[GENERAL] Q: Executing functions at connect/disconnect?

2003-07-03 Thread Mattias Kregert
Is there a way to automagically execute a function at connect/disconnect? I was thinking about the possibility to have some kind of automatic cleanup when the client disconnects. I would like to: - Register a session id at connect time. (INSERT into sessions(sessId, user, host, ...) ...) - Use t

[GENERAL] [REPOST] Problem for dumping a 6.5.2 database

2003-07-03 Thread Bruno BAGUETTE
Hello, I'm trying to dump a PostgreSQL 6.5.2. database table in order to add it in a PostgreSQL 7.3.3 database but I'm encountering some errors : When I try to do the dump, I get : [EMAIL PROTECTED] pg_dump -x -v -u -t tablename -D -f tablename_dump.sql thedatabasename Username: Password: --

Re: [GENERAL] Still trouble reindexing

2003-07-03 Thread Henrik Steffen
hi tom, the table consists of a unique char(9) column with about 250.000 rows, and some integer columns. it was not possible to dump the table nor to drop and recreate the index (same error as reindex) it was not even possible to insert into newtable select * from table the copy command deliver

Re: [GENERAL] Synchronising multiple common fields among tables

2003-07-03 Thread Bruno Wolff III
On Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 23:18:47 +0100, Dominic Marks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I had a number of ideas about how to implement this, one was > using a separate VIEW for each services table. However I > have discovered that PostgreSQL only supports read-only views > at the current time. You

Re: [GENERAL] [pgsql-advocacy] interesting PHP/MySQL thread

2003-07-03 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 01:59:10AM -0300, The Hermit Hacker wrote: > > Replication for PostgreSQL has been available, and in production use, for > at least two years now ... the .ORG registry is using eRServer ... there > was also a patch for contrib/rserv submit'd just the other week to make it >

Re: [GENERAL] Forcing a query plan

2003-07-03 Thread Nick Barr
Hi, I am assuming that you already have indexes on the appropriate columns, and do a vacuum analyze and not just a vacuum. Columns I would normally put indexes on are image.imageid-- primary key image.containerid image.state ancestry.containerid ancestry.ancestorid Have you tried doi

Re: [GENERAL] ERROR: fixrdesc: no pg_class entry for pg_class

2003-07-03 Thread Thomas Bamesberger
Am Mit, 2003-07-02 um 16.55 schrieb Tom Lane: > Thomas Bamesberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > My PostgreSQL Database has been up and running exactly for one year, but > > last week after rebooting the error message "fixrdesc: no pg_class entry > > for pg_class" appeared on the screen. So is th

[GENERAL] how am I able to generate stem.sbl for Snowball?

2003-07-03 Thread sector119
Hi how am I able to generate stem.sbl for Snowball for my language? -- WBR, sector119 ---(end of broadcast)--- TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives? http://archives.postgresql.org

[GENERAL] PGVote : a simple polling/voting PostgreSQL-based system

2003-07-03 Thread Dan Langille
I've just finished working on the first release of PGVote, a simple voting/polling system designed around a PostgreSQL database. http://pgvote.unixathome.org/ contains the details. I'd appreciate if people could download and try it out for me, if only to ensure I haven't missed anything in the

[GENERAL] Update from select??

2003-07-03 Thread jose antonio leo
Hi all, I need do a update from t1 set col='P' where int_art = (SELECT int_art from t2 ). I know that thios sentence is not correct but I'd like do the update for everethigs rows that return the select. Is it posible? Tk very much Jose Antonio -Mensaje original- De: [EMAIL PROTE

Re: [GENERAL] Q: Executing functions at connect/disconnect?

2003-07-03 Thread Darko Prenosil
On Thursday 03 July 2003 17:28, Mattias Kregert wrote: > Is there a way to automagically execute a function at connect/disconnect? > I was thinking about the possibility to have some kind of automatic cleanup > when the client disconnects. > > I would like to: > - Register a session id at connect t

[GENERAL] Unsubscribe

2003-07-03 Thread Nitish Korla
Unsubscribe ---(end of broadcast)--- TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] [REPOST] Problem for dumping a 6.5.2 database

2003-07-03 Thread Manuel Sugawara
"Bruno BAGUETTE" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Hello, > > I'm trying to dump a PostgreSQL 6.5.2. database table in order to add it > in a PostgreSQL 7.3.3 database but I'm encountering some errors : You are using the pg_dump from 7.3 and the lastest version it supports is 7.0. Try using the 6.5.

Re: [GENERAL] [REPOST] Problem for dumping a 6.5.2 database

2003-07-03 Thread Tom Lane
"Bruno BAGUETTE" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > I'm trying to dump a PostgreSQL 6.5.2. database table in order to add it > in a PostgreSQL 7.3.3 database but I'm encountering some errors : > -- reading user-defined functions > getFuncs(): SELECT failed. Explanation from backend: 'pqReadData() --

Re: [GENERAL] Update from select??

2003-07-03 Thread Bruno Wolff III
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 20:37:27 +0200, jose antonio leo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi all, > > I need do a update from t1 set col='P' where int_art = (SELECT int_art from > t2 ). > I know that thios sentence is not correct but I'd like do the update for > everethigs rows that return the s

[GENERAL] Concatenating two Text fields from the same tuple

2003-07-03 Thread psql-mail
Apologies if this is a repost - I tried sending it yesterday and haven' t seen it in the forum yet. I am currently writing a perl script to convert the string a user supplies to a search engine into SQL. The user supplies a string in the same foramt as google uses - e.g. "cat -dog" finds records

Re: [GENERAL] problems with pg_restore to 7.3.3 db

2003-07-03 Thread andy morrow
hi, sorry for posting this again, but if anyone has any ideas, they would be greatly appreciated, i've searched through the FAQ's and other newsgroups etc but cant seem to find any answers that will help me wit this problem. thanks andy > -Original Message- > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >

[GENERAL] Rollback for aborted function?

2003-07-03 Thread Rory Campbell-Lange
If a function generates an exception, do I need to rollback manually? -- Rory Campbell-Lange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ---(end of broadcast)--- TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] Concatenating two Text fields from the same tuple

2003-07-03 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 06:16:35PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Question 2: If not - is it possible for me to concatenate attr1 and > attr2 before i do the search as this would remove the logic problems. ( > and if it is possible - is it efficient?) I don't know the answer to your other pro