On Tue, 2007-10-23 at 09:28 -0500, Erik Jones wrote:
> > Ow Mun Heng wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> Is there a method to obtain the query's runtime from any of the pg_*
> >> tables?
> query_start does, however, give you the time that the query started.   
> I use something like
> SELECT procpid, client_addr, to_char(now() - query_start, 'DD  
> HH24:MI:SS') as query_time, current_query
> FROM pg_stat_activity
> ORDER BY query_time DESC;

Thanks for this.. but I found that this query doesn't really do much for
the query_time. It's always 00 for a long runnig query >1min.

I've re-wrote it using

SELECT procpid, client_addr, now() - query_start as query_time,
FROM pg_stat_activity
ORDER BY query_time DESC;

the to_char doesn't really do much for me..

Thanks for the pointer though.. It led me to the right direction.

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