Hi All, Hopefully this is an easy one?
I have been going through the MOOC exercises and have come across something I can't seem to figure out. In the example the code reads: ---- renderExampleOn: html | bar id| id := 'navbarSupportedContent'. bar := html navigationBar. bar beLight; expandLarge. bar background beLight. bar with: [ html navigationBarBrand: 'Navbar'. ] ---- Mine reads exactly the same but errors in the browser with: ---- Seaside Walkback MessageNotUnderstood: WAHtmlCanvas>>navigationBar Debug Proceed Full Stack Possible Causes you sent a message this type of object doesn't understand Stack Trace thisContext WAHtmlCanvas(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #navigationBar self a WAHtmlCanvas thisContext VIHeaderComponent>>renderContentOn: self a VIHeaderComponent thisContext WARenderVisitor>>visitPainter: self a WARenderVisitor thisContext WARenderVisitor(WAPainterVisitor)>>visitPresenter: self a WARenderVisitor thisContext WARenderVisitor(WAPainterVisitor)>>visitComponent: self a WARenderVisitor ---- When using Finder to locate the selector, navigationBar, I notice that it is a selector of SBSHtmlCanvas. So my question is: How to I set up my rendering class in seaside properly? Currently, as per all I can find I am properly using WAComponent as application super class. I don't see anything in the seaside book regarding bootstrap and I am fallowing the MOOC section on bootstrap almost to a tee. Accepting the fact that the library is now SBSDeploymentLibrary rather than TBSDeploymentLibrary. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Kindly, Ian