to
comprehensively understand this...
On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 5:34 PM webwarrior wrote:
> In old Pharo code (Morphic, etc.) there's a lot of wierd stuff.
> My favourite is DockingBarMorph>&g
everything from
On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 9:31 AM Marcus Denker
> > On 10 Nov 2018, at 22:52, Tudor Girba wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > The current implementation of ToManyRelationSlot is based on a
> RelationSet which holds the items in a
already the answer.
That is indeed true, personally I would decide based on how often the
method is called and how large the input is. Because this cumulative change
makes it much easier to debug any issues... and usually I prefer
debuggability over performance (unless it is an actual bottlen
oding (and mangling of indexes).
stepChanges := input collect: [ :c |
floor := floor + (c = '(' ifTrue: [ 1 ] ifFalse: [ -1 ]).
stepChanges detectIndex: [ :each | each = -1 ] ifNone: [ 'invalid input yo'
Hi Doru,
I imagine the replacement is Pavel's Ring2
On Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 10:56 PM Tudor Girba wrote:
> Hi,
> Ring seems to be deprecated in Pharo 7. Is there something else it will be
> replaced with?
> In particula
small wrapper which doesn't suffer from thsi
On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 5:00 PM Dimitris Chloupis
> If I do something normal in the Playground like
> RBParser parseExpression: 'bac' and inspect it , it works fine
agine this would be pretty easy to write, but figured I ask first.
I think it is "going to be replaced" for several years now, so I wouldn't
worry about it too much.
On Sun, Oct 14, 2018 at 10:53 AM Hilaire wrote:
> Hi,
> I read on some Rubric class comment, it will be replaced or merged with
> TxText.
> I heard ab
I know I can "Browse Dependencies" of a particular package, but this only
shows me the dependencies of the selected package X.
What I am looking for is a list of packages that depend on X ... is that
is there a way to instruct Metacello to only install
BaselineOfs/ConfigurationOfs instead of the entire project? For the
purposes of analyzing dependencies.
n pharo-contribs seems like the best
choice. Unlike the old approach it is easy for anyone to contribute with
pull requests without having to wait for access rights or whatnot.
depending on your use-case you might also consider Spec or Playground
On Fri, Sep 21, 2018 at 5:06 PM Hilaire wrote:
> Hello Hernán,
> Thanks to point Rubric which I did not know until now. Any do
Ideally something that works as updater only (doesn't touch nor change
modification time if the contents is the same)
On Mon, Sep 17, 2018 at 1:16 PM Peter Uhnak wrote:
> Hi,
> is there an API to copy a file that will override the target destination
> if it already ex
My uni is starting a Pharo course soon and we were thinking about making a
custom Pharo 6 image with name: blocked, just to avoid trouble, but I was
just checking here whether it can breaking something unexpected.
On Mon, Sep 17, 2018 at 10:18 AM
is the class-side "name:" setter used by the system itself?
Because I remember many times overriding it for my own needs and it never
broke anything as far as I know... which makes it strange why it even
exists (because it is a trap).
s?) of examples.
On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 2:58 PM Hilaire wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any document to get start with bloc and gtoolkit?
> Thanks
> Hilaire
> --
> Dr. Geo
Roassal will not work.
On Sun, Sep 9, 2018 at 2:16 PM Hilaire wrote:
> Hello Alexandre,
> Afterward, I have indicated that to this non-pharo user.
> Le 09/09/2018 à 11:36, Alexandre Bergel via Pharo-users a écrit :
> > The website says:
Hi Ben,
take a look at TestResource (its comment and subclasses). It should do what
you are looking for.
On Sun, Sep 9, 2018 at 8:08 AM Ben Coman wrote:
> Say I want to write ten tests for different aspects of a web service point.
> Apart from the risk of relying on an external s
ems on neither Windows nor Linux.
On Thu, Sep 6, 2018 at 6:28 PM Ben Coman wrote:
> On Thu, 6 Sep 2018 at 21:58, Andrei Stebakov wrote:
>> I followed the tutorial
> Hi Andrei, Could you be specific about which tutorial that was. I'm not
> sure if I
node link: after.
Something new add: 3.
[image: image.png]
> I believe this is a known Windows issue.
Well this is more of a show-stopper than just an issue.
Is the project maintained? Is Windows support something that is planned?
On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 7:35 PM kmo wrote:
> I believe this is a known Windows issue. I have cer
Thanks! #removeAllFormattingNodes did the trick.
Perhaps #prettyPrinted / #enablePrettyPrinting should call it by default?
WIth regards,
On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 10:27 PM Carlo wrote:
> Hi Peter
> It seems that #preservesIgnorableWhitespace: is only adhered to "...When
whitespaces anyway).
Is this a bug? Should I print it in a different way?
data := {
'root' -> 'ROOT'.
'items' -> {
{ 'name' -> 'first' } asDictionary.
{ 'name' -> 'second' } asDictionary.
} asDictionary.
(MustacheTemplate on: str) value: data.
I should get "ROOT.first", etc., but instead I get ".first", ".second".
BaselineOf/ConfigurationOf is the only place that contains this
information, e.g.
(BaselineOfCalypso project version packages collect: #name) asSet
On Sat, Aug 11, 2018 at 7:41 PM, Eric Gade wrote:
> Unless I'm mistaken, the `BaselineOfXXX` is, in part, a description of a
Thank you Henrik,
#outOfWorld: was the best solution to me, as I can use it even when I don't
control the window/container the morph is embedded in.
On Sun, Jul 29, 2018 at 10:16 PM, Henrik-Nergaard
> Hi Peter,
> There are two methods which can be used fo
On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 2:21 PM, Arturo Zambrano
> Hi Steven
> On Fri, Jul 27, 2018 at 3:53 PM Steven Costiou
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> it may not be actively maintained but Phantom has recently been ported to
is there a Java AST parser in Pharo?
I imagine that jdt2famix must have something inside, but as far as I
understand, it just extracts some information from the source code and
throws the AST away.
self assert: p name equals: 'Nobody'.
self assert: p age equals: 70.
transaction do: [
p name: 'Somebody'.
p age: 1 / 0.
] on: Error do: [
transaction rollback.
self assert: p name equals: 'Nobody'.
self assert: p age equals: 70.
Any pointers appreciated.
how can a Morph react to its parent window being closed?
Morph subclass: #MyMorph.
MyMorph new openInWindow
how can MyMorph cleanup itself on window close?
I thought Morph>>delete would do the trick, but it is not being called.
Wow!! so great!!!
faults too (like pretty printing & LF line ending).
Thanks for the discussion!
On Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 7:21 PM, PBKResearch
> Just as a comment to Henrik, NeoJSON will already preserve the order of an
> OrderedDictionary. When working with Stef on the HTML scraping booklet
rted: true;
nextPut: anObject.
(or mapSortedInstVarsFor: or something)..
On Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 11:20 AM, Sven Van Caekenberghe
> From
> "An object is an unordered set of name/value pairs."
> IOW, it is not in the spec, it would be dangerous to re
ng) do: [ :each |
each writeObject: anObject on: jsonMapWriter ] ]
or put it behind some sortProperties boolean flag. (atm I don't see any
downsides in having sort always enabled)
what is the best way to ignore instance variables when serializing with
I figured out this so far...
(NeoJSONWriter on: stream)
for: Something
do: [ :mapping | mapping mapInstVars: mapping identifier instVarNames \
#(unwanted) ];
nextPut: aSomething
key doesn't do anything.
This behavior persists even after I close the new window.
Only when I press ctrl (without anything else) the content of the
playground gets executed again, but that's it.
I will try tomorrow on a different machine.
On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 6:22 PM,
them are aimed at opening windows with
non-pharo content, which is not what I want.
Any pointers?
On Sun, Jul 15, 2018 at 3:38 PM, Sean P. DeNigris
> Peter Uhnák wrote
> >
> What does this one do? Here is something similar-sounding:
Did you read the README?
This is not FT plugin problem. This is Windows failing to load a proper dll
for Pharo. Happens regularly at least with FT and Cairo.
On Fri, Jul 13, 2018 at 10:00 AM, webwarrior wrote:
> Peter Kenny wrote
> > Hello
> >
> > This seems exactly like a problem I repo
On Thu, Jul 12, 2018 at 10:00 PM, oswall arguedas
> Solved
> To access the values of the nodes is as follows:
> yearmem: = (tree xpath: '// year') first contentString asNumber.
> I also edit the other methods of the XML
> Anything public we can use for inspiration?
I was playing with gmail filters, but I think I deleted the image long time
+1. I've used it last year or so and it was very nice to use.
On Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 2:59 AM, Ben Coman wrote:
> On 11 July 2018 at 05:53, oswall arguedas wrote:
> > Greetings community of pharo
> >
> > I am working with the google API to process gmail emails, read, modify,
> > archive, send.
Hi Miguel,
there is beacon for logging
you can also consider pharo-sentry (note that sentry can be
On Mon, Jul 9, 2018 at 10:30 PM, Miguel Campusano <>
> May be Roassal2 is broken on Windows?
Sometimes Pharo on Windows decides that it will not load external library.
Try to restart your PC and see if it persists.
On Fri, Jul 6, 2018 at 5:38 PM, Hernán Morales Durand <> wrote:
> In a clean Pharo 6.
I feel like I am missing something obvious, but is there a _safe_ way to
test if PW is still running?
If the process pointer for whatever reason is no longer valid (e.g. the
image crashed / I closed image), then #isRunning results in crashing the
image. Maybe this is a bug?
PhLStartupManager class>>addToLauncherStartUpList: aClass
self startUpClasses addIfNotPresent: aClass
seems to be enough.
On Fri, Jun 29, 2018 at 9:58 AM, Peter Uhnák wrote:
> Hi,
> I've noticed that when I save Pharo Launcher image (ctrl+shift+s), because
> I
is a significant delay between clicking on the PhL icon and
the image opening), but nevertheless it probably should be deduplicated.
does anyone know any tips how to profile why opening of an image takes X
amount of time and on what?
Also this, but I think that it was changed in the VM later
On Sun, Jun 24, 2018 at 11:31 AM, Peter Uhnák wrote:
> I thought that this was fixed a long time ago?
> Try running it with --tex
I thought that this was fixed a long time ago?
Try running it with --textenc utf8 and see if it fixes it.
On Sun, Jun 24, 2018 at 11:11 AM, Otto Behrens wrote:
> Hi,
> A very annoying issue I'm having with Pharo 6.0 (running on Ubuntu 16.04)
> is that if I cop
[ :stream |
stream << '...'
To separate the composition from the usage?
r" installation didn't do anything.
I had to uninstall and install it again, but the uninstall option was
incomplete, it left some content of the PharoLauncher folder in place
(namely pharo-local, crash.dmp, stderr, stdout, and I think some more). So
I guess an uninstall should also clean up
Wait... so it is no longer possible to #addtoIndex: external files from
Pharo? I thought that this functionality was supposed to be preserved.
On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 10:30 AM, Tim Mackinnon wrote:
> Hi - yes I’m pleased you check out the entire tree, although currently
> it’s
> tag support, a new credential manager to manage keys and passwords per
> host or repository
Thank you! I'm looking forward to playing with this next week. (and
reporting issues :))
On Mon, Jun 11, 2018 at 7:23 PM, Hernán Morales Durand <>
s no intermediate collection. (I ran into this issue
many times.)
How do you mean?
(1 to: 10) select: #odd thenCollect: [ :x | x ** 2 ] "-> #(1 9 25 49 81)"
It wouldn't make sense otherwise to have the collect method if it wouldn't
return anything.
On Thu, Jun 7, 2018 at 2:20 PM, Tim Mackinnon wrote:
> Hi - are the method
r a long time and it works
well. Especially when you are also modifying non-smalltalk files in each
On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 7:26 PM, Stephan Eggermont wrote:
> Esteban Lorenzano
> wrote:
> .
> > P7 will force you to be in the right branch or you will not be able to
ComposableModel withAllSubclasses do: [ :cls | cls subclass: ((cls name
withoutSuffix: 'Model'), 'Presenter') asSymbol ] + move all the classes in
Undeclared package.
Haven't run it... but it should work more or less.
A backport might not be a bad idea.
On Wed
so.. application location include korean charactor then broken title string
in pharo window.
(of course ubuntu 18.04 with gnome env)
broken title is "바탕화면". it's ok? or where to report?
look a attached file please.
-- | http://onionmixe
to Thierry. hm... look your reply then... im unzip new pure pharo and test.
ok now.
감사합니다. Thierry :D
thank you. Thierry :D
to Guillermo > where can download pharo 7? cannot find from google.
to Thierry > hm... same now... install font and fc-cache later is same.
and im using nouveau driver. using wayland now :D
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