On 10/25/07, Gregory Stark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Dave Page" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> Complaint?  Who is complaining?
> >>
> >> I am simply asking if this feature that is rather common in other database
> >> development tools will ever be added to pgAdmin.
> >
> > pgAdmin II had change control. No-one ever really used it though so we never
> > bothered to implement it in pgAdmin III.
> Note that most database admins I've seen use change control by making a series
> of sql files with all the definitions they need to recreate the tables. They
> then use those sql files to drive the database, rather than the other way
> around. So you just need to track those sql files in your revision control
> system, and they're just plain text.
> The situation is complicated somewhat by the SQL "ALTER TABLE" and so on
> commands which you need to use instead of just reissuing the CREATE TABLE
> command.

that's what I do.  The fact that I can wrap my entire change control
script in begin / commit pairs means I don't have to worry about
ruining production if one step goes wrong.

Unlike some other large, expensive, commercial databases.

I like the idea of easy, SVN controlled DDL.  I'm just not sure it's
likely to be as easy as we wish when moving from dev to test to

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