Re: [Pharo-users] Warning Newbie Question: Bootstrap Navbar example works my copy and paste fails?

2019-07-28 Thread
Ian, the first thing to do (imo) is to look for implementers of #navigationBar. I would guess there is none to be found in your image. That would mean you most probably don't have the code required for Seaside/Bootstrap loaded into your image. I am not a Pharo user, so I cannot tell you exac

[Pharo-users] Warning Newbie Question: Bootstrap Navbar example works my copy and paste fails?

2019-07-28 Thread ian
Hi All, Hopefully this is an easy one? I have been going through the MOOC exercises and have come across something I can't seem to figure out. In the example the code reads: renderExampleOn: html | bar id| id := 'navbarSupportedContent'. bar := html navigationBar.

Re: [Pharo-users] Personal Programming

2019-07-28 Thread Hilaire
Thanks Richard for your review of the article and your pedagogical explanations. For me writing these interactive documents are not that much work. But it is true you need to know the DrGeo API. Which can be discovered by exploring the DrGeoSketch class. I am used to the DrGeo API, so my view is