Just testing ... ignore ...
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (http://www.hub.org)
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the p
Harald Armin Massa wrote:
I have a table:
id_r int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('rechner_id_r_seq'::regclass),
name text,
CONSTRAINT rechner_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_r)
ON rechner
USING btree
and want to have the existing or
Alban Hertroys,Why don't you just use the default? You could entirely do away with the
'result' variable that way:because I need to know which is the new id of that computer. The other way would be "insert if not exists" and again "select where name = ..." -> 1 statement more, and without a stored
A few stupid questions:
Where to get the latest version?
Is http://www.sai.msu.su/~megera/postgres/gist/tsearch/V2/ a dead site
and the latest versions are always "silently" distributed with PG inside
the contrib dir?
How can I find out what version of TSearch2 I'm running?
Is there active
Sorry folks, just trying to debug a bug ..
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (http://www.hub.org)
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analy
On Fri, 2005-11-18 at 18:51, Otto Blomqvist wrote:
> Hi,
> We are using PostgresDAC 2.2.1 and PostgreSQL 8.0.2 on
> i386-redhat-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC i386-redhat-linux-gcc (GCC) 4.0.0
> 20050412 (Red Hat 4.0.0-0.42).
> I perform a simple test as follows.
> 1. I connect to the database
I need to generate a table of teachers, and the count of classes they
taught in the past and are scheduled to teach in the future.
id | last_name | totalfuture_class_count | past_class_count
3 | Smith |
On Mon, 21 Nov 2005, Hannes Dorbath wrote:
A few stupid questions:
Where to get the latest version?
Is http://www.sai.msu.su/~megera/postgres/gist/tsearch/V2/ a dead site and
the latest versions are always "silently" distributed with PG inside the
contrib dir?
You should always use tsearch
I'm interested in defining a covariance aggregate function. (As a
refresher, remember that covariance is a little bit like variance, but
is between two variables:
cov(X,Y)= - ,
where the angular brackets in this case denote taking the averag.
Variance is a special case when X and Y are
On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 05:40:10 -0800,
Bill Moseley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's where I'm missing something. Trying to do an outer join on
> to bring in the class row with its class_time column:
You don't say exactly why you are having a problem with this, but I think you
would be b
On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 16:50:00 +0300,
Oleg Bartunov wrote:
> On Mon, 21 Nov 2005, Hannes Dorbath wrote:
> >I'm playing a bit with it ATM. Indexing one Gigabyte of plain text worked
> >well, with 10 GB I yet have some performance problems. I read the TSearch
> >Tuning Guide and will start
Berend Tober wrote:
I'm stuck on not knowing how to define a
aggregate that takes more that one variable as its argument
This is currently unsupported.
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
Hello Berend,
have you considered using pl/r.
I think R got a covariance-function.
Best regards
Hakan Kocaman
digame.de GmbH
Richard-Byrd-Str. 4-8
50829 Köln
Tel.: +49 (0) 221 59 68 88 31
Fax: +49 (0) 221 59 68 88 98
Can you describe the versatility you're looking for? Why does your
application need to run on multiple DB's? Is the user going to be
selecting a backend database? I'd consider how compelling your reasons
for supporting multiple databases are, because it will be quite a bit of
work even with
Joe Conway wrote:
Berend Tober wrote:
I'm stuck on not knowing how to define a aggregate that takes more
that one variable as its argument
But I guess it _could_ take an array as argument, maybe even
a record (postgresql pseudonym for what's called a structure in C).
You'd use it with the fol
Berend Tober <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I'm stuck on not knowing how to define a
> aggregate that takes more that one variable as its argument,
That's because there isn't any way to do that. It's on the TODO list
I believe. In the meantime, you could possibly kluge it up by
defining a compos
On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 11:03:22AM -0500, Berend Tober wrote:
> I'm interested in defining a covariance aggregate function. (As a
> refresher, remember that covariance is a little bit like variance, but
> is between two variables:
> cov(X,Y)= - ,
> where the angular brackets in this c
First version of this I sent this morning did not appear to go through.
Please disregard if you received the first one.
-- Original Message --
Hello All,
We have finally tracked down a bug in our application to a rewrite rule on a
table. In essence, the rewrite rule in quest
Chris Kratz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> ON INSERT TO test1
>do INSERT INTO test_que (row_id)
> VALUES (new.id);
You would be a whole lot better off doing this with a trigger.
> insert into test1
> select id,data from test2
> except select id,
I tried to run insert command from a .sql file. For example, in a.sql
file there are 100,000 lines like
insert into t1 values(... ...);
insert into t1 values(... ...);
insert into t1 values(... ...);
... ...
I do not want to see the 100,000 times "INSERT 0 1" displayed by
Emi Lu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I do not want to see the 100,000 times "INSERT 0 1" displayed by
> postgreSQL. Is there a way to hide the output "INSERT 0 1" generated by
> postgresql ?
"psql -q" I think ... read the man page.
regards, tom lane
Hash: SHA1
On Mon, 21 Nov 2005, Emi Lu wrote:
Is there a way to hide the output "INSERT 0 1" generated by postgresql ?
Use psql with -q.
- --
Kivi Bilişim Teknolojileri - http://www.kivi.com.tr
devrim~gunduz.org, devrim~PostgreSQ
Thanks a lot! That is exactly what I want.
- Emi
On Mon, 21 Nov 2005, Emi Lu wrote:
Is there a way to hide the output "INSERT 0 1" generated by postgresql ?
Use psql with -q.
- --
Kivi Bilişim Teknolojileri - http://www.kivi.com.tr
devrim~gunduz.org, devrim~Postgre
Hakan Kocaman wrote:
have you considered using pl/r.
I think R got a covariance-function.
That would be, like, the easy way.
fn:Berend Tober
org:Seaworthy Systems, Inc.
adr:;;22 Main Stree
Michael Fuhr wrote:
On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 11:03:22AM -0500, Berend Tober wrote:
I'm interested in defining a covariance aggregate function.
I think aggregates must take a single value, so the above won't
work as written. However, in PostgreSQL 8.0 or later you could
define the aggr
On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 11:45:34AM -0600, Bruno Wolff III wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 05:40:10 -0800,
> Bill Moseley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Here's where I'm missing something. Trying to do an outer join on
> > to bring in the class row with its class_time column:
> You don't
I'm trying to download the source for 8.1 but am having a problem from
both IE and Mozilla browsers. From either browser, clicking on a
donwload object link leads me here:
Choose a download mirror
Downloading: /binary/v8.1.0/win32/postgresql-8.1.0-2.zip
We could not query the database or no mi
It looks to me like your problem is that weird area where you alias your
inner join as "t" and thenn inner join based on this alias. You're
getting a cartesian product somewhere, as evidenced by the
"rows=700" in your explain.
I already deleted the old mail with your table structure, but tr
Can anyone point me to a good HOW TO on LDAP with postgreSQL 8.0.x or 8.1?
Also, while searching online, i came across dblink-ldap.
Is this another ldap utility or is it something i could use to connect/link to a ldap application?
I just noticed, also goofy is your ", person_role" in your from with no
criteria. I would generally put the "person_role.person = person.id" as
an INNER JOIN, and then only have the "person_role.role=3" in the
where. It doesn't look like that's the specific problem, but I
generally find that
[Please copy the mailing list on replies and please don't change
the Subject header. I've restored the original subject and am
copying the list on this reply. I'll look at this when I get a
chance, but maybe somebody else will answer before then.]
On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 05:28:30PM -, Byrne
On 11/21/05, Michael Fuhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [Please copy the mailing list on replies and please don't change
> the Subject header. I've restored the original subject and am
> copying the list on this reply. I'll look at this when I get a
> chance, but maybe somebody else will answer be
On Monday 21 November 2005 03:35 pm, you wrote:
> Chris Kratz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > ON INSERT TO test1
> >do INSERT INTO test_que (row_id)
> > VALUES (new.id);
> You would be a whole lot better off doing this with a trigger.
> > inser
> I'm trying to download the source for 8.1 but am having a
> problem from both IE and Mozilla browsers. From either
> browser, clicking on a donwload object link leads me here:
Hi. This should be fixed by now, thanks for reporting it. (There were
serious problems, but they were solved a short w
> Can anyone point me to a good HOW TO on LDAP with postgreSQL
> 8.0.x or 8.1?
> Also, while searching online, i came across dblink-ldap.
> Is this another ldap utility or is it something i could use
> to connect/link to a ldap application?
If what you're trying to do is access LDAP data fro
Yes, thanks very much, I was just a few minutes ago able to get back in
and get this done. Thanks!
Magnus Hagander wrote:
I'm trying to download the source for 8.1 but am having a
problem from both IE and Mozilla browsers. From either
browser, clicking on a donwload object link l
On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 03:25:56PM -0600, John McCawley wrote:
> I just noticed, also goofy is your ", person_role" in your from with no
> criteria. I would generally put the "person_role.person = person.id" as
> an INNER JOIN, and then only have the "person_role.role=3" in the
> where. It doe
Hello All,
We have finally tracked down a bug in our application to a rewrite rule on a
table. In essence, the rewrite rule in question logs any inserts to another
table. This works correctly in all cases except where an "except" clause is
used in the insert statement. In this case, the rows
reading the docs . . . let's see if I've got it.
1. Timestamp with timezone accepts a timestamp with the additional
timezone, converts it and stores it as GMT
2. It returns the value as the timestamp converted to the timezone of
the local machine?
---(end of broadcas
Michael Fuhr wrote:
You refer to shs.city. in the select list, but in the from
clause you've aliased shs.city to city. As the SELECT documentation
When an alias is provided, it completely hides the actual name
of the table or function; for example given FROM foo AS f, the
Dear all,
I'm using a PostgreSQL 8.1.0 dabase on a Fedora
Core 3 machine here. In this table there is a table hosts:
CREATE TABLE hosts( hostid int4 NOT
NULL DEFAULT nextval('hosts_hostid_seq'::regclass), hostip cidr NOT
NULL, hostname varchar(50), lastseen timestamp DEFAULT
""A.j. Langereis"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> What is happening here? What am I overlooking? The length does not
> seem to be the problem: 'FooFooFoo' also uses the index..
> Also the fact whenever there are results or not does not seem to
> influence the planner..
Check out this thread:
On Mon, 21 Nov 2005, Bartosz Jakubiak wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm new with PostgreSQL, but this thing doesn't allow me to sleep:
> I wonder if it is possible to execute SQL query which:
> 1. checks out if table exists, and if it is:
> 2. deletes it
> All of it at SQL query level, preferrably in one
I want to take the serial ID of several values in different rows in one
table and insert them into a single row of another table.
Would the 'group by' command be the best way to do this?
Tnks Qingqing, I've read them! Nevertheless I think there are some
differences here:
* The difference in the amout of rows is much smaller. Nevertheless the
table is small as well: only 100 rows
* There is a faster query plan to solve the query:
"Bitmap Heap Scan on hosts (cost=2.07..11.34 rows=
Converted your message to plain text as preferred on most mailing lists.
Bob Pawley wrote:
> I want to take the serial ID of several values in different rows in
> one table and insert them into a single row of another table.
> Would the 'group by' command be the best way to do this?
Could you
On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 02:06:35PM -0800, Bill Moseley wrote:
> The now working query (thanks to you!) is:
No that doesn't work. It's dropping the people that have never
been assigned a class to teach (i.e. don't have a row in the
"instructors" link table).
> FROM class INNER JOIN ins
I have several fields that needs to be within a table but not real sure the
best way to represent this data.
The scenario I'm trying to incorporate is a form that has to be filled out
went a well is drilled and then sent to the state. One of the things the form
wants is the different depths var
> I'm not clear how to move that "person_role.person = person.id" into
the FROM statement. Does it matter?
This should work:
FROM person
INNER JOIN person_role ON person.id = person_role.person
LEFT OUTER JOIN instructors ON (person.id = instructors.person)
LEFT OUTER JOIN class ON (instructor
On Nov 22, 2005, at 3:19 , Dennis Veatch wrote:
I had thought just adding some fields called topsoil_start/
gravel_start/gravel_end, etc. But them I'm left with how to take
those values
and give to total depth for each layer and total depth of the well.
But I'm not sure that is
Chris Kratz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hello All,
> We have finally tracked down a bug in our application to a rewrite rule on a
> table. In essence, the rewrite rule in question logs any inserts to another
> table. This works correctly in all cases except where an "except" clause is
On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 08:05:19PM -0500, Jerry Sievers wrote:
> Chris Kratz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Hello All,
> >
> > We have finally tracked down a bug in our application to a rewrite rule on
> > a
> > table. In essence, the rewrite rule in question logs any inserts to
> > anothe
Emi Lu presumably uttered the following on 11/21/05 15:40:
I tried to run insert command from a .sql file. For example, in a.sql
file there are 100,000 lines like
insert into t1 values(... ...);
insert into t1 values(... ...);
insert into t1 values(... ...);
... ...
I do not want
""A.j. Langereis"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> "Bitmap Heap Scan on hosts (cost=2.07..11.34 rows=21 width=59) (actual
> time=0.175..0.287 rows=21 loops=1)"
> " Recheck Cond: ((hostname)::text = 'Fabian'::text)"
> " -> Bitmap Index Scan on hosts_hostname (cost=0.00..2.07 rows=21
> width=0) (
On Monday 21 November 2005 20:04, Michael Glaesemann wrote:
> On Nov 22, 2005, at 3:19 , Dennis Veatch wrote:
> > I had thought just adding some fields called topsoil_start/
> > topsoil_end,
> > gravel_start/gravel_end, etc. But them I'm left with how to take
> > those values
> > and give to total
I have a members table and an items table. Every time items.member_id or
items.active gets
changed, members.items_submitted and members.items_approved gets updated by a
trigger on items. I
added an "admin" column to members, and now this happens:
=> update items set active = false where member_i
I see the problem now. On a shared host the createuser and createdb are handled by cPanel scripts but not (as yet on my host) createlang.The createlang utility only installs procedural languages included in the default PostgreSQL distribution, which fortunately includes plpgsql language I need.If t
On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 15:53:15 -0800,
Bob Pawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to take the serial ID of several values in different rows in one table
> and insert them into a single row of another table.
> Would the 'group by' command be the best way to do this?
>From your descriptio
Here's what I want to do.
Table control contains values (mon and valves) that are associated by
numbers inserted into the associated column.
I want to transfer the serial _id number of the items associated by the
value '1' into the appropriate columns of the first row of the table
On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 21:53:10 -0800,
Bob Pawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's what I want to do.
> Table control contains values (mon and valves) that are associated by
> numbers inserted into the associated column.
> I want to transfer the serial _id number of the items associate
Am Montag, den 21.11.2005, 20:12 -0800 schrieb Jeremy Sellors:
> I see the problem now. On a shared host the createuser and createdb
> are handled by cPanel scripts but not (as yet on my host) createlang.
> The createlang utility only installs procedural languages included in
> the default PostgreS
61 matches
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