I am volume testing a db model that consists of a paritioned tables. The
db has been running for a week and a half now and has built up to contain
approx 55000 partition tables of 18000 rows each. The root table therefore
contains about 1 billion rows. When I try to do a "select count(*)" of th
Hi all.
On the very same database and session I have two different (but similar)
queries behaving in a very different way as far as timings.
This is the first one:
prove=# explain analyze select d.* from t_vcol natural join v_dati_attuali d
natural join tt_elem where vtab_id='TEST';
On Tue, 2007-10-23 at 09:28 -0500, Erik Jones wrote:
> > Ow Mun Heng wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> Is there a method to obtain the query's runtime from any of the pg_*
> >> tables?
> query_start does, however, give you the time that the query started.
> I use something like
> SELECT procpid, cli
On Mon, 2007-10-22 at 08:20 -0400, Bill Moran wrote:
> In response to "Joshua D. Drake" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Ow Mun Heng wrote:
> > > I'm wondering if what I'm doing is redundant.
> > >
> > > I have a primary key on columns (A,B,C,D)
> > > and I've also defined an index based on the same c
> ERROR: out of memory
> DETAIL: Failed on request of size 130.
> Does anybody have any suggestion as to which parameter I should tune to
> give it more memory to be able to perform queries on the root table?
This indicates that malloc() failed which mea
"Reg Me Please" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>-> Seq Scan on tt_elem (cost=0.00..29.40 rows=1940 width=8)
> (actual time=0.012..0.013 rows=1
> loops=1)
The discrepancy etween the estimated rows and actual rows makes me think
you've not a
>João Paulo Zavanela wrote:
>> The file pljava.dll exist in directory, why this error?
>> Someone can help me?
>PL/Java has it's own mailing list here:
>I think it is still active, but I'm not sure. Sorry, I'm short on time.
> Searc
I have tried to answer to the best of my knowledge but its running on
Soalris 10, and I am not that familiar with solaris ( Go Linux!!! :)
> any more memory. Either you have a very low memory ulimit (look at ulimit
> -a
> in the same session as Postgres) or your machine is really low on memory
I am using zope on windows with an external python method to backup my
database. I am struggling to run the following command:
pg_dump.exe database > file
I have tried using os.popen - no luck
and also subprocess.Popen.
import subprocess
On 17/10/2007, Lothar Behrens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I do convert an UML XMI model to a database script to create the
> database schema.
> To enable multiple iterations I need conditional alter table add
> column like syntax.
> Is there any way to do this ?
Not easily in a stra
"Gregory Stark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> "Reg Me Please" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>-> Seq Scan on tt_elem (cost=0.00..29.40 rows=1940 width=8)
>> (actual time=0.012..0.013 rows=1
>> loops=1)
> The discrepancy etween the estim
> max_connections = 1000
Do you actually have anywhere near this number of processes? What is your
setting for work_mem? Keep in mind every process could use as much as work_mem
and actually it's possible to use that much several times over.
Also, what is your mainten
Robert, that does sound better. It keeps the names of the files in svn
consistent with the database object names which is essential. It also makes
it automatic. Unfortunately, it doesn't tell you who did the changes.
Do you want to share that code?
-Original Message-
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> max_connections = 1000
> Do you actually have anywhere near this number of processes? What is your
> setting for work_mem? Keep in mind every process could use as much as
> work_mem
> and actually it's possible to use that much several times over.
> Also, what
> > are a dump of Postgres's current memory allocations and could be useful in
> > showing if there's a memory leak causing this.
> The file is 20M, these are the last lines: (the first line continues
> unttill ff_26000)
> idx_attributes_g1_seq_1_ff_4_value7: 1024
God morgen
Please display these memory settings from your postgresql.conf file
- Original Message -
To: "Gregory Stark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2007 7:07 AM
Subject: Re: [GENE
> God morgen
> Please display these memory settings from your postgresql.conf file
> sort_mem
> shared_buffers
I have shown the entire configuration. if its not in the configuration
shown, I have changed its value.
I have used the configuration example provided by Sun regarding running
>> > are a dump of Postgres's current memory allocations and could be
>> useful in
>> > showing if there's a memory leak causing this.
>> The file is 20M, these are the last lines: (the first line continues
>> unttill ff_26000)
>> idx_attributes_g1_seq_1_ff_4_v
In Oracle you can use this:
There is something in the Postgresql ?
Evandro Andersen
Postgresql 8.2
Abra sua conta no Yahoo! Mail, o único sem limite de espaço para
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> >> > are a dump of Postgres's current memory allocations and could be
> >> useful in
> >> > showing if there's a memory leak causing this.
> >>
> >> The file is 20M, these are the last lines: (the first line continues
> >> unttill ff_26000
am Thu, dem 25.10.2007, um 5:25:14 -0700 mailte Evandro Andersen folgendes:
> In Oracle you can use this:
> There is something in the Postgresql ?
Can you explain this a little bit more? I can't see any sense. Either i
delete rows with
I have never seen order by in a delete statement in Oracle so I tested it.
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Oct 25 07:45:50 2007
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> create table a (a1 number, a2 number);
Table created
> I have shown the entire configuration. if its not in the configuration
> shown, I have changed its value.
I meant to say "I haven't changed its value"
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
Il Thursday 25 October 2007 13:20:40 Gregory Stark ha scritto:
> "Gregory Stark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > "Reg Me Please" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>-> Seq Scan on tt_elem (cost=0.00..29.40 rows=1940
> >> width=8) (actual time=0.012..0.013 rows=1 loops=1)
> >
> > The d
You could setup a subversion commit hook to export the functions to the
Then you adjust your development mentality to:
1) Edit the files on the disk
2) Commit to Subversion
Then the hook takes over and runs the drop/create automatically, you
could even have it email the developer i
I could use psql instead of pgAdmin then which isn't what I want.
Having used Quest software SQL Navigator since 97 for Oracle and then
migrated to Toad for Oracle which both products have integration to source
control, it is hard to revert back to a command line or text file solution.
pgAdmin s
On 10/24/07, Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Joe Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Tom Lane wrote:
> >> 1. Treat NULL rowid as a category in its own right. This would conform
> >> with the behavior of GROUP BY and DISTINCT, for instance.
> > In any case, the attached changes the behav
Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I did a test previously, where I created 1 million partitions (without
>> data) and I checked the limits of pg, so I think it should be ok.
> Clearly it's not.
You couldn't have tested it too much --- even planning a query o
On 10/25/07, Reg Me Please <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Il Thursday 25 October 2007 13:20:40 Gregory Stark ha scritto:
> > "Gregory Stark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > "Reg Me Please" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > >>-> Seq Scan on tt_elem (cost=0.00..29.40 rows=1940
> > >>
>> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> >
>> >> > are a dump of Postgres's current memory allocations and could be
>> >> useful in
>> >> > showing if there's a memory leak causing this.
>> >>
>> >> The file is 20M, these are the last lines: (the first line continues
>> >> unttil
On 24/10/2007, Gregory Stark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "rihad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Does anyone have an idea how risky it is to start using 8.3b1 in
> production,
> > with the intention of upgrading to release (or newer beta) as soon as it
> > becomes available? Risky
> Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> I did a test previously, where I created 1 million partitions (without
>>> data) and I checked the limits of pg, so I think it should be ok.
>> Clearly it's not.
> You couldn't have tested it too much --- even planning
On 10/25/07, Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> I did a test previously, where I created 1 million partitions (without
> >> data) and I checked the limits of pg, so I think it should be ok.
> > Clearly it's not.
> Y
Il Thursday 25 October 2007 16:29:33 Scott Marlowe ha scritto:
> On 10/24/07, Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Joe Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > Tom Lane wrote:
> > >> 1. Treat NULL rowid as a category in its own right. This would
> > >> conform with the behavior of GROUP BY and
> > Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > The partitioning facility is designed for partition counts in the tens,
> > or maybe hundreds at the most.
> Maybe, but it works even on 55000 partitions as long as the operations are
> done against a partition and not
On 10/24/07, Bob Pawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there any way of converting text from an AutoCad (.dwg ot .dxf) file into
> a PostgreSQL Database??
> Bob Pawley
I know nothing of AutoCad, but your message has been sitting for a
while without response, so I'll throw out the suggestion th
On 10/25/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >>> I did a test previously, where I created 1 million partitions (without
> >>> data) and I checked the limits of pg, so I think it should be ok.
> >
> >> Clearl
On Oct 25, 2007, at 9:36 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
are a dump of Postgres's current memory allocations and could be
useful in
showing if there's a memory leak causing this.
The file is 20M, these are the last lines: (the first line
On 10/25/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hi
> I am volume testing a db model that consists of a paritioned tables. The
> db has been running for a week and a half now and has built up to contain
> approx 55000 partition tables of 18000 rows each. The root table therefore
> cont
> It will work on a million partitions and more, provided you do
> operations on single partitions.
Thats good enough for me, thats exactly what I want. I just used the
select count() on the root to get a feeling of how many rows it was in
total. An then I thought that t
>> The db worked fine until it reached perhaps 30-40 thousand partitions.
> It depends on how you have the partitions set up and how you're
> accessing them. Are all of these partitions under the same parent
> table? If so, then trying run a SELECT COUNT(*) against the parent
> table is simply
On 10/25/07, Peter Childs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was wondering why my PITR base back up was taking 2 hours on my 8.3 test
> database where as it takes 50 minutes on 8.1 and the database files are
> meant to be smaller on a freshly installed 8.3 server rather than a 8.1.1
> server that aint
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > It will work on a million partitions and more, provided you do
> > operations on single partitions.
> Thats good enough for me, thats exactly what I want.
In that case, why use partitions at all? They are simple independent
On Oct 25, 2007, at 10:36 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The db worked fine until it reached perhaps 30-40 thousand
It depends on how you have the partitions set up and how you're
accessing them. Are all of these partitions under the same parent
table? If so, then trying run a SE
> Are you selecting directly from the child table, or from the parent
> table with constraint_exclusion turned on?
the problem was when selecting from the parent table, but selecting from
child tables are no problem. As stated in other replies, I only wanted to
know how many rows where in the tabl
> So, out of curiosity, I asked my Oracle DBA friend if she'd ever heard
> of anyone having 60,000 or so partitions in a table, and she looked at
> me like I had a third eye in my forehead and said in her sweet voice
> "Well, that would certainly be an edge case". She sounded like she
> was worrie
Scott Marlowe escribió:
> So, out of curiosity, I asked my Oracle DBA friend if she'd ever heard
> of anyone having 60,000 or so partitions in a table, and she looked at
> me like I had a third eye in my forehead and said in her sweet voice
> "Well, that would certainly be an edge case". She soun
>> Thats good enough for me, thats exactly what I want.
> In that case, why use partitions at all? They are simple independent
> tables.
For two reasons,
- the data logically belongs together.
- because its more practical to create tables as childs of a parent table
> Excellent, it sounds like you should be fine then. One thing to
> note: if you want to get an "idea" of how many rows you have in your
> partitions, you can run a SUM aggregate on reltuples in pg_class for
> all of your partitions. The more recent the last ANALYZE for each
> table, the more ac
>> In that case, why use partitions at all? They are simple independent
>> tables.
> For two reasons,
> - the data logically belongs together.
> - because its more practical to create tables as childs of a parent table
> than as independent tables.
>- changes to the
Roberts, Jon schrieb:
I could use psql instead of pgAdmin then which isn't what I want.
Having used Quest software SQL Navigator since 97 for Oracle and then
migrated to Toad for Oracle which both products have integration to source
control, it is hard to revert back to a command line or te
>> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> >> Thats good enough for me, thats exactly what I want.
>> >
>> > In that case, why use partitions at all? They are simple independent
>> > tables.
>> For two reasons,
>> - the data logically belongs together.
>> - because its more pra
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> Thats good enough for me, thats exactly what I want.
> >
> > In that case, why use partitions at all? They are simple independent
> > tables.
> For two reasons,
> - the data logically belongs together.
> - because its more practical to
Roberts, Jon wrote:
I could use psql instead of pgAdmin then which isn't what I want.
Having used Quest software SQL Navigator since 97 for Oracle and then
migrated to Toad for Oracle which both products have integration to source
control, it is hard to revert back to a command line or text file
Ever tried Druid?
Il Thursday 25 October 2007 18:02:51 Tino Wildenhain ha scritto:
> Hi,
> Roberts, Jon schrieb:
> > I could use psql instead of pgAdmin then which isn't what I want.
> >
> > Having used Quest software SQL Navigator since 97 for Oracle and then
> >
>>> In that case, why use partitions at all? They are simple independent
>>> tables.
>> For two reasons,
>> - the data logically belongs together.
>> - because its more practical to create tables as childs of a parent
>> table
>> than as independent tables.
>>- ch
Complaint? Who is complaining?
I am simply asking if this feature that is rather common in other database
development tools will ever be added to pgAdmin.
And no, I will not sponsor such development.
-Original Message-
From: Joshua D. Drake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thur
On Oct 25, 2007, at 11:16 AM, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
Thats good enough for me, thats exactly what I want.
In that case, why use partitions at all? They are simple
For two reasons,
- the data logically belongs together
I not sure I follow the question about SQL Navigator and Toad.
When you edit a function, package, procedure, trigger, etc, it will notify
you via a pop-up window if there is a difference in the committed version
and the database version. You can then click "show differences" and then it
pops up
> this is my config
> checkpoint_segments = 96
> effective_cache_size = 128000
> shared_buffers = 43
> max_fsm_pages = 208000
> max_fsm_relations = 1
> max_connections = 1000
> autovacuum = off# enable autovacuum subprocess?
> fsync = on
No I haven't. Thanks for the tip.
-Original Message-
From: Reg Me Please [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2007 11:25 AM
To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Cc: Tino Wildenhain; Roberts, Jon
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] subversion support?
Ever tried Druid?
"Scott Marlowe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On 10/25/07, Peter Childs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I was wondering why my PITR base back up was taking 2 hours on my 8.3 test
>> database where as it takes 50 minutes on 8.1 and the database files are
>> meant to be smaller on a freshly installed
I have versions 7.4 (port=5433) & 8.2 (port=5432) on this Ubuntu box.
I want to use v8.2's pg_dumpall to export v7.4's data into a text file.
(IDEALLY I'd like to port it directly to psql and avoid the file, but
I don't know if I can do that.)
Anyway, when I:
>> In other words, you really should have only one table; they aren't
>> independent. What you need to do is dial down your ideas of how many
>> partitions are reasonable to have.
> Yes, but no. Each partition represents a chunk of information on a
> discrete timeline. S
Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> You can use CREATE TABLE LIKE, which copies the definition but does not
> set the inheritance.
Well, sort of.
Unless I'm using it incorrectly it only copies the basic column
definitions and, as optionally specified, defaults and some of the
On Thu, Oct 25, 2007 at 11:35:32AM -0500, Roberts, Jon wrote:
> Complaint? Who is complaining?
> I am simply asking if this feature that is rather common in other database
> development tools will ever be added to pgAdmin.
Why are you then asking on a *PostgreSQL* list ?
> And no, I will no
Ralph Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I want to use v8.2's pg_dumpall to export v7.4's data into a text file.
> prompt:/usr/lib/postgresql/8.2/bin$ ./pg_dumpall -c -v -p 5433 >
> myfile.txt
Works for me. What does the -v give you on stderr? Also,
7.4.what-exactly and 8.2.what-exactly?
Roberts, Jon wrote:
When you edit a function, package, procedure, trigger, etc, it will notify
you via a pop-up window if there is a difference in the committed version
and the database version. You can then click "show differences" and then it
pops up another window with your typical code diff
On 10/25/07, Steve Crawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> ...
> >
> > You can use CREATE TABLE LIKE, which copies the definition but does not
> > set the inheritance.
> >
> Well, sort of.
> Unless I'm using it incorrectly it only copies the basic column
> definitions and,
On Oct 25, 2007, at 10:13 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
Ralph Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
I want to use v8.2's pg_dumpall to export v7.4's data into a text
prompt:/usr/lib/postgresql/8.2/bin$ ./pg_dumpall -c -v -p 5433 >
Works for me. What does
> --- Original Message ---
> From: "Roberts, Jon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
> Sent: 25/10/07, 17:35:32
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] subversion support?
> Complaint? Who is complaining?
> I am simply asking if this feature that is rather common in other da
Roberts, Jon wrote:
> So the long story short I'm getting is, "no it is not on the radar". This
> is terribly ironic given the fact that pgAdmin is developed using source
> control but the code you write with the tool doesn't have any hooks into
> source control.
Actually, it is on my personal ra
"Dave Page" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Complaint? Who is complaining?
>> I am simply asking if this feature that is rather common in other database
>> development tools will ever be added to pgAdmin.
> pgAdmin II had change control. No-one ever really used it though so we never
> both
On 10/25/07, Gregory Stark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Dave Page" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> Complaint? Who is complaining?
> >>
> >> I am simply asking if this feature that is rather common in other database
> >> development tools will ever be added to pgAdmin.
> >
> > pgAdmin II had ch
> --- Original Message ---
> From: Gregory Stark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Dave Page" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: 25/10/07, 19:06:12
> Subject: Re: subversion support?
> The situation is complicated somewhat by the SQL "ALTER TABLE" and so on
> commands which you need to use instead o
Ralph Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Oct 25, 2007, at 10:13 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Works for me. What does the -v give you on stderr? Also,
>> 7.4.what-exactly and 8.2.what-exactly?
> Sorry for the bulk here...
Hmph. Nothing obviously wrong there, except that it's not finding
That is awesome. Can it be added to pga3?
-Original Message-
From: Dave Page [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2007 2:11 PM
To: Gregory Stark
Cc: Roberts, Jon; pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Subject: Re: subversion support?
> --- Original Message ---
On Oct 25, 2007, at 12:24 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
Ralph Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
On Oct 25, 2007, at 10:13 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
Works for me. What does the -v give you on stderr? Also,
7.4.what-exactly and 8.2.what-exactly?
Sorry for the bulk here...
Hmph. Nothing obviously wrong t
Ralph Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Oct 25, 2007, at 12:24 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Hmph. Nothing obviously wrong there, except that it's not finding
>> anything except template1. What does "select * from pg_database"
>> show?
> postgres=# select * from pg_database ;
>datname | datdb
On Oct 25, 2007, at 1:09 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
Ralph Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
On Oct 25, 2007, at 12:24 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
Hmph. Nothing obviously wrong there, except that it's not finding
anything except template1. What does "select * from pg_database"
postgres=# select * f
Ralph Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Oct 25, 2007, at 1:09 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Ummm ... those are the column headings for 8.2 pg_database, not 7.4.
>> You're looking at the wrong postmaster.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/lib/postgresql/7.4/bin$ ./psql
> Welcome to psql 7.4.13, the PostgreSQL
On 10/25/07, Garry Saddington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am using zope on windows with an external python method to backup my
> database. I am struggling to run the following command:
> pg_dump.exe database > file
> subprocess.Popen(['c:/dir/dir/pg_dump.exe','database','>','c:/dir/dir/output
Tom Lane wrote:
You are making a common beginner error, which is to suppose that N
little tables are better than one big one. They are not.
Well that depends on how you define better. For my purposes, it is better.
What you're
effectively doing is replacing the upper levels of a big tabl
On 10/25/07, Thomas Finneid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tom Lane wrote:
> > You are making a common beginner error, which is to suppose that N
> > little tables are better than one big one. They are not.
> Well that depends on how you define better. For my purposes, it is better.
> > What
"Thomas Finneid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> What you're
>> effectively doing is replacing the upper levels of a big table's indexes
>> with lookups in the system catalogs, which in point of fact is a
>> terrible tradeoff from a performance standpoint.
> Only if you assume I use all data in
On Oct 25, 2007, at 1:57 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
Ralph Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
On Oct 25, 2007, at 1:09 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
Ummm ... those are the column headings for 8.2 pg_database, not 7.4.
You're looking at the wrong postmaster.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/lib/postgresql/7.4/bin$ ./ps
On Thu, 2007-10-25 at 15:36 -0700, Ralph Smith wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/lib/postgresql/7.4/bin$ ./psql -p 5433
> psql: FATAL: database "postgres" does not exist
7.4 does not have postgres database. use ./psql template1 -p 5433.
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, C
On Oct 25, 2007, at 3:45 PM, Devrim GÜNDÜZ wrote:
./psql template1 -p 5433
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/lib/postgresql/7.4/bin$ ./psql -p 5433
Welcome to psql 7.4.13, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
Type: \copyright for distribut
I'd like to store some tree data in my database. I want to be able to
sort the data but maintain a tree structure. So for example, if I
order by a timestamp, I should get
- parent1
* child1
* child2
* child3
- parent2
* child4
* child5
and if I reverse the sort order, I get
- pare
XimpleWare is proud to announce the the release of version 2.2 of VTD-XML, the
next generation XML parsers/indexer/slicer/editor. This release significantly
expands VTD-XML's ability to slice, split, edit and incrementally update the
XML documents. To this end, we introduce the concept of namesp
Em Thursday 25 October 2007 13:36:09 [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
> Regarding dumps and restore; the system will always be offline during
> those operations and it will be so for several days, because a new project
> might start at another location in the world, so the travelling there
> takes tim
Pat Maddox wrote:
I'd like to store some tree data in my database. I want to be able to
sort the data but maintain a tree structure
Is it possible to pull all the data like that with one query? How do
I need to structure the table, and what query do I have to run in
order to make it happen?
As far as I can tell, all of the proposed solutions lack sample
independence. Take the OP's suggested approach of doing something
like this:
SELECT * FROM mydata
WHERE mydata.random_number >= (SELECT RANDOM() OFFSET 0)
ORDER BY mydata.random_number ASC LIMIT 100
All you're doing is pi
Gregory Stark wrote:
Tom's point is that if you have 55k tables then just *finding* the newest
child table is fairly expensive. You're accessing a not insignificant-sized
index and table of tables. And the situation is worse when you consider the
number of columns all those tables have, all the
Scott Marlowe wrote:
It may well be that one big table and partial indexes would do what
you want. Did you explore partial indexes against one big table?
That can be quite handy.
Hmm, interresting, I suppose it could work. Tanks for the suggestion,
Ill keep it in mind.
You could try this:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION foo( out procpid integer, out client_addr inet, out
query_time interval, out current_query text )
(Thanks to Joen Conway for showing this in tablefunc!)
Il Friday 26 October 200
Jorge Godoy wrote:
Em Thursday 25 October 2007 13:36:09 [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
Regarding dumps and restore; the system will always be offline during
those operations and it will be so for several days, because a new project
might start at another location in the world, so the travelling th
On Fri, 2007-10-26 at 08:35 +0200, Reg Me Please wrote:
> You could try this:
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION foo( out procpid integer, out client_addr inet,
> out
> query_time interval, out current_query text )
> ...
After Erik Jones gave me the idea for this, I started to become lazy to
have to type this into the sql everytime I want to see how long a query
is taking.. so, I thought that I'll create a function to do just that..
I ended up with..
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