Tom Lane <> wrote:

>> I'm in the process of upgrading a Fedora 10 box to 11. So
>> far, Fedora's repository carries only 8.3.7. I am a bit he-
>> sitant to use the repository's packages as
>> I like to keep the number of repositories as small as possi-
>> ble. So:

>> - Is there any ETA for official Fedora 11 packages?

> Yes: never.  The Fedora package series for F-11 will be 8.3.x and
> nothing but.  F-12 will have 8.4.x.

That's a pity.

>> - If I'd use's packages, can I later re-
>>   place them with Fedora packages without any surprises?

> Well, that would be going back a major PG version, which is just as
> problematic as going forward a major version, in fact more so.
> If you don't mind a dump/initdb/reload cycle then you can try it,
> but there's no guarantee an 8.4 pg_dump file will load into 8.3
> without some manual editing.

No, I meant replacing's packages with
sometime-in-the-future-released Fedora 11 PostgreSQL 8.*4*
packages. With the situation at hand, I will install the repository and, come Fedora 12, decide
then how to proceed.


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