FireBird has a different target audience than PostgreSQL, which is why
it's not compared to PostgreSQL as often as MySQL is.

FireBird is a direct descendant of Borland InterBase 6.  Consequently,
much like Postgres inherited a lot of Ingres's weirdness (most of which
has since been weeded out or superceeded with standard SQL compliance),
FireBird is still very much InterBase dialect-compliant.  This is also
why it still uses a modified Mozilla Public License.  I know they've
achieved ANSI SQL-92 compliance, but I don't know how fully compliant
beyond that they are.  PostgreSQL is mostly working on SQL-03 compliance
AFAICT.  Both use MVCC.

Interbase was also primarily used for single instance and embedded
applications, so it's not intended to scale the same way PostgreSQL is.

Firebird's design foci are very small memory footprint, ANSI SQL-92
complaince, multiple dialects that support aging systems, and very low
administrative requirements.  It lack features and scalability compares
to PG, but does what it does very well.

PostgreSQL's design foci are features and robustness.  It's designed to
compete with Oracle, DB2, MS SQL, and other top-end enterprise
databases.  It has a much larger memory footprint and is much more
complicated to administer compared to FB, but is much more configurable
and customizable.

Bottom line:  PostgreSQL is more mature because it's several years
older.  Firebird is intended for different applications.

Brandon Aiken
CS/IT Systems Engineer

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of RPK
Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2007 10:32 PM
Subject: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL/FireBird

How is FireBird rated when compared with PostgreSQL? 
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