Re: [GENERAL] Uhm, so, yeah, speaking of /.

2007-05-30 Thread Brandon Aiken
Google. And, yes, Google use a modified MySQL for its pigeons. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joshua D. Drake Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 2:41 PM To: Jeff Davis Cc: Scott Ribe; PostgreSQL general

Re: [GENERAL] server resetting

2006-09-18 Thread Brandon Aiken
e there were significant fixes in 7.4.8. It's possible that this is a known bug that has already been fixed. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Geoffrey Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 10:06 AM To:

Re: [GENERAL] Restore data from old installation

2006-09-18 Thread Brandon Aiken
Are you trying to connect to a remote server?  By default, PostgreSQL only accepts connections from localhost or  You will have to change the listen_addresses setting in postgresql.conf if you wish to connect from a remote node.   -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems

Re: [GENERAL] vista

2006-09-19 Thread Brandon Aiken
asked the same question to the dev team and that they *might* know something about the state of PG on that platform. Frankly, I too could care less about PG on Vista. Longhorn isn't due until Vista SP1, so PG support has a long time to go before it's a real concern. But then I didn'

Re: [GENERAL] Load a csv file into a pgsql table

2006-09-19 Thread Brandon Aiken
Define 'quick'. You could write a script that would transform a .csv file into an INSERT statement and save it to an .sql file. Or I suppose you could do silly ODBC stuff with MS Access. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mai

[GENERAL] Character fields and length

2006-09-21 Thread Brandon Aiken
logical model?   -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer   Confidentiality Notice This email, including attachments, may include confidential and/or proprietary information, and may be used only by the person or entity to which it is addressed.  If the reader of this email is

Re: [GENERAL] serial column

2006-09-25 Thread Brandon Aiken
red correctly, truncate the existing table, delete the sequence (or change the default on the primary key), copy the data back, and then re-create the sequence (or change default back to nextval) and then set nextval to MAX()+1. This is rather ugly, however, since you're still forcing the database to

Re: [GENERAL] Timestamp with timezone query

2006-09-25 Thread Brandon Aiken
Use the AT TIME ZONE construct: UNCTIONS-DATETIME-ZONECONVERT -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Harry Hehl Sent: Monday

Re: [GENERAL] Timestamp with timezone query

2006-09-25 Thread Brandon Aiken
Hm? Works for me: postgres=# select time with time zone '00:30:00-05' at time zone 'utc'; timezone - 05:30:00+00 (1 row) What are you trying to do with the query? -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mai

Re: [GENERAL] Timestamp with timezone query

2006-09-25 Thread Brandon Aiken
me AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' FROM theTable WHERE myTime = TIME WITH TIME ZONE '19:30:00-00'; If that doesn't work you might try extracting epoch to convert the time to an integer: SELECT myDate, myTime FROM theTable where EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM myTime) = EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM TIME W

Re: [GENERAL] change the order of FROM selection to make query work

2006-09-26 Thread Brandon Aiken
ous tables." -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Thomas Peter Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 9:15 AM To: Subject: [GENERAL] change the order of FROM selection to make

Re: [GENERAL] serial column

2006-09-26 Thread Brandon Aiken
In any case, I would not use the order key as a primary key. It should be unique, to be sure, but primary keys should be very stable. You may wish to use a serial field as the primary key just for that sake. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: Bob Pawley [

Re: [GENERAL] serial column

2006-09-27 Thread Brandon Aiken
ake it a unique key to enforce the constraint, but primary keys should generally be very stable fields. Brandon Aiken -Original Message- From: Bob Pawley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Mon 9/25/2006 11:59 AM To: Brandon Aiken; Subject: Re: [GENERAL] serial

Re: [GENERAL] [NOVICE] Do non-sequential primary keys slow performance significantly??

2006-09-29 Thread Brandon Aiken
surrogate key combined with a unique constraint on your random field seems like a better choice here, but that's entirely a subjective opinion. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Damian C Sent: Fr

Re: [GENERAL] Advantages of postgresql

2006-10-02 Thread Brandon Aiken
bit daunting to get started.  It’s like you’ve worked with Notepad for years and years, and now you’re starting to use Word or EMACS.   -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Iulian Manea Sent: Monday

Re: [GENERAL] Performance and Generic Config after install

2006-10-02 Thread Brandon Aiken
s really helped me in comming up to speed on Postgres administration." There should be an Administration Guide companion to the Manual. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jeff Davis Sent: Monday,

Re: [GENERAL] performace review

2006-10-07 Thread Brandon Aiken
king about average.   Gee, why to table joins take so long?  Maybe because a blind monkey created the schema?  Normalized databases do tend to perform better, so I hear.   Brandon Aiken From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Tomi NASent: Sat 10/7/2006 2:06 PMTo: PgSQL GeneralSubject: [GENERAL] perf

Re: [GENERAL] performace review

2006-10-07 Thread Brandon Aiken
_level_delete int4,   And this key: CONSTRAINT kernel_media_pkey PRIMARY KEY (object_rid, object_oid, object_idx)   Wow, yeah. "modified_at" and "created_at".  Those should definitely not be timestamps.  "owner".  Great field name, that.  The only keys that don't all

Re: [GENERAL] more anti-postgresql FUD

2006-10-10 Thread Brandon Aiken
also big considerations. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Merlin Moncure Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 1:56 PM To: PgSQL General Subject: [GENERAL] more anti-postgresql FUD

Re: [GENERAL] Anyone using "POSIX" time zone offset capability?

2006-10-16 Thread Brandon Aiken
What about time zones like Tehran (GMT+3:30), Kabul (GMT+4:30), Katmandu (GMT+5:45) and other non-cardinal-hour GMT offsets? Is this handled in some *documented* way already? -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On

Re: [GENERAL] Upgrade 7.4 to 8.1 or 8.2?

2006-10-20 Thread Brandon Aiken
live with 8.2.0. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John Sidney-Woollett Sent: Friday, October 20, 2006 11:10 AM To: Subject: [GENERAL] Upgrade 7.4 to 8.1 or 8.2? We

Re: [GENERAL] Problem with 8.1.5 RPMs for Redhat AS 4

2006-10-25 Thread Brandon Aiken
The SRPM appears to be available: / -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Will Reese Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 2:42 PM To

Re: [GENERAL] MSSQL to PostgreSQL : Encoding problem

2006-11-22 Thread Brandon Aiken
CODE11UTF7 UCS-2-INTERNAL UCS-2-SWAPPED UCS-4-INTERNAL UCS-4-SWAPPED Gee, didn't Unicode just so simplify this codepage mess? Remember when it was just ASCII, EBCDIC, ANSI, and localized codepages? -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [GENERAL] IN clause

2006-11-24 Thread Brandon Aiken
Hasn't it been said enough? Don't allow NULLs in your database. Databases are for storing data, not a lack of it. The only time NULL should appear is during outer joins. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PRO

Re: [GENERAL] indexes

2006-11-24 Thread Brandon Aiken
also feel more comfortable with an id field. Having that metadata feels like a safety net for some reason. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Allison Sent: Friday, November 24, 2006 9:54 AM To

Re: [GENERAL] IS it a good practice to use SERIAL as Primary Key?

2006-11-27 Thread Brandon Aiken
MS is just an estimated implementation of the relational model. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John McCawley Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 1:53 PM To: Ron Johnson Cc: Subjec

Re: [GENERAL] IS it a good practice to use SERIAL as Primary Key?

2006-11-27 Thread Brandon Aiken
new for a DBA. The SQL standard itself violates the relational model by allowing you to create tables without primary keys. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: David Morton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 2:30 PM To: Brandon Aiken

Re: [GENERAL] IS it a good practice to use SERIAL as Primary Key?

2006-11-27 Thread Brandon Aiken
Shenanigans! That problem occurs regardless of whether or not you use surrogate keys. You have exceeded the scope of the example. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Scott Ribe Sent: Monday, November

Re: [GENERAL] n00b RAID + wal hot standby question

2006-12-04 Thread Brandon Aiken
straints. Additionally, if my understanding is right then running with autovacuum disabled and no batch process vacuum strategy on a database with lots of INSERTs and DELETEs is essentially like running without indexes. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [E

Re: [GENERAL] 8.2 contrib. "Full Disjunction"

2006-12-06 Thread Brandon Aiken
Download the contrib module .tgz from PGFoundry and check out the readme. Syntax is explained therein. It's a multi-step process, it appears. I don't especially care for the term 'full disjunction' to describe this operation, but it seems to be an understood relational op

Re: [GENERAL] concatenation operator || with "null" array

2006-12-08 Thread Brandon Aiken
[NULL], but defaults to type TEXT. An explicit empty integer array would be ARRAY[NULL]::INTEGER[]. NULL arrays are not handled entirely consistently, though. Sometimes it acts like a NULL, and sometimes it acts like a container of NULL. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original

Re: [GENERAL] Numeric or Integer for monetary values?

2006-12-11 Thread Brandon Aiken
math also forces you to always silently truncate fractional cents. That may not be what you want. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Yonatan Ben-Nes Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 10:51 AM

Re: [GENERAL] search_path when restoring to new db

2006-12-11 Thread Brandon Aiken
of PostgreSQL, IIRC. I believe it complains if you try to pg_dumpall a database with a different version of pg_dumpall. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of SunWuKung Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 3:

Re: [GENERAL] search_path when restoring to new db

2006-12-12 Thread Brandon Aiken
which options you'll need to use to be sure of getting what you want. Double check the docs and be sure to test it a few times. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of SunWuKung Sent: Tuesday, December

Re: [GENERAL] Why DISTINCT ... DESC is slow?

2006-12-12 Thread Brandon Aiken
If you have, say, an index(x, y) then that index will often double as an index(x). It will generally not double as an index(y). I'm not sure if that's how all RDBMSs work, but I'm pretty sure that's how Oracle works. It never surprises me when PostgreSQL mimics Oracle. --

Re: [GENERAL] PG Admin

2006-12-13 Thread Brandon Aiken
construct a rather elaborate VIEW to automatically calculate the ordinals declaratively, or use a separate table to track the parent-child relationship of each object and use that for numbering. Brandon Aiken -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf O

[GENERAL] INSERT INTO row value constructors

2006-12-13 Thread Brandon Aiken
Is that correct, or is this behavior expected to change? This is just a curiosity question. I expect that PostgreSQL would behave in a similar manner performance wise inside a transaction. It just struck me as odd when it didn't work. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer   Confident

Re: [GENERAL] INSERT INTO row value constructors

2006-12-13 Thread Brandon Aiken
Cool. Now I just have to wait for Debian backports, or figure it out for myself if I can find the time. *sigh* 8.2 isn't even in Portage yet. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: Martijn van Oosterhout [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, Dec

Re: [GENERAL] out of memory woes

2006-12-14 Thread Brandon Aiken
I wonder if this is related to the Linux memory overcommit problem: #AEN19361 -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Angva Sent

Re: [GENERAL] could not write to log -> PANIC -> System down

2006-12-14 Thread Brandon Aiken
;s Windows. "Should not" is often a suggestion, it seems. As a port, postmaster.exe was presumably not written with VSS in mind, so it might object to the shadow copy instantiation (which, again, it *should* not be able to do). No idea on the frequent autovacuuming. Do you do a lot of delete

Re: [GENERAL] could not write to log -> PANIC -> System down

2006-12-15 Thread Brandon Aiken
My understanding of VSS is that only one non-VSS aware app can access the data at any one time. All I meant was that if their NetBackup version was old that they probably cannot benefit from VSS since I doubt the Win32 PG port knows about it either. Brandon Aiken -Original Message- From


2006-12-15 Thread Brandon Aiken
ect '2006-12-15 20:00 PST'::TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE AT TIME ZONE 'GMT'; timezone - 2006-12-16 04:00:00 (1 row) -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Richard T

Re: [GENERAL] Autovacuum Improvements

2006-12-19 Thread Brandon Aiken
might be a function of the other, for sure, but exactly what does the autovacuumer use to decide when to clean? -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matthew O'Connor Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2006 5


2006-12-21 Thread Brandon Aiken
in postgresql.conf. l#GUC-TIMEZONE -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rodrigo Sakai Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2006 1


2006-12-21 Thread Brandon Aiken
the timezone your server is in, because those are completely different times. You should not be storing the timezone information if you just want the relative time of day and not the absolute time. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: Rodrigo Sakai [mailto:[EMAIL

Re: [GENERAL] Database Failure on Windows XP Pro psql (PostgreSQL) 8.1.4

2007-01-08 Thread Brandon Aiken
only way to modify the limit is to manually modify binary files. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Shelby Cain Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 3:12 PM To: Oisin Glynn; Subject

Re: [GENERAL] Database Failure on Windows XP Pro psql (PostgreSQL)

2007-01-08 Thread Brandon Aiken
Try a 180-day Win2k3 trial to see if the issue persists. Realistically, though, if you can't afford the proprietary software don't develop with it. If it's a Windows XP bug (or "feature") then it's not anything we can help with since PG is working correctly.

Re: [GENERAL] Operator performance question

2007-01-09 Thread Brandon Aiken
Shouldn't these be using HAVING? SELECT COUNT(max_persons) ... GROUP BY NULL HAVING max_persons >= 5 AND max_persons <= 8; -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alban Hertroys Sent: Tuesday,

Re: [GENERAL] Version 8.2 for HP-UX

2007-01-12 Thread Brandon Aiken
AFAIK, PostgreSQL is only supplied in Win32 and Fedora/Redhat flavors. Debian, Gentoo, and FreeBSD maintain their own binary packages themselves. For HP-UX, you need to build from source. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original

Re: [GENERAL] Version 8.2 for HP-UX

2007-01-12 Thread Brandon Aiken
Right, but I assumed you checked with HP before coming here. I should have said "for PG 8.2.1 on HP-UX, you will need to build from source". -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: Al Balmer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 1

Re: [GENERAL] FK Constraint on index not PK

2007-01-12 Thread Brandon Aiken
Read the release notes. 7.4.8 and 7.4.11 require special considerations. By all means upgrade, but it's not quite seamless. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Scott Marlowe Sent: Friday, Janua

Re: [GENERAL] Finding bogus dates

2007-01-18 Thread Brandon Aiken
te","MM/DD/") <> "oldDate". If a date got changed for sanity reasons, it'll be different. That should get most of 'em. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sco

Re: [GENERAL] Finding bogus dates

2007-01-18 Thread Brandon Aiken
Actually, now that I think about it a second you can find them really easy just by doing: SELECT * FROM "foo" WHERE to_char(to_date("oldDate",'MM/DD/'),'MM/DD/YYYY') <> "oldDate"; -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Origina

Re: [GENERAL] Trouble creating database with proper encoding

2007-01-22 Thread Brandon Aiken
to each character. As far as PostgreSQL is concerned, "Unicode" is an alias for "UTF8", which is UTF-8 encoding. See: CHARSET-SUPPORTED -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Messa

Re: [GENERAL] too many trigger records found for relation "item" -

2007-01-23 Thread Brandon Aiken
#x27;s the case, it's going to affect someone eventually. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Csaba Nagy Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 4:42 AM To: Lenorovitz, Joel Cc: Postgres general mailing l

Re: [GENERAL] Postgresql.conf

2007-01-23 Thread Brandon Aiken
Out of curiosity, has the COUNT(*) with no WHERE clause slowness been fixed in 8.x? Or is it still an issue of "there's no solution that won't harm aggregates with WHERE clauses"? -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mai

Re: [GENERAL] Any Plans for cross database queries on the same server?

2007-01-30 Thread Brandon Aiken
tly one relationship between tables?". Well, because if one A always means one B and one B always means one A, shouldn't they ought to be in the same table already? -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] O

Re: [GENERAL] Ordering problem with varchar (DESC)

2007-01-31 Thread Brandon Aiken
8h40 d1 2007-01-3012h00 d3 2007-01-3013h45 d4 2007-01-3017h20 d5 2007-01-30 9h30 d2 To use your current schema, you need to zero-fill your hours, so 9h30 needs to be 09h30 and so forth. -- Brandon Aik

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL/FireBird

2007-02-05 Thread Brandon Aiken
top-end enterprise databases. It has a much larger memory footprint and is much more complicated to administer compared to FB, but is much more configurable and customizable. Bottom line: PostgreSQL is more mature because it's several years older. Firebird is intended for different

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL/FireBird

2007-02-06 Thread Brandon Aiken
-platform. I've never used it, but I've also never been impressed with the performance of anything that has used JetSQL (Exchange especially). -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer From: Justin Dearing [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, Feb

Re: [GENERAL] Postgres SQL Syntax

2007-02-06 Thread Brandon Aiken
and Cobb a virtual impossibility (the most obvious reason being that a computer database can only store computerized data). -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jim C. Sent: Friday, February 02, 2007 11:37 AM

Re: [GENERAL] how to store whole XML file in database

2007-02-12 Thread Brandon Aiken
You'll have to escape any quotation marks or your SQL will not parse your strings correctly. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of deepak pal Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 4:07

Re: [GENERAL] postgresql vs mysql

2007-02-21 Thread Brandon Aiken
tem. 3. MySQL is no longer the only thing available. PostgreSQL is on Windows now, MS SQL 2005 Express, SQLite, Oracle Express, Firebird, etc. 4. So is Windows. MySQL isn't quite as bad as PHP for internal inconsistencies and developer aggrivations, but it comes close enough for me to want

Re: [GENERAL] postgresql vs mysql

2007-02-22 Thread Brandon Aiken
and that de-normalization is a practical workaround and never a wise logical design choice from the get-go, you shouldn't feel too bad about doing it. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tim Tassoni

Re: [GENERAL] postgresql vs mysql

2007-02-22 Thread Brandon Aiken
PostgreSQL installations such as the .org DNS TLD root). I'd like to see a tuned MySQL vs a similarly tuned PostgreSQL system (that is, fsync in the same state and with the same level of ACID compliance) subject to a battery of test schema types (OLTP, OLAP, etc.). -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Eng

Re: [GENERAL] postgresql vs mysql

2007-02-23 Thread Brandon Aiken
That's why you make a table for every device or every measurement, and then use a view to consolidate it. With updatable views, there's no excuse not to. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behal

Re: [GENERAL] Difference between UNIQUE constraint vs index

2007-02-28 Thread Brandon Aiken
y key is a superset of what's needed for unique, so I would expect only legacy systems to support non-indexed uniques. Any newer DBMS would implement primary keys and then steal the code for uniques. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[

Re: [GENERAL] Difference between UNIQUE constraint vs index

2007-02-28 Thread Brandon Aiken
Problem number 6,534 with implementing an abstract concept such as an RDB on a digital computer with an electro-magno-mechanical storage system. :p -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: Tom Lane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 11

Re: [GENERAL] Anyone know a good opensource CRM that actually installs with Posgtres?

2007-03-09 Thread Brandon Aiken
Why is running on PG so important? Why not look for the best CRM application for your user's needs? -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bradley Kieser Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2007 8:22 PM To:

Re: [GENERAL] Lifecycle of PostgreSQL releases

2007-03-15 Thread Brandon Aiken
t contract. The upgrade question is "why?" not "why not?". -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Lane Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 2:00 PM To: Joshua D. Drake Cc: Erik

Re: [GENERAL] PgSql on Vista?

2007-03-15 Thread Brandon Aiken
It was clear to me after 20 minutes of actually trying to use the OS that UAC was a gimmick designed to supply plausible deniability for the fact that Windows XP suffered so many problems with malware. They can simply ask "were you using UAC?" every time someone complains that their box got inf

Re: [GENERAL] PgSql on Vista?

2007-03-16 Thread Brandon Aiken
Actually the only reason we have an email disclaimer is for CSIA compliance. We know they have a highly dubious legal standing, but, hey, it's what the auditors require. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: Konrad Neuwirth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [GENERAL] PgSql on Vista?

2007-03-16 Thread Brandon Aiken
It's about $20,000 cheaper than ISO (ISA? IEC? One of those TLAs.) certification. Industrial engineering. CSIA is industrial control certification: -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: Joshua D. Drake [mailto:[EMAIL PROT

Re: [GENERAL] Lifecycle of PostgreSQL releases

2007-03-21 Thread Brandon Aiken
orious for the latter.) If "bug fix" is 100% handled by support contract, and "new feature" is 100% not useful, what is my impetus? For a direct example, why should a business upgrade their desktops from Windows XP to Windows Vista before 2011 if *none* of the new features

[GENERAL] Precision of data types and functions

2006-08-28 Thread Brandon Aiken
#x27;ve learned MySQL 5 stores numbers with the DECIMAL data type as text strings, and does math at 64-bit precision. Where can I find information about how precise PostgreSQL 8 math is? -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer ---(end of broadcast)---

Re: [GENERAL] Precision of data types and functions

2006-08-28 Thread Brandon Aiken
Oh, I agree. PostgreSQL is a much more well-behaved RDBMS than MySQL ever was. I'm more inclined to select PostgreSQL over MySQL, but I may not be able to convince management that it's a better choice no matter how technically superior I can show it to be. -- Brandon Aiken CS/

Re: [GENERAL] Precision of data types and functions

2006-08-28 Thread Brandon Aiken
h speed at a cost of data integrity. It's fine for discussion boards or anything non-critical where having a database is a convenience instead of a necessity. Nevermind that MySQL really doesn't have much place between PostgreSQL and SQLite nowadays. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engine

Re: [GENERAL] Postgresql mentioned on Newsforge MySQL article

2006-08-28 Thread Brandon Aiken
, MonetDB. The results tell me that people who write databases can write good apps that use those same databases. And the world collectively says "O RLY?". -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of T

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL on system with root as only user

2006-08-30 Thread Brandon Aiken
Unless it's a read-only database, I would never recommend using flash media for an RDBMS. Unless it's a small database, I would never recommend using USB as a storage interface for an RDBMS. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mai

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL on system with root as only user

2006-08-30 Thread Brandon Aiken
ect it to scale well at all. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of AgentM Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 1:21 PM To: PostgreSQL General ML Subject: Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL on system with root as only u

Re: [GENERAL] Precision of data types and functions

2006-09-01 Thread Brandon Aiken
a date on February 31st, or prior to the year 1500, both of which are obviously nonsensical. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ron Johnson Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 6:27 PM To: pgsql-general@postg

Re: [GENERAL] Precision of data types and functions

2006-09-01 Thread Brandon Aiken
The Gregorian calendar was established in the 1500's by Pope Gregory, so, no, those dates did not exist. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: Scott Marlowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, September 01, 2006 2:22 PM To: Brandon Aiken Cc: pgsql ge

Re: [GENERAL] Precision of data types and functions

2006-09-01 Thread Brandon Aiken
. Knowing the year and season something happened is about the best that can be expected. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: Scott Marlowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, September 01, 2006 2:27 PM To: Brandon Aiken Cc: pgsql general Subject: RE

Re: [GENERAL] Database design and triggers...

2006-09-07 Thread Brandon Aiken
the queries are slow, do some index tuning. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2006 2:05 PM To: Subject: [GENERAL] Database desi

Re: [GENERAL] Database design and triggers...

2006-09-08 Thread Brandon Aiken
END , "UserID" FROM "Transaction" NATURAL JOIN "TransactionItem"; As far as speed, speed is always an issue. PostgreSQL is going to perform better than Access, but don't use good performance as a crutch for bad design. As far as normalization, it is possib

Re: [GENERAL] [NOVICE] Insert Only Postgresql

2006-09-08 Thread Brandon Aiken
Sure.  Any RDBMS can do that.  Just create a user account (login role for PostgreSQL) and only grant the INSERT privilege to them on your tables, then connect with that account with your program.  Any DELETE or UPDATE statements will automatically fail.   -- Brandon Aiken

[GENERAL] Database migration and redesign

2006-09-11 Thread Brandon Aiken
books, and I don’t know what’s good anymore.   -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer   Confidentiality Notice This email, including attachments, may include confidential and/or proprietary information, and may be used only by the person or entity to which it is addressed.  If

Re: [GENERAL] Database migration and redesign

2006-09-11 Thread Brandon Aiken
ce both tables are parents to this third table. Is that how it's supposed to be done? There are several places across the DB where this style relationship occurs, and I'd like to try to conform to best practices (especially since the last guy managed to miss just about every singl

Re: [GENERAL] serial, sequence, and COPY FROM

2006-09-12 Thread Brandon Aiken
Serial fields have a default value of nextval, so if you add an 18th field to your text file with DEFAULT in every record it should work as intended. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: [GENERAL] program for graphical/schematical representation of relations between tables

2006-09-12 Thread Brandon Aiken
MS Paint.  ;)   Literally, there were posts about this yesterday.  Look for DBDesigner4 and Clay (an Eclipse extention/plug-in).   -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Zlatko Matic Sent

Re: [GENERAL] [NOVICE] INSERT does not finish except if it is carried out a

2006-09-13 Thread Brandon Aiken
Why drop and recreate the table? Why not TRUNCATE it? -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matthieu Guamis Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 6:15 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [NOVICE] INSERT

Re: [GENERAL] [NOVICE] Question About Aggregate Functions

2006-09-13 Thread Brandon Aiken
TRUE, FALSE, and NOT YET DETERMINED.   -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Don Parris Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 9:16 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [NOVICE] Question About Aggregate

Re: [GENERAL] [NOVICE] Question About Aggregate Functions

2006-09-13 Thread Brandon Aiken
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] [NOVICE] Question About Aggregate Functions   On 9/13/06, Brandon Aiken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Ah, I did not know what was in your fields, so I did not assume they were Boolean values.  It looked to me like you were trying to use IS TRUE to substitute for t

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL slammed by PHP creator

2006-09-14 Thread Brandon Aiken
And yet this man is smart enough not to run MySQL on Windows. Methinks this says something -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joshua D. Drake Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 5:16 PM To: [EMAIL

Re: [GENERAL] Installation with sources or with packages

2006-09-15 Thread Brandon Aiken
world) I suspect you won't have any major problems even if you do this. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 7:26 AM To: S

Re: [GENERAL] Installation with sources or with packages

2006-09-15 Thread Brandon Aiken
Fair enough. I've never done it before except with trivial things that had no dependencies, and I just downloaded the packages with wget. Another option would be to use Ubuntu server. That's kinda Debian de facto, and offers more current packages, IIRC. -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT System

Re: [GENERAL] basic geographic structure

2006-09-15 Thread Brandon Aiken
What about a self-referencing table? Region -- region_id country_id parent_region_id PRIMARY KEY ("region_id") FOREIGN KEY ("parent_region_id") REFERENCES "Region" ("region_id") ... -- Brandon Aiken CS/IT Systems Engineer ___