Chris Kratz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello All,
> We have finally tracked down a bug in our application to a rewrite rule on a 
> table.  In essence, the rewrite rule in question logs any inserts to another 
> table.  This works correctly in all cases except where an "except" clause is 
> used in the insert statement.  In this case, the rows are inserted into the 
> primary table as expected, but the rule either does not fire, or fires in 
> such a way that nothing is placed in the changes table.

You must be referring to something like;

insert into foo
select *
from sometable
select * 
from someothertable

If there's an EXCEPT clause on INSERT, I've never seen it.

Perhaps you should post your insert query and your rule declaration.

>  As a side note, is there a way to see the final sql after all "rewrite" 
> rules 
> have been processed?  It might help us understand what is going on.  

Not SQL but see config setting;


Jerry Sievers   305 854-3001 (home)     WWW ECommerce Consultant
                305 321-1144 (mobile

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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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