Am Montag, den 21.11.2005, 20:12 -0800 schrieb Jeremy Sellors:
> I see the problem now. On a shared host the createuser and createdb
> are handled by cPanel scripts but not (as yet on my host) createlang.
> The createlang utility only installs procedural languages included in
> the default PostgreSQL distribution, which fortunately includes
> plpgsql language I need.
> If the language is added to template1 then all future databases—
> including those of other shared users—would have the language
> installed by default and this—probably for reasons that all the
> languages are not installed by default—might not be desirable. 
> So what I need to solve the problem is a cPanel script to install the
> required procedural languages or alternately—I have to ask the support
> people to add any required languages when I create a new database. 
> Unless I have not fully understood the problem then clearly this issue
> will have to be solved in order to use all of the advanced features of
> PostgreSQL to be available on shared servers.
> Can the createlang utility be made available to an ordinary user just
> to apply the lang to his database ? 

Shouldnt you rather ask your hoster?


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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