And maybe another one to show deviation problem ?

        | result1 result2 col1 col2 |
        col1 := #(0.3s1 1s1 0.1s1 0.3s1 1s1 0.1s1 0.3s1 1s1 0.1s1).
        result1 := col1 runningMeans: 2.
        col2 := #(0.3 1 0.1 0.3 1 0.1 0.3 1 0.1). 
        result2 := col2 runningMeans: 2.
        self assert: result1 first equals: result1 fourth.
        "presence of a rounding error"
        self deny: result2 first equals: result2 fourth.
        self assert: result2 first closeTo: result2 fourth.

> Le 13 avr. 2020 à 10:48, Cédrick Béler <> a écrit :
> What about this test (in OrderedCollectionTest - it suggests a Trait too) ?
> testRunningMeans
>       | result col |
>       col := #(1 1 2 2 3 3) asOrderedCollection.
>       result := col runningMeans: 2. 
>       self assert: (result = {1. (3/2). 2. (5/2). 3}).
>       self assert: (result class = Array).
>       self assert: result size <= (col size). "Running means with 1 has 
> little interest ?"
>       self should: [ col runningMeans: 7 ] raise: SubscriptOutOfBounds.
>       self  should: [ col runningMeans: -2 ] raise: SubscriptOutOfBounds.
>       self  should: [ col runningMeans: 1.3 ] raise: Error withExceptionDo: [ 
> :anException | self assert: anException messageText equals: 'primitive 
> #basicNew: in Array class failed’ ]
> Cheers,
> Cédrick
>> Le 13 avr. 2020 à 04:47, Richard O'Keefe <> a écrit :
>> I did mention that it was one of eight implementations that I tried.
>> In fact you broke it with your change.
>> It is important ***NOT*** to keep a running sum but a running MEAN.
>> The line
>>   m := ((self at: i) - (self at: d)) / width + m
>> was written that way for a reason.
>> I did think of renaming the variables for general use, but decided to display
>> the actual code that I tested.  If you want polished code, here it is.
>>   runningMeans: width
>>     "This returns an array of running means as if the receiver
>>      were broken into overlapping segments 'width' long and the
>>      mean of each calculated.  This uses an adaptation of
>>      Welford's algorithm for stably updating the mean; it is
>>      important to maintain a current MEAN not a current SUM.
>>      This has been tested against 7 other algorithms.  It was
>>      the most accurate of the faster ones.  The result is an
>>      Array no matter what kind of sequence the receiver is.
>>      If the receiver is a tree (like a virtual concatenation)
>>      or a singly or doubly linked list you should convert the
>>      receiver to an Array first.  Note that there is no
>>      explicit check that width is an Integer or is in range;
>>      none is needed because those checks happen anyway."
>>     |result mean resultIndex|
>>     result := Array new: self size - width + 1.
>>     mean := 0.
>>     1 to: width do: [:i | mean := (self at: i) + mean].
>>     mean := mean / width.
>>     resultIndex := 1.
>>     result at: resultIndex put: mean.
>>     width + 1 to: self size do: [:i |
>>       mean := ((self at: i) - (self at: resultIndex)) / width + mean.
>>       resultIndex := resultIndex + 1.
>>       result at: resultIndex put: mean].
>>     ^result
>> On Mon, 13 Apr 2020 at 00:23, Sven Van Caekenberghe <> wrote:
>>>> On 12 Apr 2020, at 13:53, Cédrick Béler <> wrote:
>>>> Beautiful ^^
>>> I also like it.
>>> But why the single letter variable names ? Why not:
>>> SequenceableCollection>>#runningMeans: width
>>> | means sum index |
>>> means := Array new: self size - width + 1.
>>> sum := 0.
>>> 1 to: width do: [ :each |
>>>   sum := sum + (self at: each) ].
>>> index := 1.
>>> means at: index put: sum / width.
>>> width + 1 to: self size do: [ :each |
>>>   sum := sum - (self at: index) + (self at: each).
>>>   index := index + 1.
>>>   means at: index put: sum / width ].
>>> ^ means
>>> A good comment, a correct initial bounds check and unit tests are also 
>>> needed.
>>>> I would vote for inclusion in the base image ?
>>>> With your explanation as comments.
>>>> I’ll play with it.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Cedrick
>>>>> Le 12 avr. 2020 à 12:19, Richard O'Keefe <> a écrit :
>>>>> I have coded and benchmarked 8 different running mean algorithms.
>>>>> In the presence of inexact numbers it is not as accurate as
>>>>> redoing the sums, but it's pretty close, and it's fast.
>>>>> If "width" is not an integer or is out of range, an error
>>>>> will be reported by #new: or #at:[put:].  It's based on Welford's
>>>>> stable update.
>>>>> Of course this approach does NOT work for trimmed or Winsorised
>>>>> means or for medians or any kind of robust estimate of location.
>>>>> SequenceableCollection
>>>>> methods for: 'summarising'
>>>>>  runningMeans: width
>>>>>    |a m d|
>>>>>    a := Array new: self size - width + 1.
>>>>>    m := 0.
>>>>>    1 to: width do: [:i |
>>>>>      m := (self at: i) + m].
>>>>>    m := m / width.
>>>>>    d := 1.
>>>>>    a at: d put: m.
>>>>>    width + 1 to: self size do: [:i |
>>>>>      m := ((self at: i) - (self at: d)) / width + m.
>>>>>      d := d + 1.
>>>>>      a at: d put: m].
>>>>>    ^a

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