2004-09-16 Thread Michael Meskes
On Wed, Sep 15, 2004 at 01:28:14AM -0400, Richard Connamacher wrote: > Also, anyone know if it can parse Objective C files? They're basically identical to > c language > files, with two added constructs: method calls, which are surrounded by brackets: > ... It depends where these constructs are

[GENERAL] Invalid large object descriptor : 0 with autocommit

2004-09-16 Thread aditya Kulkarni
Hi , I have an application that ran on Oracle, and the application, for some reason requires autocommit to be true. Now, when we moved this application to postgres, we moved the blob column to LargeObjects. But PostgreSQL doesn't seem to be able to use Large Objects with autoCommit = true. Is the

[GENERAL] table partitioning

2004-09-16 Thread Leonardo Francalanci
A couple of days ago I announced that I wrote a JDBC driver that adds table partitioning features to databases accessed via JDBC. I also wrote: > In case you think this could be of any interest if integrated > in Postgresql (I mean if it was a core functionality of Postgresql, > not just a JDBC d

Re: [GENERAL] pg_dump in cycle

2004-09-16 Thread Najib Abi Fadel
Use pg_dump instead of pg_dumpall example: pg_dump databaseName > databaseDumpFile if u have many databases, you can make a script that dumps each database in it's own file - Original Message - From: "Ilia Chipitsine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Thursday, Se

Re: [GENERAL] pg_dump in cycle

2004-09-16 Thread Najib Abi Fadel
U can use : select datname from pg_database; in order to get the list of databses HTH Najib. - Original Message - From: "Ilia Chipitsine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Najib Abi Fadel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 10:41 AM Subject: Re: [GENERAL] pg_dump in cycle

Re: [GENERAL] pg_dump in cycle

2004-09-16 Thread Ilia Chipitsine
yes, but how can I integrate that query with shell script (which will perform actual dumping) ? I would even say, "select datname from pg_database where not datistemplate", becuase otherwise pg_dump will complain about template0 Cheers, Ilia Chipitsine U can use : select datname from pg_databa

Re: [GENERAL] pg_dump in cycle

2004-09-16 Thread Najib Abi Fadel
Check out the "psql " command. U can use : psql -l which outputs sometinhg like List of databases Name | Owner | Encoding -+---+--- dragon_devel| ptufenkji | UNICODE dragon_devel_v2 | ptufenkji | UNICODE dragon_joujou | ptufenk

[GENERAL] problem with pg_restore and user privileges

2004-09-16 Thread Stefano Bonnin
Hi, I'm a Postgis user, and I have a problem restoring data from 7.4 to 8.0.0beta2.   I use the script that comes with postgis distribution.   I do the following for the dump: pg_dump -Fc mydb >mydb.sql   and the script does the following restore operations: ... some c

Re: [GENERAL] pg_dump in cycle

2004-09-16 Thread Najib Abi Fadel
This seems to be more interesting for shell scripting: psql -d DatabaseName -c 'select datname from pg_database where not datistemplate' ; datname - fgm_eval hotline usj dragon_devel dragon_joujou dragon_devel_v2 dragon_prod fgm (8 rows) Cheers. Najib. - Origin

Re: [GENERAL] [HACKERS] Problems with SPI memory management

2004-09-16 Thread Katsaros Kwn/nos
On Wed, 2004-09-15 at 19:51, Tom Lane wrote: > You'd be well advised to be doing this sort of hackery in a build with > --enable-cassert. That turns on CLOBBER_FREED_MEMORY which makes > misuse of freed memory a whole lot more obvious. I did this but when I try do create a function the following

Re: [GENERAL] schema level variables

2004-09-16 Thread Paramveer . Singh
 hi Thank you for your feedback. Actually, we are trying to move to postgres as a company, and not just move a particular project. So we have to show the corporate hierarchy that this is not only good to move, but that it is feasible. So we would like to rummage through as little of the legacy cod

[GENERAL] lexicographical ordering in postgres

2004-09-16 Thread Paramveer . Singh
Hi! I created a table in postgres with varchar values in it, and I noticed that postgres lexicographical ordering is weird in the sense that it ignores whitespaces. please look at the result I got: select * from tablename order by columnname; cloumnname --

[GENERAL] Stemmer integration in tsearch2 / $libdir error

2004-09-16 Thread m.b.
Hello everybody, After installing the tsearch2 nice and smoothly and following the steps provided on Oleg"s and Teodor"s page i come to an abrupt end after: # Compile and install dictionary cd PGSQL_SRC/contrib/dict_fr make make install which still seems to work fine!! Next comes: sh-2.05b$ p

Re: [GENERAL] lexicographical ordering in postgres

2004-09-16 Thread Martijn van Oosterhout
Check your locale settings. The en_US locale sorts like that for example... On Thu, Sep 16, 2004 at 04:00:43AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Hi! > I created a table in postgres with varchar values in it, and I noticed that > postgres lexicographical ordering is weird in the sense that it ignor


2004-09-16 Thread Örn Hansen
Hi, I got the following scenario in a database. CREATE TABLE persons ( id char(15), name varchar(80) ); CREATE TABLE customer( discount int4 ) INHERITS (persons); CREATE TABLE personal_data( id REFERENCES persons(id) MATCH FULL ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,

[GENERAL] Postgresql <--> webservices?

2004-09-16 Thread Philippe Lang
Hello, Does anyone have experience in interfacing a Postgresql database (tables? plpgsql functions? perl functions?) with the outside world through webservices? (XML-RPC, SOAP, UDDI, WSDL...) Philippe ---(end of broadcast)--- TIP 3: if posting/read

Re: [GENERAL] Tsearch2 adding additional dictionaries

2004-09-16 Thread Teodor Sigaev
Marcel Boscher wrote: Hello everybody, i'm having a hard time trying to install an i-spell dictionary into tsearch2... i do exactly as i'm being tol don the website: everything goes fine until i try the examples like: # s

[GENERAL] Postgres memory usage

2004-09-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi: Our postgres database has tables with several million rows in a server running Red Hat 8.0 with 1GB of memory. Recently we are experiencing a low performance in the access to the server via HTTP, after rebooting the server the speed is the same. I have noticed that available memory is aparently

Re: [GENERAL] Postgresql <--> webservices?

2004-09-16 Thread Christopher Browne
Martha Stewart called it a Good Thing when [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Philippe Lang") wrote: > Does anyone have experience in interfacing a Postgresql database > (tables? plpgsql functions? perl functions?) with the outside world > through webservices? (XML-RPC, SOAP, UDDI, WSDL...) Yeah, I did some of t

Re: [GENERAL] Checking regex pattern validity

2004-09-16 Thread David Garamond
Tom Lane wrote: David Garamond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Is there a function like IS_VALID_REGEX() to check whether a pattern is valid (i.e. it compiles)? I'm storing a list of regex patterns in a table. It would be nice to be able to add a CHECK constraint to ensure that all the regexes are v

Re: [GENERAL] Postgresql <--> webservices?

2004-09-16 Thread Bill Moran
Christopher Browne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Martha Stewart called it a Good Thing when [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Philippe Lang") wrote: > > Does anyone have experience in interfacing a Postgresql database > > (tables? plpgsql functions? perl functions?) with the outside world > > through webservices?

Re: [GENERAL] Postgres memory usage

2004-09-16 Thread Jeff
On Sep 16, 2004, at 8:58 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have noticed that available memory is aparently too low, according to top: 12:58pm up 1:28, 3 users, load average: 0,00, 0,01, 0,09 94 processes: 91 sleeping, 3 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped CPU states: 0,0% user, 0,0% system, 0,0% ni

Re: [GENERAL] psql + autocommit

2004-09-16 Thread Lars Haugseth
* Peter Eisentraut: | John Sidney-Woollett wrote: | > Any ideas why the global file doesn't work? | | There is no support for a global configuration file at this time. I | suggested that you *implement* it. Version 8.0.0beta2 supports a global configuration file. It's should be located in '~post

Re: [GENERAL] psql + autocommit

2004-09-16 Thread John Sidney-Woollett
Thanks - I'll live with modifying the ~/.psqlrc file until we move to version 8. John Sidney-Woollett Lars Haugseth wrote: * Peter Eisentraut: | John Sidney-Woollett wrote: | > Any ideas why the global file doesn't work? | | There is no support for a global configuration file at this time. I | s

Re: [GENERAL] psql + autocommit

2004-09-16 Thread John Sidney-Woollett
Thanks to you and Bruce for the info. I'll live with modifying the ~/.psqlrc file until we move to version 8. John Sidney-Woollett Lars Haugseth wrote: * Peter Eisentraut: | John Sidney-Woollett wrote: | > Any ideas why the global file doesn't work? | | There is no support for a global configuratio

Re: [GENERAL] Strange UTF-8 behaviour

2004-09-16 Thread Matteo Beccati
Hi, Ã (UTF-8 encoded) Sorry, I actually forgot to switch encoding :) I just hope the last part of the email was readable. Ciao ciao -- Matteo Beccati ---(end of broadcast)--- TIP 3: if posting/reading through

[GENERAL] UTF-8 question.

2004-09-16 Thread Richard Connamacher
I'm new to PostgreSQL, and from the looks of it, it's a great database, and I'll be using more of it in the future. I had a quick question if anyone could clear this up. The documentation for PostgreSQL (version 7.1, the version this server is using) says that it supports multibyte character encod

Re: [GENERAL] UTF-8 question.

2004-09-16 Thread Dan Sugalski
At 8:39 PM -0400 9/16/04, Richard Connamacher wrote: I'm new to PostgreSQL, and from the looks of it, it's a great database, and I'll be using more of it in the future. I had a quick question if anyone could clear this up. The documentation for PostgreSQL (version 7.1, the version this server is us

Re: [GENERAL] UTF-8 question.

2004-09-16 Thread Michael Glaesemann
On Sep 17, 2004, at 9:39 AM, Richard Connamacher wrote: UTF-8 is the 8-bit version of Unicode. The multibyte version of Unicode is UTF-16. UTF-8 encodes characters with varying numbers of bytes, not just 1 byte per character. IIRC, it's anywhere from 1 to 5 bytes, actually. PostgreSQL uses UTF-8.

Re: [GENERAL] UTF-8 question.

2004-09-16 Thread Richard Connamacher
Thanks to both Dan Sugalski and Michael Glaesemann for answering my question. I probably should have realized that, while Latin letters are one byte, the fact that others are encoded into up to 5-byte groups qualifies it as a multi-byte encoding. I don't anticipate having very many non-latin letter

Re: [GENERAL] UTF-8 question.

2004-09-16 Thread Tom Lane
"Richard Connamacher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > 7.1 may be prehistoric, but it's running on an off-site server that I'm > renting, and this version came pre-installed. Since it's already there > and working, I'd like to get familiar with it before I try to reinstall > a newer version. I doubt I

[GENERAL] Is it possible to get the 7.4.1 static docs in HTML form anymore?

2004-09-16 Thread Hadley Willan
Reason being I'd like to install them locally on my laptop so that when I'm lap topping it, I still have docs without the need for an Internet connection. Regards.     Hadley

Re: [GENERAL] UTF-8 question.

2004-09-16 Thread Pierre-Frédéric Caillaud
=> show client_encoding ; client_encoding - UNICODE (1 ligne) => select char_length('a'), bit_length('a'); char_length | bit_length -+ 1 | 8 (1 ligne) # that's an accented "e" => select char_length('é'), bit_length('é'); ; char_length

Re: [GENERAL] Converting varchar() to text

2004-09-16 Thread Robert Treat
On Wednesday 15 September 2004 12:29, Steve Atkins wrote: > Is there a safe way to convert varchar(n) to text, other than create > a new column, update, delete column, rename? > > I have a number of databases that were built with varvhar(n) and which > should have been done with text. They're in pr