[GENERAL] Better way to process boolean query result in shell-like situations?

2015-10-28 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Hi, I regularly run into the problem that I want to query a PostgreSQL database in a script/program and depending on a boolean result do one thing or the other. A typical example would be a Puppet Exec that creates a user only if it does not exist yet. But unfortunately psql always returns with

[GENERAL] PostgreSQL 8.4 packages for Fedora 11?

2009-07-13 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Hi, I'm in the process of upgrading a Fedora 10 box to 11. So far, Fedora's repository carries only 8.3.7. I am a bit he- sitant to use the yum.pgsqlrpms.org repository's packages as I like to keep the number of repositories as small as possi- ble. So: - Is there any ETA for official Fedora 11 pa

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL 8.4 packages for Fedora 11?

2009-07-13 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Tom Lane wrote: >> I'm in the process of upgrading a Fedora 10 box to 11. So >> far, Fedora's repository carries only 8.3.7. I am a bit he- >> sitant to use the yum.pgsqlrpms.org repository's packages as >> I like to keep the number of repositories as small as possi- >> ble. So: >> - Is there an

Re: [GENERAL] Field name problem

2009-07-28 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Alan Chandler wrote: > [...] > So I tried to load the same database on my home machine > using pg_restore. This runs version 8.4.0, and it failed > loading the restore with and error at this field "over" > because, I presume, its a reserved word in SQL. > Is there anyway, I can access any of my

Re: [GENERAL] Looping through string constants

2009-08-12 Thread Tim Landscheidt
David Kerr wrote: > I'd like to loop through a group of constant string values using plpgsql > The best analog i can think of would be in a shell script > #!/usr/bin/ksh > for a in a b c d e; do > echo $a > done > ./a.ksh > a > b > c > d > e > Is there some tricky way I can make that happen i

Re: [GENERAL] bytea corruption?

2009-08-21 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Nathan Jahnke wrote: > [...] > my $encodeddata = $data; > $encodeddata =~ s!(\\|[^ -~])!sprintf("\\%03o",ord($1))!ge; #prepare > data for bytea column storage > [...] > my $insert_sth = $connection->prepare('insert into testtable (data) > values (?) returning id'); > $insert_sth->execute($encod

Re: [GENERAL] Query and the number of row result

2009-08-31 Thread Tim Landscheidt
bilal ghayyad wrote: > I am talking in case I am writing a script for a function, > and I need to know the number of the returned rows of the > query, then I will do IF statement based on that number, > how? > [...] Presuming that you are talking about a function written in PL/pgSQL, you will ha

Re: [GENERAL] maximum count of contiguous years

2009-09-03 Thread Tim Landscheidt
gorsa wrote: > [...] > is there a select statement containing 'AND award_year BETWEEN 1994 > AND 2002' that could generate the following? > scholar_idconsistent_yrs > 1 4 > 2 5 > 3 2 You could either do some wild fanc

Re: [GENERAL] comment on constraint

2009-09-04 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Andreas Kretschmer wrote: > There is a question in the german pg-forum: > It is possible to add a comment on a constraint, but \dd doesn't display > that comment. There is also a old question in this mailing-list without > an answer: > http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-general/2003-07/msg0144

Re: [GENERAL] where clauses and selects

2009-09-08 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Scott Frankel wrote: > Is it possible to perform a select in the where clause of a statement? > I have a situation where I've got one arm tied behind my > back: I can only have a single table in the select and from > clauses, but the where clause appears to be freed from that > restriction. >

Re: [GENERAL] UPDATE statement with syntax error doesn't raise a warning?

2009-09-25 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Mirko Pace wrote: > I've ran an update statement like this (obviously wrong, I know!): > update my_table > set boolean_field = true AND > my_notes = 'something' > where id in >(select id from my_table order by random() limit 4000); > in my psql client and I had a "UPDATE 4000" result bu

[GENERAL] Procedure for feature requests?

2009-10-01 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Hi, suppose I thought that PostgreSQL would benefit greatly from a "generate_series(DATE, DATE[, INT]) RETURNS DATE" function - where do I suggest such a thing? Here on -general? On -hackers? Directly edit http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Todo>? Suppose the feature request was not a trivial one,

Re: [GENERAL] Procedure for feature requests?

2009-10-02 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Alvaro Herrera wrote: > [...] >> Suppose the feature request was not a trivial one, but >> maybe a "DEPENDS ON " clause for "CREATE FUNCTION" >> to allow PostgreSQL to deny requests to drop a table/view/ >> function that is needed by a function - where would I pro- >> pose that? > On -hackers,

Re: [GENERAL] Procedure for feature requests?

2009-10-02 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Sam Mason wrote: >> suppose I thought that PostgreSQL would benefit greatly from >> a "generate_series(DATE, DATE[, INT]) RETURNS DATE" function > 8.4 has a generate_series(timestamp,timestamp,interval) which would seem > to be a bit more flexible than you want. Yes, I know :-). But as "generat

Re: [GENERAL] Procedure for feature requests?

2009-10-04 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Sam Mason wrote: >> > 8.4 has a generate_series(timestamp,timestamp,interval) which would seem >> > to be a bit more flexible than you want. >> Yes, I know :-). But as "generate_series(A, B, C)" can also >> be written as "A + generate_series(0, (C - B) / C) * C" (or >> something "flexible" like

Re: [GENERAL] What's wrong with this regexp?

2009-10-10 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Nick wrote: > SELECT TRUE WHERE '/steps/?step=10' ~ '^\/steps\/\?step=10$' > Im guessing its an escape issue, but where am I going wrong? You need to double-escape the question mark: Once for the string literal, once for the regular expression (and you do not need to escape the slashes). This g

Re: [GENERAL] Query to find contiguous ranges on a column

2009-10-13 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Peter Hunsberger wrote: > [...] > I have one solution that joins the table against itself and does > (among other things) a subselect looking "not exists col +1" and "not > exists col -1" on the two instances of the table to find the start and > end. This is, as you might guess, is not very effi

Re: [GENERAL] Procedure for feature requests?

2009-10-13 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Sam Mason wrote: >> >> "generate_series(A, B, C)" can also >> >> be written as "A + generate_series(0, (C - B) / C) * C" >> > >> > If you can figure out the limit then it seems easy, >> > though I'm not sure how you'd do that. >> What limit? > Sorry, I was calling the second parameter to genera

Re: [GENERAL] Current state of XML capabilities in PostgreSQL?

2009-10-13 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz wrote: >> why would you store data thats wrapped in two copies of its fieldname along >> with other punctuation?    wouldn't it make more sense to decompose your XML >> source into proper tables so proper indexes and relational sql queries can >> be made?     otherwise, every

Re: [GENERAL] Query to find contiguous ranges on a column

2009-10-14 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Peter Hunsberger wrote: > [...] >> or a recursive query (which I always find very hard to com- >> prehend): >> | WITH RECURSIVE RecCols (LeftBoundary, Value) AS >> |   (SELECT col, col FROM t WHERE (col - 1) NOT IN (SELECT col FROM t) >> |    UNION ALL SELECT p.LeftBoundary, c.col FROM RecCols A

Re: [GENERAL] XPath PostgreSQL 8.4

2009-10-17 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Karl Koster wrote: > It looks like I have to abandon xml2 functions in PostgreSQL > 8.4. The problem is I can't seem to find an incantation of > xpath that will perform the same thing. I have tried the > following snippet: > select xpath('/trade/trade-info/id/text()', cast(xml as > xml))[1] as i

Re: [GENERAL] XPath PostgreSQL 8.4

2009-10-17 Thread Tim Landscheidt
I wrote: > [...] > You have to put brackets around the function call: > | select (xpath('/trade/trade-info/id/text()', cast(xml as xml)))[1] as id > from risk.trade_table; ... or, after a look in the dictionary, whatever you call "(" and ")" :-). Tim -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (

[GENERAL] How to list user-specific configuration parameters?

2009-10-26 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Hi, how can I list the user-specific configuration parameters, i. e. those set by "ALTER ROLE name SET ..."? Tim -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org) To make changes to your subscription: http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-general

Re: [GENERAL] How to list user-specific configuration parameters?

2009-10-26 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Alvaro Herrera wrote: >> how can I list the user-specific configuration parameters, >> i. e. those set by "ALTER ROLE name SET ..."? > Get them from the pg_authid catalog. > 8.5 alpha2 has a new \drds command in psql for that purpose. Thanks! Tim -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgs

Re: [GENERAL] Procedure for feature requests?

2009-10-27 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Sam Mason wrote: > [...] >> I would assume >> that you just have to convert A, B and C to seconds (since >> epoch) and then use a normal integer division. > The problem is that the Gregorian calender is far too complicated. For > example, think what would happen with an interval of "months". I

Re: [GENERAL] Procedure for feature requests?

2009-10-27 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Sam Mason wrote: >> > any definition of "division" I've ever been able to think of [is] >> > ill defined >> Yep, you would probably need some safety margin and add a >> "WHERE" clause. I should have thought about that earlier as >> I recently stumbled (again) over why "INTERVAL / INTERVAL" >> wa

Re: [GENERAL] Quick Date/Time Index Question

2011-09-22 Thread Tim Landscheidt
"David Johnston" wrote: > I have a database field that stores a timestamp to second+ precision; > however, I want to search against it only to day precision. If I leave the > field in second precision and try to "WHERE field BETWEEN date0 AND date0" I > get no results (OK, fine) but then I cast

Re: [GENERAL] Quick Date/Time Index Question

2011-09-22 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Tom Lane wrote: >> I have a database field that stores a timestamp to second+ precision; >> however, I want to search against it only to day precision. If I leave the >> field in second precision and try to "WHERE field BETWEEN date0 AND date0" I >> get no results (OK, fine) but then I cast the

Re: [GENERAL] Function to Table reference

2010-04-30 Thread Tim Landscheidt
(anonymous) wrote: > Is there a way to find which functions are being used by table. > Ex :- If there are functions fnc_a, fnc_b, fnc_c and table A is used in > fnc_a and fnc_c, How can we find that ? can you please help? Basically, you can't. Functions are more or less black boxes to Postgre

Re: [GENERAL] question about unique indexes

2010-05-10 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Alban Hertroys wrote: > [...] > None of these solutions are pretty. It should be quite a common problem > though, how do people normally solve this? Partial indexes? Doesn't look pretty either though: | tim=# \d DE_Postcodes | Tabelle »public.de_postcodes« | Spalte | Typ | Attribute |

Re: [GENERAL] last and/or first in a by group

2010-05-16 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Dino Vliet wrote: > I want to know if postgresql has facilities for getting the first and or the > last in a by group. > Suppose I have the following table: > resnr,dep,arr,cls,dbd meaning reservationsnumber, departure station, arrival > station, the class of the reservation and the daysbefor

Re: [GENERAL] How to return an Int4 when subtracting dates/timestamps

2010-05-18 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Andre Lopes wrote: > I need to return an Int4 when I do this king of select > [code] > select CURRENT_DATE - '2009-12-31' from tbl_sometable > [/code] > This select returns an Interval. How can I return an Integer? Like '138' That expression returning an interval would be contradictory to the

Re: [GENERAL] Hiding data in postgresql

2010-05-25 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Hector Beyers wrote: > thank you for your replies yesterday on this topic. I have one more question > though: > Does someone have any ideas how I can hide data without the meta data > noticing? To explain further, I would like to save some collection of data > where the meta-data does not see it

Re: [GENERAL] How to fetch values at regular hours?

2010-05-25 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Goran Hasse wrote: > [...] > I would like to do; > freescada=> select * from counter_log_view where name='CNT-3' and timestamp > < '2010-05-23 18:00:00' order by timestamp desc limit 1; > name | timestamp | count > ---+---+--- > CNT-3 | 2010-05-

Re: [GENERAL] How to fetch values at regular hours?

2010-05-25 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Goran Hasse wrote: > Yes timestamp and count - is not good names for columns... > I tried something like; > select name,date_trunc('hour',timestamp),timestamp,count from > counter_log_view where name='CNT-3' and timestamp < '2010-05-23 20:00:00' > order by timestamp limit 10; > name | dat

Re: [GENERAL] Please help me write a query

2010-05-27 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Nikolas Everett wrote: > Sorry. Here is the setup: > CREATE TABLE test (id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, state1 INT NOT NULL, state2 INT > NOT NULL, timestamp TIMESTAMP); > INSERT INTO test (state1, state2, timestamp) VALUES (1, 1, now() - interval > '12 hours'); > INSERT INTO test (state1, state2, tim

Re: [GENERAL] Is it possible to make the order of output the same as the order of input parameters?

2010-06-02 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Andreas Kretschmer wrote: >> I have a simple query like: >> SELECT * FROM customer WHERE id IN (23, 56, 2, 12, 10) >> The problem is that I need to retrieve the rows in the same order as the set >> of >> ids provided in the select statement. Can it be done? > No. The only way is: > select *

Re: [GENERAL] Is it possible to make the order of output the same as the order of input parameters?

2010-06-02 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Sam Mason wrote: >> > SELECT c.* >> > FROM customer c, ( >> > SELECT *, row_number() OVER () >> > FROM (VALUES (23), (56), (2), (12), (10)) x) x(val,ord) >> > WHERE c.id = x.val >> > ORDER BY x.ord; >> Wow, that's really cool and a nice case for row_number(). > Just thinking abo

Re: [GENERAL] Is it possible to make the order of output the same as the order of input parameters?

2010-06-02 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Stephen Frost wrote: >> > Just thinking about it now; do SQL's semantics say it'll always do >> > the right thing? PG does in a couple of quick tests (i.e. one where >> > customer is a small table and PG prefers a seqscan and where it's larger >> > and prefers an index scan) but I'm not sure if

Re: [GENERAL] Some insight on the proper SQL would be appreciated

2010-06-08 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Andy Colson wrote: >> thanks very much Andy. Very elegant. >> I do need to presere the users that have<5 entries though, so I think I can >> modify your function to do that as well. > Oh, duh! because nothing is less than 1900-01-01... my > date math sucks. It should probably return '2100-01

Re: [GENERAL] Variables in SQL scripts

2010-06-10 Thread Tim Landscheidt
"Machiel Richards" wrote: > [...] > I did some googling as well and found something I tested using > a simple method: > - I created an sql script to set the variable Name DB > o \set DB > o \c :DB > - I connected to postgresql using the postgres database a

Re: [GENERAL] Cognitive dissonance

2010-06-12 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Bruce Momjian wrote: > [...] > + # single-page text > + postgres.txt: postgres.html > + $(LYNX) -force_html -dump -nolist -stdin $< > $@ ^^ > + > [...] Isn't that unnecessary/wrong as the filename is supplied on the command line? Tim -- Sent

Re: [GENERAL] how to alias a table

2010-06-13 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo wrote: > I'm refactoring some code and I'll find helpful to be able to alias > tables. > What I'd like to do would be to refer to the same table with an > alias in the code and later substitute the alias with an actual VIEW. > Of course I could define a view as > select *

Re: [GENERAL] How to force select to return exactly one row

2010-06-21 Thread Tim Landscheidt
"Andrus" wrote: > Autogenerated select statement contains 0 .. n left joins: > SELECT somecolumns > FROM ko > LEFT JOIN t1 ON t1.primarykey= ko.t1foreignkwey > ... > LEFT JOIN tn ON tn.primarykey= ko.tnforeignkwey > WHERE ko.primarykey='someprimarykeyvalue'; > This select can return only 0 or 1

Re: [GENERAL] How to force select to return exactly one row

2010-06-21 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Brett Mc Bride wrote: > How about: > SELECT * from ( > SELECT somecolumns > FROM ko > LEFT JOIN t1 ON t1.primarykey= ko.t1foreignkwey > ... > LEFT JOIN tn ON tn.primarykey= ko.tnforeignkwey > WHERE ko.primarykey='someprimarykeyvalue' > UNION ALL > SELECT default_value > ) > LIMIT 1; > [...] ...

Re: [GENERAL] How to force select to return exactly one row

2010-06-21 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Brett Mc Bride wrote: > My understanding of UNION ALL is that it won't sort the rows...? > [...] It doesn't, but that's not promised for every data set, ev- ery PostgreSQL version, every phase of the moon. To quote http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/interactive/queries-union.html>: | UNION effe

Re: [GENERAL] Equivalent to "use database" in postgre

2010-06-25 Thread Tim Landscheidt
javijava wrote: > i'm newby in postgre sql world. > i need to know how to do a simple script that create a database,the y > select it (in other languajes using USE) and after create tables with this > database. > How can I say "use name_database" on postgre sql? You must specify the database

Re: [GENERAL] Postgres table contents versioning

2010-06-30 Thread Tim Landscheidt
John Gage wrote: > Is there an equivalent of svn/git etc. for the data in a > database's tables? > Can I set something up so that I can see what was in the > table two days/months etc. ago? > I realize that in the case of rapidly changing hundred > million row tables this presents an impossible

Re: [GENERAL] Filtering by tags

2010-06-30 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Anders Steinlein wrote: > No one with any response on this? > [...] Insert a "LEFT JOIN" in the first subquery? Tim (too lazy to test :-)) -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org) To make changes to your subscription: http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-gene

Re: [GENERAL] loading many queries from a file

2010-06-30 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Szymon Guz wrote: > I've got a file with many SQL queries, also some function definitions and so > on. I'd like to load it to database, but using some library like > JDBC/ODBC/DBI, not using the obvious psql. Do you know how I could load > those many queries? Usually there could be loaded only on

Re: [GENERAL] Query to "balance" rows across multiple tables

2010-07-02 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Mike Christensen wrote: > [...] > Here's the catch: I want to DELETE any row (in either table) that has > zero quantity, since I no longer need this data (plus I have a CHECK > constraint on this value and require it to be positive anyway).. > Is there actually a way to do this in a SQL function

Re: [GENERAL] how to remove a for-loop from programming language and put it into the query?

2010-07-05 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Pedro Zorzenon Neto wrote: > [...] > So, I need to get a report of all diagnostics of all hardware on > december 25th. > (external programming language) > for ($i = 1; $i < 500; $i++) { > // return me the "most recent" diag_value from a hardware_id $i > // at the desired timestamp > runque

Re: [GENERAL] to_date function

2010-07-07 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Carlos Henrique Reimer wrote: > I've a Linux box running postgresql 8.2.17 and facing some strange results > from the to_date function. > As you can see in the following tests the problem occurs when the template > used includes upper and lower case characters for the minute (Mi or mI). > Am I

Re: [GENERAL] problem with table structure

2010-07-09 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Miguel Vaz wrote: > [...] > * sites (generic): > id_site > name > description > x > y > * site_natural > id > id_site > altitude > * site_arqueology > id > id_site > id_category > id_period > But i seem to be missing something. How can i have this in a way that its > easy to list only "arqueo

Re: [GENERAL] problem with table structure

2010-07-09 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Miguel Vaz wrote: > I was looking for an opinion on the actual table structure. :-) How should i > build the data set? Is my second example ok? The first is the long version > but i wanted to put together all the common fields to both types of "sites" > and then (maybe) build tables to accomodate

Re: [GENERAL] problem with table structure

2010-07-09 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Miguel Vaz wrote: > Thank you for the opinion, Alban. The names are the least of my worries, i > typed them without thinking. And its portuguese. :-) > If, using that design, i had a different table with something like arq_types > { id_arq_type, descr } that i could somehow connect to the generi

Re: [GENERAL] Postgresql 8.4, XPath and name() function

2010-07-13 Thread Tim Landscheidt
ced45 wrote: > I have trouble using XPath name() function in a XML field. > For example, when I execute the following query : > SELECT XPATH('name(/*)', XMLPARSE(DOCUMENT 'value')) > I would like to get "unit", but I just get an empty array ({}). > How can I get "unit" ? AFAIK, this is not rel

Re: [GENERAL] Need help doing a CSV import

2010-07-14 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Craig Ringer wrote: >> I am in the process of moving a FoxPro based system to PostgreSQL. >> We have several tables that have memo fields which contain carriage >> returns and line feeds that I need to preserve. I thought if I converted >> these into the appropriate \r and \n codes that they wou

Re: [GENERAL] Postgresql 8.4, XPath and name() function

2010-07-14 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Craig Ringer wrote: > [...] >>> I would like to get "unit", but I just get an empty array ({}). >>> How can I get "unit" ? >> AFAIK, this is not related to PostgreSQL, but inherent to >> XPath in that it returns elements from the document that >> fulfill the XPath expression *unchanged*. > My (

Re: [GENERAL] Need help doing a CSV import

2010-07-14 Thread Tim Landscheidt
David Fetter wrote: > [...] >> Another option is a small Perl script or something similar >> that connects to both the FoxPro and the PostgreSQL database >> and transfers the data with parameterized "INSERT". The ad- >> vantage of this is that you have tight control of charsets, >> date formats,

Re: [GENERAL] coalesce seems to give strange results

2010-07-15 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Richard Yen wrote: > Ah, I see what you mean. If there's no rows to return, then there's no > coalesce-ing to do... That's right, /but/ if you use a sub-select, you can achieve something similar: | tim=# SELECT COALESCE((SELECT ROUND(EXTRACT(epoch FROM now() - query_start)) | tim(#

Re: [GENERAL] How to distribute quantity if same product is in multiple rows

2010-07-20 Thread Tim Landscheidt
(anonymous) wrote: > Order contains same product in multiple rows. > I tried to calculate undelivered quantity using script below but it produces > wrong result: > delivered quantity is substracted from both rows, not distributed. > How to distibute undelivered quantity according to row quantity

Re: [GENERAL] How to distribute quantity if same product is in multiple rows

2010-07-22 Thread Tim Landscheidt
(anonymous) wrote: >>It can be done in SQL: "SUM(kogus) OVER (PARTITION BY toode >>ORDER BY ID) - kogus" (*1) will give you the running sum of >>the product up to that row. You can then subtract that value >>from the delivered quantity to calculate the delivered quan- >>tity for the current row.

Re: [GENERAL] [pgeu-general] pgday.eu

2009-11-14 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Andreas 'ads' Scherbaum wrote: >> I think we should spend some money and buy some inexpensive cameras >> and tripods along with a bunch of memory cards for next year, and >> record everything. I know other PUGs/conferences series have done that >> with good results. > On FOSDEM this attempt fail

Re: [GENERAL] Books, the lulu.com scam

2009-11-21 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Thom Brown wrote: >> So I bought this "book" thinking it was a PDF file which I am fine with. >> Its not. They download an .acsm file that will only work with their >> proprietary Windoze software. >> I am really angry with lulu.com about this. > I'm not sure I understand the purpose of them p

Re: [GENERAL] JOIN Record returning Function

2010-02-03 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Daniel Schuchardt wrote: > i have a function that returns a record. > myfunc(IN id INTEGER) RETURNS RECORD. > in that function the record is build from some subquery's in > dependence of data. > Now i need to join that function to its correponding main > table that holds the id. > SELECT myfu

Re: [GENERAL] Literals in foreign key definitions

2010-02-04 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Alban Hertroys wrote: > [...] > Now the intent here is to restrict foreign keys referencing the base class to > unitclass records that describe a baseclass and to restrict foreign keys > referencing a derived class to unitclass records that do NOT describe a > baseclass. > Basically I'm trying

Re: [GENERAL] Verify a record has a column in a plpgsql trigger

2010-02-04 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Mike Ginsburg wrote: > [...] > Thanks for the help! I'll look into the exceptions to see > how expensive they are. On a related note, I was just told > by our sysadmins that pg 8.4 might not be installed by the > time this needs to be rolled out, leaving me in a bind since > I have been using "

[GENERAL] Using readline for frequently used queries

2010-03-26 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Hi, depending on the database, I use some "dashboard queries" rather frequently. To ease executing them, I've put: | $include /etc/inputrc | $if psql | "\e[24~": "\fSELECT * FROM DashboardQuery;\n" | $endif in my ~/.inputrc ("\e[24~" is [F12]). Obviously, this only works if a) the current li

Re: [GENERAL] Using readline for frequently used queries

2010-03-28 Thread Tim Landscheidt
I wrote: > depending on the database, I use some "dashboard queries" > rather frequently. To ease executing them, I've put: > | $include /etc/inputrc > | $if psql > | "\e[24~": "\fSELECT * FROM DashboardQuery;\n" > | $endif > in my ~/.inputrc ("\e[24~" is [F12]). > Obviously, this only works

[GENERAL] Domain for regular expressions?

2010-04-04 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Hi, is there a "proper" domain for regular expressions? At the moment I'm using: | CREATE DOMAIN RegularExpression AS TEXT CHECK('' ~ VALUE OR '' !~ VALUE); which works. Tim -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org) To make changes to your subscription: http://www

Re: [GENERAL] Null vs. Empty String in Postgres 8.3.8

2010-04-05 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Peter Hunsberger wrote: >>> I still don't get it.  I do want a zero for the subversion_flags to be >>> stored in the table.  But it returned an error because it didn't like >>> subversion_flags='' in the UPDATE SQL statement. >>> subversion_flags | integer       | not null default 0 >> Right.