Hi, I got the following scenario in a database.
CREATE TABLE persons ( id char(15), name varchar(80) ); CREATE TABLE customer( discount int4 ) INHERITS (persons); CREATE TABLE personal_data( id REFERENCES persons(id) MATCH FULL ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, class char(20), info varchar(40) ); Point of it is, I want to be able to add a mobile phone number as: INSERT INTO personal_data(id,class,info) values(ID,'MOBILE',PHONENO); Yet still have it automatically update or deleted if the person disappears in the database, and not stick around as a ghost. This works ok, except that the table customer will break it. I can't add personal_data to a customer, even though all customer fields and data, including the ID is in the persons database. So my question is, is there a way to do this now, will this be possible in the future or what is the status? Mvh, Örn
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