Marcel Boscher wrote:
Hello everybody,

i'm having a hard time trying to install an i-spell dictionary into tsearch2...
i do exactly as i'm being tol don the website:

everything goes fine until i try the examples like:

# select lexize('norwegian_ispell','overbuljongterningpakkmesterassistent');

my problem then is, as a result of my select i get NULL thats it...
no fancy errors nothing just the Null... any ideas?

thx in advance

look, to_tsquery(' overbuljongterningpakkmesterassistent') returns
"over & buljong & terning & pakk & mester & assistent" query. Are your sure that text contains all of those words exists?

-- Teodor Sigaev E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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