(this is not really noise, at least useful one ie. an information like the +1 
:) )

At least, I think we need « standard » protocols list, at least for the most 
used ones. Some conventions too.
For instance, all the initialize* (+ class side)… I can cope with that but this 
is clearly a brain stopper for me :grinning:.

Were they some attempts to define such standard list / best practices for 
protocols ?

I guess this is a huge task but one important one. Regarding implementations, 
it might be hard to change too much for compatibility reasons (nb: exercice for 
later => get all protocols name of an image)


> Le 13 avr. 2020 à 12:03, Guillermo Polito <guillermopol...@gmail.com> a écrit 
> :
>> El 13 abr 2020, a las 11:17, Cédrick Béler <cdric...@gmail.com> escribió:
>>> Used consistently and well, method categories are not only a
>>> navigation aid, helping you to find methods you do not know the names
>>> of, but a helpful documentation aid.  For example, #runningMeans: is
>>> in the 'summarising' category.  In my Smalltalk, that means
>>> - it inspects every element of the collection
>>> - it does not change the collection
>>> - the result is somehow a summary or distillation of the elements
>> Great. If only categories were more first class, we could store such 
>> information. 
> Haha just said the same in the other thread ^^.
> Sorry for the noise

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