Hi all,

I need do a update from t1 set col='P' where int_art = (SELECT int_art from
t2 ....).
I know that thios sentence is not correct but I'd like do the update for
everethigs rows that return the select.

Is it posible?

Tk very much

Jose Antonio

-----Mensaje original-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] nombre de Thomas
Enviado el: jueves, 03 de julio de 2003 14:51
Para: Tom Lane
Asunto: Re: [GENERAL] ERROR: fixrdesc: no pg_class entry for pg_class

Am Mit, 2003-07-02 um 16.55 schrieb Tom Lane:
> Thomas Bamesberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > My PostgreSQL Database has been up and running exactly for one year, but
> > last week after rebooting the error message "fixrdesc: no pg_class entry
> > for pg_class" appeared on the screen. So is there any way to solve this
> > problem or to recover the data at least?
> Ouch.  You have a problem :-(
> Are you seeing this failure when you connect to any database in the
> cluster, or just one?

There is only one DB...

> If the former, I'd guess that you've been
> ignoring messages about needing a cluster-wide VACUUM for a little too
> long, and you're now hosed due to transaction wraparound.  If the
> latter, it's probably localized data corruption in that database's
> system catalog.  Which is not necessarily any better news, but there
> are a couple of desperation measures you can try:
> 1. Remove the "pg_internal.init" file in the broken database, then see
> if you can start a backend.
> 2. Try to start a standalone backend and reindex the system catalogs.
> (See the REINDEX man page for details on this rather arcane procedure.)

Thx for your hints, but neither of them did anything else than:
"fixrdesc: no pg_class entry for pg_class"


Any other idea? I really would appreciate it...

Thx in advance

Thomas Bamesberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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