Do I need to write pg/plsql scripts just to so something like that?? I believe on other dbms you can just say grant all on schema.* or something to that effect. The script i found below would be ok if tables weren't being created constantly.
using version 8.1.4thanks,GeneCREATE OR REPLAC
atatypes do not
Gene Hart
cell: 443-604-2679
I'm having some trouble installing postgresql 8.2 on fedora core 6.
This is my first time running fedora, I used to not have any problems
getting postgresql 8.1 started under gentoo. The RPMs are all
installed, it installed the init.d script and can su - postgres and do
a pg_ctl start successfully
Thanks for the suggestion, this is my first experience with SELinux. I
disabled selinux postgresql daemon protection, and then had to
re"initdb" and then it worked! Greatly appreciated!
On 12/18/06, Richard Huxton wrote:
Gene wrote:
> I'm having some trouble installing postgr
ks for any suggestions,
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?
lt package available for solaris 10 somewhere or
should I just follow the instructions here:
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our ext
thanks for the advice, i would buy the support from sun but I don't
think they would support version 8.2 of postgresql. i've been able to
find some sample smf files for postgresql on solaris which should
On 1/13/07, Jaime Casanova <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 1/12/
d and has anyone tried using numeric for this
purpose or is this really stupid?
Thanks for any hints!
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?
you're probably right, actually using LIKE with numeric works fine but
of course i will have to contend with things like truncating zeros to
the left etc... are there any advantages to using ascii encoding as
far as performance of LIKE, REGEXES, INDEXES etc versus using UTF8?
thanks, gene
.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
Gene Hart
cell: 443-604-2679
eveal nothing.
Any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated.
dmins :)
On 2/5/07, Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Gene < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In the past I've always done the following with success (this is under
> fedora core 6 x86_64):
> mv /var/lib/pgsql/data /data/pg/
> ln -s /data/pg/data /var/lib/pgsql/d
= '12345' where id = 1;
ERROR: infinite recursion detected in rules for relation "criterion"
I'm not sure why it's detecting recursion in this case when the rule
conditional should be false
Thanks for any help...
Is there any other way to force postgres to do a replan?
thanks for any help,
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
subscribe-nomail command to [EMAI
inited to UTF8 en_US. Is there a way to get the
benefit of using ascii and the "C" locale for index usage on certain
tables and unicode encoding on others (where peformance is not an
issue)? In particular the planner will not use index with Unicode on
"like '
e most appreciated, I've been trying to solve this
for a week now :(
that there could be a race condition for
the insertion and constraints or will the transaction prevent that
from occurring? I've done some testing and it seems to work but I
could just get lucky so far and not lose any data :)
Thanks for any help,
---(end of broadca
I have created a function that I use to help automate the creation of
partition tables. Basically it:
1. Creates a new table inherited from the parent table (which is empty)
2. creates or replaces a sole rule on the parent table to insert into
the new table:
For some reason when I restart postgresql the autovacuum = on is ignored and when I do a show all it is showed as being off. It did not always do this until recently. What is the best way to diagnose what maybe happening? Are there other config files which may prevent it from being run? Thanks
-- E
Chris,I'm using a cron job which creates a new partition table every night at midnight. After I create the table, I update the rule on the parent table so that new records go into the new partition table. Then I update the constraints on the tables so that constraint exclusion works. I'm doing it t
I'm looking for some real world documentation on the use of ora2pg to move from
Oracle DB 11gR2 64-bit to PostgreSQL (i.e. What's the best pgsql version to
use; Is it possible to use a exported copy of the Oracle DB to create a pgsql
image of it; These kinds of questions).
Does PGSQL func
Hat Satellite server and extracting the
DDL. It will take that Oracle DDL and convert it to PostgreSQL, but only
version 8.x, and we were planning on looking at the open source PostgreSQL
8. Are the differences between versions that great?
Any information or help would be appreciated.
Gene Poole
four instances (or schemas) would fit on 6 single layer
DVDs, so it's not a large amount of data. Also I don't want to use RPM
because I like to control where software is installed. Another piece on
information is that I am running on CentOS 5.8.
It's impossible for ever
top the postmaster and use a standalone backend to vacuum database
You might also need to commit or roll back old prepared transactions.
I also reset the transaction log aftwards which didn't help. Any help would be
appreciated. Thanks
Sent via pgsq
as the prior since it "knows where it left off". It doesn't seem to be working
like that when running vacuum in a standalone instance; it takes just as long
each time, 3-4 hours.
thanks for all your help,
On Jun 27, 2010, at 10:30 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
> Bill Moran wr
select * from pg_prepared_xacts;
returns 0 rows. Is there anything else I could check to see why the backend
wouldn't accept commands?
On Jun 27, 2010, at 9:37 AM, Scott Marlowe wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 9:27 AM, Gene Hart wrote:
>> I'm getting the f
to take the above and move it from Oracle to PostgreSQL along with
updating my JBoss 6.0 environment so it has access to the PostgreSQL
databases/instances? Can someone supply me with some direction?
Gene Poole
+ It's impossible for everything to be true. +
ember: mauve has the most RAM, so it would not be appropriate
Gene Wirchenko
Computerese Irregular Verb Conjugation:
I have preferences.
You have biases.
He/She has prejudices.
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
To ma
odd lengths to up it?
If you think so, is this because you have actually tested it, or is it
just a feeling? You could be setting yourself up for a lot of work
that may be error-prone and just plain not work and for very little.
Gene Wirchenko
Computerese Irregular Verb Con
, my connection to this DB is denied.
I have to log in (ssh) to my server, edit this file with the new ip
address, save and restart to get connectivity back.
Is there a way to have a secure connection that can withstand
changing ip addresses?
---(end of
ansit, unless
of course passwords. I just don't want hackers attemting to login.
Nevertheless, the ssl sounds like the way to go, is there a specific
Postgresql way to set that up? Or are you suggesting a system wide
implementation of which pq can take advantage?
Jim Nasby w
How do single-file databases do it? If a database has, say, 10 tables,
does that mean that the single-file is just a trick to hold ten
separate 'boxes' inside, one for each table, or someone has found a
way to store all the tables of a database in one big single table? Can
someone un-curious
de my perl script, the "set client_encoding to 'big5'" has been
added for the sake of double-byte character of Chinese Language. Below
is the perl script that works under version 7.3.1. Any help would be
appreciated. Both servers database was created with the 'EUC_TW'
Hi all.
I am using Visual FoxPro via ODBC to update records on a 7.3.4
PostgreSql server and it appears that it always uses delete/insert
instead of updating the current record. Can this be changed to update
the existing record instead?
Eugene Vital
Any technology indistinguishable from m
s is a test")
insert into wsoptions (stations_id, type, data)
values( , "LOCATION", "10th floor outer, office 27")
Bruno Wolff III wrote:
On Thu, Oct 09, 2003 at 15:55:27 -0400,
Gene Vital <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
have an example :)
Matthew T. O'Connor wrote:
I don't see how ODBC fits in to this at all. There is no need for ODBC
if postgresql is running via cygwin, running on a remote linux box, or
even native on windows.
I am new to PostgreSQL
what other options are available to connect then ?
Eugene Vital
Any technolog
I am using Microsoft Visual FoxPro to connect VIA ODBC using both
a DSN connection and a DSNLess Connection. The DSNLess connection is
Wy... slower than the DSN connection and I am having a problem
trying to figure out what ODBC settings affect performance this much.
using DSN
ministrative Tasks" chapter of the users's manual
(along with other useful things).
'a.key = b.key' OR ((a.key IS NULL) AND (b.key IS NULL))
Isn't it the way it's wired?
rmal) (informal but incomplete)
> like, "^(((charl|jam)es)|(bob))",
> which should match a field that begins with "charles", "james", or "bob".
try (((^charl|^jam)es)|(^bob))
g your docs to SGML, I would propose using a special data element
(tag), or processing instruction, for examples. It can be used by an application to
extract all example code and verify it together with the regression tests. That will
encourage documentation maintainers to keep examples consistent with the changes in
the backend.
> I can't put the output of \df command to a file.
psql -d database -c "\df" > file
d as
blobs in a postgres database or as individual files outside.
nd is accessible:
copy ENTRY from '/u1
copy ENTRY from '/u1/w
copy ENTRY from '/u1/www/
to see choices
BTW, what did you mean by '\copy'?
Anybody used Postgres under Linux Red Hat before?
That's how is used most often, I think. You could also try to build one
of my own extensions, found at
ec-type.tgz is the easiest of these.
(5 rows)
That's about all to it. I will check out your telephone type as soon as
I get my bosses and children off my back.
retty much summarizes what had been said here a couple months
ago about the book-to-be on postgresql.
Start of forwarded message
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Dockery)
Subject: Message from O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
Date: Mon, 12 Apr
> This seems like a simple SQL command, but I'm getting errors.
> Running 6.5.0 under RedHat 5.2:
> db=> select count(distinct customer_username) from customerdata;
> ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "distinct"
> How do you get a count of distinct data output via postgres?
at's what I
used to index 1-D intervals (example:
As an exercise, I also built a multidimensional box type off the code
originally made for Illustra:
My version is available at:
AND su ~ '^ethanol';
Can the btree or any other AM be smart enough and bail out from CREATE
INDEX saying, "your data isn't worth indexing"?
exec /bin/su - postgres -c "/usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster -D /usr/local/pgsql/data
-i -B 4096 >> /usr/local/pgsql/server.log 2>&1" /dev/null
You can add
rm -f /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432
if you are warried about false starts.
ound makes me believe that one does
not even have to mention the access method ("using"-clause) in their
"If nothing else helps, read the manual"
> NOTICE: BufferAlloc: cannot write block 990 for joblist/central
Whenever I saw this error it was caused by the full filesystem in the
data/base/ directory.
of certain guest systems.
the systems is better,
please kindly refer to the following FAQ, esp. items 0.2a, 0.2b and
nstead of '^whatever.*'? Based on common
sense, the former should be much faster than the latter, which would
match any cahracter any number of times, unless the regexp is
optimized to avoid that.
emp=> explain select * from ps where ps ~ '^EDTA.*';
Index Scan using psix on ps (cost=2373.21 rows=1 width=62)
(ps is a 250k-row table; the result is returned immediately when
indexed and in about 3 seconds when not)
4. Hash index is never used
Observations made with 6.5 on RedHat 5.1.
-f $(DLOBJS)
rm -f *.o *~ *#
If it's not gcc that you are using, I think you should look for
further clues in
is '=', '<=', '>>~', etc.)
in older versions (pre-6.3), one had to typecast the names and descriptions:
INSERT INTO pg_description (objoid, description)
SELECT oid, 'your description'::text FROM pg_type WHERE typname =
59 matches
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