Frank Mandarino wrote:

> Thanks for your response.
> I knew from the programming documentation that the opclass was optional.
> I'm pretty sure, although I will check again tonight, that I tried
> creating the index without specifying the opclass, but I found that the
> index was still not used in my example query.
> Do you know which opclass that Postgres should choose for char(8) types?

Owing very much to Franks question, I looked around and made the
following discovery. I have always been puzzled why only my own types
require an opclass in CREATE INDEX. The answer is that I failed to
provide the default. I based my code on the outdated postgres schema,
which still exists in the docs: 
(I'd love to see it fixed one day!)

If I got it right, the default opclass is snow specified in pg_opclass:

SELECT DISTINCT pg_am.amname, pg_opclass.opcname, pg_type.typname
FROM pg_am, pg_amop, pg_opclass, pg_type 
WHERE pg_amop.amopid = pg_am.oid 
  AND pg_amop.amopclaid = pg_opclass.oid 
  AND pg_opclass.opcdeftype = pg_type.oid;

amname|opcname     |typname 
btree |abstime_ops |abstime 
btree |bpchar_ops  |bpchar  
btree |char_ops    |char    
btree |date_ops    |date    
btree |datetime_ops|datetime
btree |float4_ops  |float4  
btree |float8_ops  |float8  
btree |int2_ops    |int2    
btree |int4_ops    |int4    
btree |int8_ops    |int8    
btree |macaddr_ops |macaddr 
btree |name_ops    |name    
btree |network_ops |cidr    
btree |network_ops |inet    
btree |oid8_ops    |oid8    
btree |oid_ops     |oid     
btree |text_ops    |text    
btree |time_ops    |time    
btree |timespan_ops|timespan
btree |varchar_ops |varchar 
hash  |bpchar_ops  |bpchar  
hash  |char_ops    |char    
hash  |date_ops    |date    
hash  |datetime_ops|datetime
hash  |float4_ops  |float4  
hash  |float8_ops  |float8  
hash  |int2_ops    |int2    
hash  |int4_ops    |int4    
hash  |int8_ops    |int8    
hash  |macaddr_ops |macaddr 
hash  |name_ops    |name    
hash  |network_ops |cidr    
hash  |network_ops |inet    
hash  |oid8_ops    |oid8    
hash  |oid_ops     |oid     
hash  |text_ops    |text    
hash  |time_ops    |time    
hash  |timespan_ops|timespan
hash  |varchar_ops |varchar 
rtree |bigbox_ops  |box     
rtree |box_ops     |box     
rtree |circle_ops  |circle  
rtree |poly_ops    |polygon 
(43 rows)

The way I understand it is that for each access method (amname) and
data type (typname) the default opclass is specified in
(opcname). This doesn't tell you, however, that char(n) is a bpchar
(thanks to SQL92 compliance, you can't anymore find that out by just
looking at it). Also, the above query does not list the types not
having a default opclass:

SELECT * FROM pg_opclass WHERE opcdeftype IS NULL;
opcname     |opcdeftype
ec_code_ops |          

And by the way, what I have just found makes me believe that one does
not even have to mention the access method ("using"-clause) in their

"If nothing else helps, read the manual"



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