Andreas 'ads' Scherbaum <> wrote:

>> I think we should spend some money and buy some inexpensive cameras
>> and tripods along with a bunch of memory cards for next year, and
>> record everything. I know other PUGs/conferences series have done that
>> with good results.

> On FOSDEM this attempt failed two years in a row. Last year the reason
> was: the camera had to be on the top level line with seats. Else it
> would only record parts of the room, eeither only the speaker and not
> the projector wall or vise versa. But this camera position resulted in a
> very bad light situation and in addition the sun protection darkened the
> room even more.

> You not only need a camera, you also need someone operating this camera
> all the time.

At another conference, the camera's focus was on the speaker
the whole time and the slides were edited in later, thus
making them more legible. Of course, this requires either a
"camera" operator who switches the video input when appro-
priate or two recordings that are edited in post-production.


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