Title: [GENERAL] performace review
It wouldn't surprise me if their bashing were correct, but I doubt that it's PostgreSQL's fault.
I download the db source (inside opencrx-1.9.1-core.postgresql-8.zip) and executed their three schema files, dbcreate-indexes.sql, dbcreate-views.sql, dbcreate-tables.sql.  Each of the 118 tables has a three-field composite primary key of 'PRIMARY KEY (object_rid, object_oid, object_idx)'.  object_rid and object_oid are both VARCHAR(200).  There are *no* foreign key constraints.  Each table has between 15 and 50 fields, with 25 looking about average.
Gee, why to table joins take so long?  Maybe because a blind monkey created the schema?  Normalized databases do tend to perform better, so I hear.
Brandon Aiken

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Tomi NA
Sent: Sat 10/7/2006 2:06 PM
To: PgSQL General
Subject: [GENERAL] performace review

I was just reading http://www.opencrx.org/faq.htm where RDBMS engines
are one of the questions and see pgsql bashed sentence after sentence.
Can anyone offer any insight as to weather it's fact or FUD?


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