Miloslav Semler wrote:
> I found strange behavior with subselects and I am not able to explain
> it. I have several tables in schema:
> tramecky, mt_hodnoty, plata_kusy
> in these tables, id is always primary key (serial), table_id is always
> foreign key to table. When I run this query:
Thomas Güttler wrote:
> We run a PostgreSQL 9.6 server in a virtual machine.
> The virtual machine is managed by the customer.
> He does backup the VM.
> Is this enough, is this safe?
I don't know about VMware, but the general rule is that
if the backup is truly atomic (it is guaranteed t
Emi wrote:
> Running psql table updates() by using
> org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.JobDetailFactoryBean cronjob from
> web application. Got the following exception:
> org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: terminating connection due to
> administrator command
> Re-run the same c
marcelo wrote:
> Recently I asked regarding schemas, and received very useful answers. I
> conclude that I can put some tables in one schema and left others in the
> public one.
> If my app selects some schema, the backend will found automatically the
> absent tables in "public".
> So far, so good.
rihad wrote:
> Btw, can we wrap the update of datcollate &datctype and rebuilding of
> textual indices inside a transaction with effectively 0 downtime?
No. Building indexes takes time and will lock the tables
until the transaction is done.
Laurenz Albe
Sent via pgsql-general mailing
chris faber wrote:
> Postgres 9.2
> We have a POSTGRES database that we have been backing up via Incremental
> backups.
You are talking of a physical base backup and WAL archives, right?
> We had an incident where we had to recover from backup. Our software vendor
> has completed
> a restore
rihad wrote:
> Hi there. We have a working database that was unfortunately created by
> initdb with default ("C") collation & ctype. All other locale specific
> settings have the value en_US.UTF-8 in postgresql.conf. The database
> itself is multilingual and all its data is stored in UTF-8. Sorting
Tom Lane wrote:
> "Hu, Patricia" writes:
>> The server and client encoding are both set to UTF8, and according to this
>> en dash is a
>> valid UTF8
>> character, but when running a script with insert statement with en dash
>> character
Stephen Davies wrote:
> The following query give the error:
> select
> id,title,dtype,source,used_for,ts_headline('english',content,to_tsquery('english','
> ma waterflux'),'minWords = 99, maxWords = 999') from info where clob @@
> to_tsquery('english',' ma waterflux') order by title,dtype,sourc
David G. Johnston wrote:
>> It works for me on Linux with 9.6.3 psql:
> Except you haven't recreated the scenario I presented.
> You only are involving a single script and that script defines
> "testfunction" itself
> (which makes exporting pointless). In my example the script being exec
David G. Johnston wrote:
> In hindsight I'm not surprised but couldn't find a ready explanation on the
> web and
> figured I'd inquire here. In short: "export VAR" and "export -f
> functionname" behave
> differently when psql is acting as a relay.
It works for me on Linux with 9.6.3 psql:
Hans Schou wrote:
> The dburl (or dburi) has become common to use by many systems connecting to a
> database.
> The feature is that one can pass all parameters in a string, which has
> similar pattern as
> http-URI do.
> Especially when using psql in a script, having the credentials in one str
rajan wrote:
> why the index-only scan *works only* with an *order by*?
> localdb=# explain analyse verbose select uid from mm where uid>100 *order
> by* uid;
> ---
Kouber Saparev wrote:
> I am trying to write a function in C to return the log file name by given
> timestamp. I
> will use that later to make dynamic creation of a foreign table (file_fdw) to
> read the csv
> logs themselves. The thing is I do now want to hardcode neither the format,
> nor the
Patrick B wrote:
> I am running a background task on my DB, which will copy data from tableA to
> tableB. For
> that, I'm writing a PL/PGSQL function which basically needs to do the
> following:
> 1.Select the data from tableA
> 2.The limit will be put when calling the function
> 3.
Igor Korot wrote:
> Can I put libpg sources into my project? Or I will have to provide binaries?
You can do anything you want as long as you stick with the license:;a=blob_plain;f=COPYRIGHT;hb=HEAD
All you have to do is include the following in
dhaval jaiswal wrote:
> How to check how much memory query is consuming.
> Is there tool can check of query consuming memory for the execution or output.
> Let's say for following query how to calculate memory consumption.
> select * from test where id=1;
That query will not consume memor
Chris Mair wrote:
> I've found a (simple) situation where the planner does something I don't
> understand.
> Below is a complete test case followed by output.
> From the timings it appears that in the second explain analyze query a
> function
> call in the select list (expensive()) is eval
Yogesh Sharma wrote:
> I observed there is some problem in REINDEX operation in older PostgreSQL
> versions.
> That why i want to add explicitly lock.
Which problem?
Laurenz Albe
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
To make changes to your subscription:
Ken Tanzer wrote:
> Hi. I've got a recurring problem with character encoding for a
> Postgres-based web PHP app, and am
> hoping someone can clue me in or at least point me in the right direction.
> I'll confess upfront my
> understanding of encoding issues is extremely limited. Here goes.
Yogesh Sharma wrote:
> I want to apply explicitly lock mechanism once inset operation is in
> progress then REINDEX will wait.
> And vice versa.
> So, please let me know this type of handling is possible.
Maybe I misunderstand something, but you don't need to do that because it
happens automatic
Patrick B wrote:
> I have a database which is 4TB big. We currently store binary data in a bytea
> data type column
> (seg_data BYTEA). The column is behind binary_schema and the files types
> stored are: pdf, jpg, png.
> Questions:
> 1 - If I take out 500GB of bytea data ( by updating the co
hubert depesz lubaczewski wrote:
> I have a function, in PostgreSQL 9.6, which does:
> INSERT INTO table () values (...)
> The thing is that the function should return information whether the row
> was modified, or created - and currently it seems that this is not
Bill Moran wrote:
> If you run a transaction with lots of server side functions that use a
> lot of memory, this can trigger the OOM killer in Linux, causing the
> PosgreSQL backend to receive a SIGKILL and all the associated bad
> stuff.
> Tuning the OOM killer is not sufficient. No setting I'v
Joshua Chamberlain wrote:
> I see this has been discussed briefly before[1], but I'm still not clear on
> what's happening and why.
> I wrote a function that uses temporary tables in generating a result set. I
> can use it when creating
> tables or views, e.g.,
> CREATE TABLE some_table AS SEL
Torsten Förtsch wrote:
> we have a large table and want to change the type of one column from
> NUMERIC(14,4) to NUMERIC(24,12).
> If the new type is just NUMERIC without any boundaries, the operation is
> fast. If (24,12) is
> specified, it takes ages.
> I think it takes so long because the d
Rakesh Kumar wrote:
> Is there a way to query dead rows (that is, rows which are dead and still not
> cleaned up by Vacuum)
> using SQL. I am asking this just as an academical question.
Sort of.
You can use heap_page_item_attrs() from the pageinspect contrib module to get
at the
data, but you
Dorian Hoxha wrote:
> When updating row that has TOAST column, is the TOAST column also inserted ?
> Or just the oid?
> Say I have a 1MB value in the TOAST column, and I update the row by changing
> another column, and since
> every update is an insert, will it also reinsert the toast-column ?
Torsten Förtsch wrote:
> if I do something like this:
> UPDATE tbl SET data='something' WHERE pkey='selector';
> UPDATE tbl SET data=NULL WHERE pkey='selector';
> Given 'selector' actually exists, I get a separate WAL entry for each of the
> updates. My question is,
> does
elbriga wrote:
> Thanks for the detailed answer!
> Changing the function sinature seams to have solved the problem:
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ceilDecimal(num numeric) RETURNS float AS
> $BODY$
> RETURN CEIL(num * 100) / 100;
> $BODY$
> LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
elbriga wrote:
> Hi,
> I have this pl function:
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ceilDecimal(num float) RETURNS float AS
> $BODY$
> RETURN CEIL(num * 100) / 100;
> $BODY$
> LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
> It is supposed to do a "decimail ceil" for 2 decimal places.
> But when I do "S
Torsten Förtsch wrote:
> Now, I have a database with very low write activity. Archive_command is
> called about once per hour to
> archive one segment. When the database was moved to PG 9.5, it was initially
> configured with insanely
> high settings for max_wal_size, min_wal_size and wal_keep_se
valeriof wrote:
> BTW, a comment says this about the floating point representation: "A
> deprecated compile-time option of PostgreSQL switches to a floating-point
> representation of some date/time
> fields. Npgsql (currently) does not support this mode." Is it safe to say
> that the floating point
Mark Anns wrote:
> How the planning factors of PGStrom differs from planning factos of
> PostgreSQL?
I don't know what exactly you mean by a "planning factor".
What PGStrom does is estimate the cost of the GPU operations
and attach these costs to a custom scan node which is part of
a query plan.
Jerome Wagner wrote:
> seeing you answer I have a question for which I found no answer a few weeks
> ago : is there a way to
> know at runtime which internal representation timestamps have ?
> I am trying to deal with the COPY binary protocol with only SQL access to the
> remote server and would
valeriof wrote:
> I'm handling a TimestampTz value inside a plugin to stream WAL changes to a
> .NET client application. What I'm trying to do is to return all possible
> column changes as binary (don't like to have Postgres handle the conversion
> to string as I may need to have access to the byte
Durumdara wrote:
>> You can use pg_terminate_backend to kill a database session.
>> Setting the keepalive options in postgresql.conf can make PostgreSQL
>> discover dead connections more quickly.
> The server is licenced, so we can't access the conf file now.
> We will report this to the prov
John R Pierce wrote:
>> I am new to the product and in windows “postgres.lib” provides certain
>> functions which we are
>> using in windows for creating extensions.
>> Now I am porting the project to Linux and there no straight library with
>> this name in Linux
>> binaries packages.
Durumdara wrote:
> Linux server, 9.4 PG, Windows clients far-far away.
> They called us that they had an "internet reset" at 13.00, but many client
> locks are alive now
> (14:00).
> I checked server status, and and saw 16 connections.
> In Windows PG server I read about keepalive parameters
Howard News wrote:
> I have a raid catastrophe which has effectively blitzed a cluster data
> directory. I have several pg_dump backups but these will not restore
> cleanly. I assume the disk has been failing for some time and the
> backups are of the corrupted database.
> Using a selective pg_
Patricia Hu wrote:
> Since it could potentially be a security loop hole. So far the action taken
> to address it falls into
> these two categories:
> drop the PUBLIC schema altogether. One of the concerns is with some of
> the system objects that
> have been exposed through PUBLIC schema p
Nicolas Paris wrote:
> I have a 9.6 pg instance, and I am trying to link a foreign postgresql
> database that do not accept
> extended queries. (only simple queries
> )
> When I run a query against the foreign pg instance thought pos
Jonathan Eastgate wrote:
> We're seeing some odd behaviour from a PostgreSQL group - one running as
> primary and the other as a
> hot slave using streaming replication.
> When a failover event occurs and we switch to the hot slave as primary
> sequences in tables jump by 33
> - so where the l wrote:
> I don't mind about performance but I absolutely mind about reliability,
> so I was thinking about the safest setting of linux FS and postgresql I
> can use.
Sure, use journaling then.
I do it all the time.
Laurenz Albe
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list
Raimo Jormakka wrote:
> In Windows 7, and using PostgreSQL 9.4.5, the collation gets set to
> "English_United States.1252" when
> I select the "English, United States" locale in the installer. In Linux, the
> collation is set to
> "en_US.UTF-8". The encoding is set to UTF-8 in both instances.
> wrote:
> two question related to the WAL.
> 1) I read in the doc that journaled FS is not important as WAL is
> journaling itself. But who garantees that the WAL is written correctly?
> I know that it's sequential and a partial update of WAL can be discarded
> after a res
Kevin Grittner wrote:
> Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 10:00 PM
> To: Jason Dusek
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] SERIALIZABLE and INSERTs with multiple VALUES
> On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 2:29 PM, Jason Dusek wrote:
>> I notice the following oddity:
>> =# CREAT
Durumdara wrote:
> --- login with postgres:
> TO u_tr_db;
> login with u_tr_main:
> create table t_canyouseeme_1 (k int);
> login
Adir Shaban wrote:
> Is there anyway to limit a database size?
> For example, I need to create a database for user X and I don't want it to
> use more than 5 GB.
You can create a tablespace on a device with limited size.
Then you can create the database on that tablespace.
Laurenz Albe
Arun Rangarajan wrote:
> But when I try to create the extension, I get the following error:
> postgres=# create extension oracle_fdw;
> server closed the connection unexpectedly
> This probably means the server terminated abnormally
> before or while processing the request.
> The connection to th
Jonas Tehler wrote:
> We’re running Postgresql 9.4.5 on Amazon RDS. One of our tables looks
> something like this:
> (
> ...
> email character varying(128) NOT NULL,
> ...
> CONSTRAINT users_email_key UNIQUE (email)
> )
> Despite this we have rows with very si
Joek Hondius wrote:
> (I hope i am on the right list)
pgsql-jdbc would have been the perfect list.
> lists version 9.4 build 1208 as the lastest.
> Is this the correct version to use with PostgreSQL 9.5 (or even 9.6-beta)?
> I cannot find info on this elsewhere.
Yes, you shou
Bjørn T Johansen wrote:
> Thx for your suggestions. Tried to use NOT EXISTS and the query was about
> half a second quicker so not
> much difference...
> But when I try to run the 3 queries separately, then they are very quick, 2
> barely measurable and the
> third takes about 1,5 seconds. The un wrote:
Bjørn T Johansen wrote:
>> I am trying to move a small system from Oracle to PostgreSQL and I have come
>> upon a sql that runs
>> really slow compared to on the Oracle database and I am not able to
>> interpret why this is slow.
> I have experienced that some subquer
Sameer Kumar wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 6:08 PM Vlad Arkhipov wrote:
>> I am running PostgreSQL 9.5.
>> The constraint that the data must satisfy is `there is no more than 3
>> records with the same name`.
>> I am no
Vlad Arkhipov wrote:
> I have a constraint that requires a table to be locked before checking
> it (i.e. no more than 2 records with the same value in the same column).
> If I lock the table in the SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE mode, any vacuuming (or
> autovacuuming) process prevents me from checking the co
Job wrote:
> is there a way in Postgresql-9.5 to disable temporarily WAL archiving to
> speed up pg_bulkload with
> restarting database engine?
You can set 'archive_command=/bin/true' and reload, then no WAL
archives will be written.
Make sure to perform a base backup as soon as your bulk load
Yogesh Sharma wrote:
> I have doubt regarding release notes of all versions.
> As per release notes, below change logs are mentioned in all versions.
> "(8.3.8,8.4.1,8.2.14) Make LOAD of an already-loaded loadable module into a
> no-op (Tom Lane)"
> 1. What is meaning of above lines?
> 2. This
Николай Бабаджанян wrote:
> I didn't find an easy way to convert ucs-2 bytea to utf-8, so I decided to
> write a C-function. Since
> ucs-2 is has fixed symbol size of 2 bytes the output bytea size may differ.
> I do the following:
> bytea *result= (bytea *) palloc0(VARSIZE(in_by
David G. Johnston wrote:
> On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 6:54 AM, aluka raju wrote:
>> As given in the FAQ's that postgresql cannot be embedded
>> .
>> Is their any possibility to make it embedded. Till now postgresql has not
>> don
Boszormenyi Zoltan wrote:
> it was a long time I have read this list or written to it.
> Now, I have a question. This blog post was written about 3 years ago:
> Basically, it talks about the client AND the server as a system
> and if the network i
Jasim Mohd wrote:
> Is there any way to format datetime to RFC3339Nano Eg:
> 2006-01-02T15:04:05.9Z07:00 in postgres
> 9.3 or 9.5?
> I tried with to_char. But there is no documentation how to handle T, Z,
> +07:00, -07:00 etc.
The best I can get is:
SELECT to_char(current_timestamp,
dandl wrote:
> I have a new 9.5 installation, Windows x64, developer only. No users have
> been added, and no passwords
> set.
> I can access the system:
> · using pgAdmin3, without specifying a user or password
> · using psql, specifying user ‘postgres’ but no password
> I c
Jayadevan M wrote:
> I have a python script. It opens a cursor, and sets the search_path (using
> psycopg2). In case
> something goes wrong in the script , a record is inserted into a table. In
> that script, I am not doing
> any thing else other than reading a file and publishing the lines to a
Marco Bambini wrote:
> I have a multithreaded C client and sometimes I receive the "no connection to
> the server" error
> message.
> I haven't found any documentation about it and about how to fix this issue.
> Anyone can point me to the right direction?
The error message is reported in inter
David Bennett wrote:
> > From: Albe Laurenz []
> >
> > > I am attempting to create a new language implementation. The language
> > > is Andl (, so the handler is plandl.
> > > This is a question about executing SPI quer
Melvin Davidson wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 4:37 PM, Rob Brucks wrote:
>> I'd like to propose two enhancements to the PostgreSQL code, but I'm not
>> sure if this is the
>> correct mailing list. So if it's not then please let me know where I need
>> to post this.
I'd post feature requests
Иван Фролков wrote:
> When I drop a table, the file which contains real data will be deleted, but
> only when I will commit
> transaction. It seems like such job must do vacuum, but I cannot locate the
> code which does the real
> job. Could anybody explain in details how it works?
See RelationD wrote:
> I am attempting to create a new language implementation. The language is Andl
> (, so the
> handler is plandl.
> This is a question about executing SPI queries from inside plandl.
> The documentation makes it clear that SPI allows nested queries; that in some
Jinhua Luo wrote:
> The document said, "Read Committed mode starts each command with a new
> snapshot that includes all transactions committed up to that instant".
> But what about the embedded commands within the outer command itself?
> Do they share the same snapshot with the outer command?
> wrote:
> I am attempting to create a new language implementation. The language is
> Andl (, so the handler is plandl.
> I am having a bit of trouble executing SPI queries from inside plandl.
> The particular problem arises after calling SPI_cursor_fetch() and then
> SPI_g
Marllius wrote:
> OCFS2 = oracle cluster file system 2
I think using OCFS2 for PostgreSQL data is a good idea if you want
to be the first at something or try to discover bugs in OCFS2.
Why do you want a cluster file system for PostgreSQL? You cannot
have more than one server access the same data
Charles Clavadetscher wrote:
> We have a process in R which reads statistical raw data from a table and
> computes time series values
> from them.
> The time series values are in a hstore field with the date as the key and the
> value as the value.
> The process writes the computed value into a t
Rakesh Kumar wrote:
>> Every row has two system columns associated with it: xmin and xmax
>> xmin is the transaction ID that created the row, while xmax is
>> the transaction ID that removed the row.
>> So when an update takes place, xmax of the original row and xmin
>> of the new row are set
Jeff Janes wrote:
>> I am curious because of "while xmax is the transaction ID that
>> *removed* the row".
> "marked for removal" would be more accurate. If the row were actually
> physically removed, it would no longer have a xmax to set.
Yes, thanks for the clarification.
I was thinking "log
Rakesh Kumar wrote:
> I understand that when an update of say 100,000 rows are made, PG
> writes the updated rows as a new row. These new rows are not visible
> to any sessions except the one creating it. At commit time PG flips
> something internally to make these rows visible to all.
> My Q: w
Jernigan, Kevin wrote:
>On 3/24/16, 3:09 PM, "Albe Laurenz" wrote:
>>> Disk is only a single point of failure in RAC if you configure
>>> non-redundant storage.
>>> In general, Oracle recommends triple mirroring to protect against disk
>>> fai
Jernigan, Kevin wrote:
> Disk is only a single point of failure in RAC if you configure non-redundant
> storage.
> In general, Oracle recommends triple mirroring to protect against disk
> failures,
> as they have had many experiences over the years where customers with
> mirrored disks
> would s
Thomas Kellerer wrote:
>>> The error as reported in the Postgres log file is this:
>>> 2016-03-12 13:51:29.305 CET [23912]: [1-1]
>>> user=arthur,db=prod,app=[unknown] ERROR: deadlock detected
>>> 2016-03-12 13:51:29.305 CET [23912]: [2-1]
>>> user=arthur,db=prod,app=[unknown] DETAIL: Process
Thomas Kellerer wrote:
>> Can you determine what statements were executed in these transactions before
>> the deadlock?
>> It was probably one of these that took the conflicting lock.
> Unfortunately not. Statement logging is not enabled on that server
> (space-constrained).
> And while we
Thomas Kellerer wrote:
> we have a strange (at least to me) deadlock situation which does not seem to
> fall into the "usual"
> deadlock category.
> The error as reported in the Postgres log file is this:
> 2016-03-12 13:51:29.305 CET [23912]: [1-1] user=arthur,db=prod,app=[unknown]
John McKown wrote:
> I'm likely abusing the psql program. What I have is an awk program which
> reads a file and produces a
> number of INSERT INTO commands. I then feed these commands into psql to
> execute them. Yes, a Perl
> program would be a better idea. Anyway, sometimes the commands are re
Lupi Loop wrote:
> PostgreSQL documentation at
> says that when a client certificate is requested by a server, a windows
> client psql will use by
> default the credentials located at %APPDATA%\postgresql\postgresql.crt and
Alexander Farber wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 11:18 AM, Albe Laurenz wrote:
>> inside a function. A function always runs within one transaction.
>> Savepoints or subtransactio
Alexander Farber wrote:
> how to set such a savepoint inside of a stored function?
> Can I call "START TRANSACTION", and then at some point later in the same
> stored function call RAISE
I realize that what I wrote must be confusing.
Andreas Kretschmer wrote:
>> Alexander Farber hat am 1. März 2016 um 19:41
>> geschrieben:
>> Good evening,
>> in PostgreSQL 9.5 does RAISE EXCEPTION reliably rollback all previous
>> commands in a stored function?
> Yes.
That is, unless you set a savepoint to which you can rollback.
David G. Johnston wrote:
In a production environment you don't want a user to change your table
They could just set default_statistics_target to something stupid,
run ANALYZE and wreck the statistics for everyone.
And then come back to the DBA and complain
David G. Johnston wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 2:52 AM, Albe Laurenz wrote:
>> John R Pierce wrote:
>>> analyze has arguably fewer side effects, its a performance enhancement,
>>> its neither altering the schema or changing the data.
>> In a production env
John R Pierce wrote:
> On 2/28/2016 8:58 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
I should the check for whether a given user can or cannot analyze a table
should be whether the user has INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE privileges.
>> By that argument, we should allow anyone with any write access to do
John R Pierce wrote:
> On 2/12/2016 5:20 AM, Lesley Kimmel wrote:
>> Thanks for the reply Laurenz. Of course the first thing that I thought
>> of to prevent man-in-the-middle was SSL. However, I also like to try
>> to address the issue in a way that seems to get at what they are
>> intending. It se
Enrico Pirozzi wrote:
> I have a new postgresql 9.5.0 installation on a new virtual server debian 8.3
> x64 with 4gb RAM, I have
> compiled postgresql from source.
> When I import a dump with materialized views I see that postgres process
> takes about all 4 Gb and then
> I have this error
Lesley Kimmel wrote:
> I'm working to secure a PosgreSQL database according to a DoD security guide.
> It has many very generic
> requirements that get more toward the internal architecture of the system
> that wouldn't be apparent to
> the average admin. I was hoping someone might have some insi
Dane Foster wrote:
> I googled "plpgsql debugger" and eventually ended up at
> where the latest release is almost 8 years old. I am aware that this is not
> an EDB forum but given
> that I sent them an e-mail at 9AM EST and I haven't received a respo
Regina Obe wrote:
> At this point I feel we should:
> a) Move this to pgsql-advocacy [...]
> Or
> b) Start a new PostgreSQL mailing list - call it - pgsql-coc.
While I personally feel that a code of conduct does not need to be an explicit
document and is something that "happens" throug
Andy Colson wrote:
> On 01/21/2016 03:59 PM, Johannes wrote:
>> Here are some transferring measurements (from server to client) with the
>> same file.
>> scp
>> +ssl -compression 1.3 sec
>> +ssl +compression 4.6 sec
>> pgadmin
>> select lo_get(12345);
>> -ssl 3.4 sec
>> +ssl +com
Steve Rogerson wrote:
> Hi, this is wrong:
> # select to_char('2016-01-20 00:00'::timestamp at time zone 'Europe/Lisbon',
> 'TZ');
> to_char
> -
> (1 row)
> It should be WET, "Western European Time". Is there something I'm doing wrong?
That query will always give you your
Sachin Srivastava wrote:
> In my function the problem is that global variables defined inside the
> function.
> These variables are visible to functions defined inside a function.
> If we move these inner functions to outside of the main function,
> they will lose the visibility of the global vari
Sachin Srivastava wrote:
> I am getting the below error for function, please see the bold line in
> "Function code", please suggest
> what I will do to correct this code.
> ---
> ERROR: syntax error at or near "*"
> LINE 35: SELECT * from logError(msg text) is
Tom Lane wrote:
> In my admittedly-limited experience with dealing with such problems,
> it's a lot easier to achieve positive results if you can discuss
> issues in private, before people's positions harden.
> In short, I wouldn't characterize that complainant as "a troll" for
> the substance o
Tim Smith wrote:
> Re: I am surprised that you don't expect "" to be returned by the
> first
> query if you expect it to be returned by the second.
> Is that an oversicht?
> Thanks for the question, but no, it wasn't an oversight, I only am
> looking for to be returned if the
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