Just a gentle reminder to tag your project as “Pharo”, so a search engine can
find it better!
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Need to generate a QRCode ? An old (but still relevant) project was available
on smalltalkhub.
As I wasn't aware if it was already available elsewhere, I moved it to Github,
including load instruction:
Unit test are all green on Linux.
Hi Cedreek,
(Part of this I mentioned on Discord as well, but not all readers will be on
I'm working with a tiny Smalltalk image (currently around 150Kb) which
contains basic classes (very similar to PharoCandle, but with the regular
Smalltalk names without PC-prefix, see
Just a reflexion that I’d like to share here.
When Hilaire talks about complexity. I have to agree too, even if I like the
progress under the hood, and explored spaces like GToolkit.
But how to change such legacy beast, the pharo image ? Potential is huge but
resistance is also tough for so fe
(this is not really noise, at least useful one ie. an information like the +1
:) )
At least, I think we need « standard » protocols list, at least for the most
used ones. Some conventions too.
For instance, all the initialize* (+ class side)… I can cope with that but this
is clearly a brain sto
> El 13 abr 2020, a las 11:17, Cédrick Béler escribió:
>> Used consistently and well, method categories are not only a
>> navigation aid, helping you to find methods you do not know the names
>> of, but a helpful documentation aid. For example, #runningMeans: is
>> in the 'summarising' c
> El 13 abr 2020, a las 11:00, Richard O'Keefe escribió:
> Concerning method categories:
> VIsualAge Smalltalk manages without them. Of all the Smalltalk
> systems available to me, it's the only one where I don't enjoy using
> the browser. It carves up the world of methods another way, whi
> Used consistently and well, method categories are not only a
> navigation aid, helping you to find methods you do not know the names
> of, but a helpful documentation aid. For example, #runningMeans: is
> in the 'summarising' category. In my Smalltalk, that means
> - it inspects every element
And maybe another one to show deviation problem ?
| result1 result2 col1 col2 |
col1 := #(0.3s1 1s1 0.1s1 0.3s1 1s1 0.1s1 0.3s1 1s1 0.1s1).
result1 := col1 runningMeans: 2.
col2 := #(0.3 1 0.1 0.3 1 0.1 0.3 1 0.1).
Concerning method categories:
VIsualAge Smalltalk manages without them. Of all the Smalltalk
systems available to me, it's the only one where I don't enjoy using
the browser. It carves up the world of methods another way, which I
find of little or no help. That in no way detracts from it being a
What about this test (in OrderedCollectionTest - it suggests a Trait too) ?
| result col |
col := #(1 1 2 2 3 3) asOrderedCollection.
result := col runningMeans: 2.
self assert: (result = {1. (3/2). 2. (5/2). 3}).
self assert: (r
11 matches
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