> Hi,
> I just found a reference to descriptions to functions/tables/...etc.
> and am now wondering how to add them myself?
> Joost Roeleveld

not sure if there is a shortcut to this (it's short enough already):

INSERT INTO pg_description (objoid, description) 
  SELECT oid, 'your description' FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'your_table_name';

INSERT INTO pg_description (objoid, description) 
  SELECT oid, 'your description' FROM pg_proc WHERE proname = 'your_procedure_name';

INSERT INTO pg_description (objoid, description) 
  SELECT oid, 'your description' FROM pg_type WHERE typname = 'your_type_name';

INSERT INTO pg_description (objoid, description) 
  SELECT oid, 'your description' FROM pg_operator WHERE oprname = 'your_operator_name';

(in case of operators, oprname is '=', '<=', '>>~', etc.)

in older versions (pre-6.3), one had to typecast the names and descriptions:

INSERT INTO pg_description (objoid, description) 
  SELECT oid, 'your description'::text FROM pg_type WHERE typname = 



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