Partitioning docs (was Re: Range partitioning and overlap)

2020-11-13 Thread Tom Lane
existing material, diving into the weedy details in even the earliest introductory paras, and so on. I propose the attached. regards, tom lane diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ddl.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ddl.sgml index 872f7a7fac..25948a7316 100644 --- a/doc/src/sgml/ddl.sgml +++ b/doc

Re: Partitioning docs (was Re: Range partitioning and overlap)

2020-11-13 Thread Tom Lane
ot;leading columns" per se. That way of looking at it is still sensible when a partition covers more than one value of the key column. regards, tom lane

Re: Partitioning docs (was Re: Range partitioning and overlap)

2020-11-14 Thread Tom Lane
index, rather than "leading > columns" per se. That way of looking at it is still sensible when > a partition covers more than one value of the key column. I changed it like that and pushed. regards, tom lane

Re: Missing time zone data

2020-11-24 Thread Tom Lane
nfiguration. In any case, I don't think this is a documentation issue ... regards, tom lane

Re: TOAST pointer size

2020-12-05 Thread Tom Lane
es.h;h=c48f47e930ad05d3ae2e24b0c0c85662cd058a7b;hb=HEAD#l67 but there's varlena tag overhead:;a=blob;f=src/include/postgres.h;h=c48f47e930ad05d3ae2e24b0c0c85662cd058a7b;hb=HEAD#l159 This doesn't seem like appropriate detail for the user docs.

Re: Mention invalid null byte sequence

2020-12-07 Thread Tom Lane
l, but it seems like more of a datatype limitation than a character set issue. regards, tom lane diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/datatype.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/datatype.sgml index 5c8a92e250..9eb19a1c61 100644 --- a/doc/src/sgml/datatype.sgml +++ b/doc/src/sgml/datatype.sgml @@ -120

Re: Mention invalid null byte sequence

2020-12-08 Thread Tom Lane
Laurenz Albe writes: > On Mon, 2020-12-07 at 15:27 -0500, Tom Lane wrote: >> I agree with the submitter that the place one would expect to read about >> this is in datatype-character.html. So I'd propose the attached. >> Maybe there's reason to repeat the inf

Re: Typo for cd commands

2020-12-19 Thread Tom Lane
ve it or make it look like the first one. regards, tom lane

Re: Trusted versus untrusted Pl language

2020-12-23 Thread Tom Lane
a recommendation that it's okay to do it. regards, tom lane

Re: pg_dump no-owner option

2021-01-13 Thread Tom Lane
aningful amount of space, while restricting how the archive could be used later. regards, tom lane

Re: the doc should mention one particular aspect of partial indexes

2021-01-18 Thread Tom Lane
ior for any other dead row version? regards, tom lane

Re: Need help on translating documentation

2021-01-21 Thread Tom Lane
t somewhere with that hint. regards, tom lane

Re: HeapTupleHeaderData Layout description

2021-01-22 Thread Tom Lane
4+4+4+4+6+2+2+1 = 27 I think you missed the point that t_cid overlays with t_xvac. regards, tom lane

Re: HeapTupleHeaderData Layout description

2021-01-22 Thread Tom Lane writes: > Le 22/01/2021 à 17:49, Tom Lane a écrit : >> I think you missed the point that t_cid overlays with t_xvac. > So in fact the error (with number 27) was in the documentation for > version before postgres 8.3. No, the pre-8.3 docs are also correct,

Re: Better explanation of unnest with ordinality

2021-01-27 Thread Tom Lane
3 | 3 4 | 4 (4 rows) Maybe that's a spec violation, or maybe it isn't, but we're not going to change it. WITH ORDINALITY is implemented independently of the particular SRF being expanded, so it couldn't take account of the array subscripts even if we wanted it to. regards, tom lane

Re: is_local parameter on set_config function

2021-01-29 Thread Tom Lane
s. But they should be. Will fix. I think there might be room to say explicitly that is_local is equivalent to SET's LOCAL option, too. regards, tom lane

Re: Unnecessary use of .* in examples

2021-02-01 Thread Tom Lane
".*"s add nothing except confusion as to the semantics; but I don't think we need these very first examples to use a lot of bells and whistles. Maybe what would be better is to have an example with embedded .* such as 'thomas' ~ 't.*m'. regards, tom lane

Re: pg_wal_lsn_diff

2021-02-06 Thread Tom Lane
is, -Calculates the difference in bytes between two write-ahead log +Calculates the difference in bytes (lsn1 - lsn2) between two write-ahead log Also maybe you should use the lsn1 markup in the text. regards, tom lane

Re: The synopsis of "ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES" statement is too difficult to understand

2021-02-06 Thread Tom Lane
PUBLIC } [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ] where privilege_and_object_type is one of: { SELECT | INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE | TRUNCATE | REFERENCES | TRIGGER } [, ...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON TABLES ... etc etc ... regards, tom lane

Re: pg_wal_lsn_diff

2021-02-06 Thread Tom Lane
Tatsuo Ishii writes: > So do you think we should back-patch to existing stable branches? I'd just fix HEAD and v13. The earlier branches are not friendly at all to long function descriptions. regards, tom lane

Re: Small correction in chown command to set the owner of the pgsql data dir correctly

2021-02-07 Thread Tom Lane
) If we're going to have people picking and choosing which parts of that script they're going to follow exactly, having a step in it that's as dangerous as "chown -R" just seems like a really bad idea. regards, tom lane

Re: Duplicate documentation within the same page

2021-02-14 Thread Tom Lane
be an improvement. regards, tom lane

Re: Re: About the return states of SPI_execute for plpy.execute().status()

2021-02-17 Thread Tom Lane
e in too much of a hurry to do that, because there's been repeated discussion of removing (or at least obsoleting) most of those codes in favor of throwing regular errors for the cases that represent error conditions. Better to wait to change plpython until after that dust settles. regards, tom lane

Re: make tutorial 13.2

2021-03-07 Thread Tom Lane
can't cover this; it's the responsibility of each group of packagers to decide (and document) how their distributions are laid out. regards, tom lane

Re: make tutorial 13.2

2021-03-08 Thread Tom Lane
Nikolay Samokhvalov writes: > On Sun, Mar 7, 2021 at 08:43 Tom Lane wrote: >> Apparently, you didn't install whichever sub-package of the Postgres >> distribution contains pg_config. Might be postgresql-devel, or >> postgresql-dev in Debian-flavored distros. Th

Re: Invalid idle_in_transaction_session_timeout data type

2021-03-11 Thread Tom Lane
rases about "If this value is specified without units, it is taken as kilobytes", but it's sure more compact. regards, tom lane

Re: Invalid idle_in_transaction_session_timeout data type

2021-03-11 Thread Tom Lane
I do not see a useful purpose in obscuring that distinction. I could see using a couple more words than I suggested before: work_mem (integer, units of kilobytes) regards, tom lane

Re: Invalid idle_in_transaction_session_timeout data type

2021-03-12 Thread Tom Lane
Vik Fearing writes: > On 3/12/21 2:50 AM, Tom Lane wrote: >> I could see using a couple more words than I suggested before: >> work_mem (integer, units of kilobytes) > This gets a little more complicated with: > shared_buffers (integer, units of BLOCKSZ) Given the in-l

Re: Duplicate "SELECT current_user;"

2021-03-17 Thread Tom Lane
PG Doc comments form writes: > One of executions of "SELECT current_user;" is redundant and can be removed. Yeah, I think you're right. Done in HEAD. regards, tom lane

Re: A very confusing line...

2021-03-17 Thread Tom Lane
, according to the terminology being used here (which is baked into the CREATE/ALTER ROLE syntax, so we're not going to change it lightly). regards, tom lane

Re: PL/Tcl - examples not working

2021-04-09 Thread Tom Lane
rror message you quote looks a bit like whatever client-side code you're using has decided that the $1 references in the function body are query parameters. They are not. The function body is a dollar-quoted string literal and should be sent unmodified. regards, tom lane

Re: Typo in psql doc

2021-04-14 Thread Tom Lane
FOO bar-:DBNAME regression=# \echo :FOO bar-regression As you say, both ways now give the same result. Since it's not the point of this example to illustrate \set's space-eating behavior, it might be clearer to revert the addition of the space. regards, tom lane

Re: Rounding strategy

2021-04-22 Thread Tom Lane
hough I think we can be a bit more specific about the float case. I suggest ... by rounding away from 0. For double precision, the tie-breaking behavior is platform dependent, but round to nearest even is the most common rule. regards, tom lane

Re: Wrong type for the left argument of the operator "|/" and "||/" in chapter 9.3

2021-04-28 Thread Tom Lane
more confusing than helpful. regards, tom lane

Re: pl/pgsql errors when multi-dimensional arrays are used

2021-04-29 Thread Tom Lane
ying to store an array slice, which requires that you use [m:n] subscript notation. It'd be correct to write either of a.fld1[1:4] = '{221,222,223,224}'; a.fld1[1:] = '{221,222,223,224}'; which unfortunately plpgsql doesn't support in released versions (that's fixed for v14 though). regards, tom lane

Re: Foreign Keys being able to reference same table not spelled out in documentation

2021-04-29 Thread Tom Lane
stop reading after the section's first sentence, but we can't cover everything in the first sentence. regards, tom lane diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ddl.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ddl.sgml index 7d587b226c..1afd272ff0 100644 --- a/doc/src/sgml/ddl.sgml +++ b/doc/

Re: BUG #16991: regclass is not case sensitive causing "relation does not exist" error

2021-05-04 Thread Tom Lane
e this info into the "Object Identifier Types" section. regards, tom lane diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/datatype.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/datatype.sgml index 7c341c8e3f..43f99335dc 100644 --- a/doc/src/sgml/datatype.sgml +++ b/doc/src/sgml/datatype.sgml @@ -4780,10 +4780,14 @@ SELECT * FR

Re: BUG #16991: regclass is not case sensitive causing "relation does not exist" error

2021-05-05 Thread Tom Lane
Laurenz Albe writes: > On Tue, 2021-05-04 at 19:18 -0400, Tom Lane wrote: >> So what I was remembering was some text in the section about sequence >> functions. That probably seemed appropriate when they were the only >> real use of regclass; but these days we have regclas

Re: Foreign Keys being able to reference same table not spelled out in documentation

2021-05-06 Thread Tom Lane
"David G. Johnston" writes: > I did a read through of the patch and I like it; though I suggest changing > "but non-NULL" to "while non-NULL". Done that way, thanks. regards, tom lane

Re: Link t the souce code

2021-05-06 Thread Tom Lane
. I think people reading this may have their own ideas about which version they want. Also, getting the link to be sane in the devel docs might be problematic. regards, tom lane

Re: Link t the souce code

2021-05-06 Thread Tom Lane
the best thing for dev work. regards, tom lane

Re: Unsupported version mentioned at Using EXPLAIN

2021-05-07 Thread Tom Lane
x27;s been exactly the sort of effort you mention: run through all the examples in that file and make them match current reality. I don't think just taking out the version number is a good idea. regards, tom lane

Re: Where are the legal values for LC_TIME listed?

2021-05-17 Thread Tom Lane
was installed. On most Unix systems, the command locale -a will provide a list of available locales. Not sure what more we could say. regards, tom lane

Re: typo in doc for "Miscellaneous Coding Conventions"

2021-05-18 Thread Tom Lane
rong value. The existing text is perfectly good English; your change makes it less so. I'm afraid it's been too many years since high school English for me to remember the exact grammatical term for this, but "were not" is typical usage when stating a contrary-to-fact hypoth

Re: pg_monitor role description

2021-05-20 Thread Tom Lane
Member of ---+--+- bob | | {sysadmins} joe | | {sysadmins} sysadmins | Cannot login | {} and I think most would agree that titling the column "Members" would be backwards. regards, tom lane

Re: pg_monitor role description

2021-05-20 Thread Tom Lane
nd so on, where the truth is the opposite. regards, tom lane

Re: Duplicate paragraph

2021-05-25 Thread Tom Lane
ke an improvement. One thing we could easily do is not use isomorphic examples in the two sections. For example, instead of illustrating how to spell "data" in both forms, use "name" as the example for the identifier case. regards, tom lane

Re: pg_type_d.h location incorrect

2021-05-25 Thread Tom Lane
w different variations on trying to be more precise than that, and they've apparently all been failures. regards, tom lane

Re: pg_type_d.h location incorrect

2021-05-26 Thread Tom Lane
could make that slightly better by writing "$HOME/.pg_service.conf", but is that good enough? regards, tom lane diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/libpq.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/libpq.sgml index 875950b83c..ca231f43c4 100644 --- a/doc/src/sgml/libpq.sgml +++ b/doc/src/sgml/libpq.sgml @@ -8091,26 +8091,3

Re: pg_type_d.h location incorrect

2021-05-27 Thread Tom Lane
"" writes: > On Thursday, May 27, 2021 10:58 AM, Tom Lane wrote >> So I ended up with the attached --- what do you think? > The doc-fix LGTM. > But I couldn't apply the patch at HEAD(2941138e60). Maybe you did the fix at > a branch ot

Re: pg_type_d.h location incorrect

2021-05-29 Thread Tom Lane
"" writes: > On Thursday, May 27, 2021 11:27 PM, Tom Lane wrote >> No ... "patch -p1 <~/improve-pgservice-docs.patch" works fine for me. > Oh, never tried "patch -p1" command before but it worked. Thanks!! > BTW, here is

Re: Simplify COMMENT and SECURITY LABEL documentation

2021-06-01 Thread Tom Lane
" is a bit too informal for this context. I'm too caffeine-deprived to instantly come up with le mot juste; but perhaps "exist within" would be an improvement? regards, tom lane

Re: Simplify COMMENT and SECURITY LABEL documentation

2021-06-01 Thread Tom Lane
Alvaro Herrera writes: > On 2021-Jun-01, Tom Lane wrote: >> +1 for the concept, but I feel that "live in" is a bit too informal >> for this context. I'm too caffeine-deprived to instantly come up >> with le mot juste; but perhaps "exist within"

Re: Simplify COMMENT and SECURITY LABEL documentation

2021-06-02 Thread Tom Lane
AL. Hmm, okay. I can support "reside in". regards, tom lane

Re: intarray doc example fix

2021-06-03 Thread Tom Lane
E > db=# CREATE INDEX message_rdtree_idx ON message USING GIST (sections > gist__int_ops(siglen=32)); > ERROR: unrecognized parameter "siglen" Yup, that's clearly a thinko. Will fix, thanks for noticing it! regards, tom lane

Re: Typo in "13.2.3. Serializable Isolation Level"

2021-06-04 Thread Tom Lane
ertion that no such things are necessary anywhere. That seems (a) probably wrong and (b) not grammatically consistent with the other entries in that bullet list. regards, tom lane

Re: functions-matching.html: Tip says use "Per or Tcl ... ?

2021-06-08 Thread Tom Lane
hat Python has no sandboxing mechanism.) regards, tom lane

Re: SQL Commands COPY

2021-06-09 Thread Tom Lane
do not work and will throw a syntax >> error. > You must be misreading something, the new syntax works: > COPY (SELECT 42 AS x) TO STDOUT (FORMAT 'csv', FORCE_QUOTE (x)); The most probable explanation seems to be that the OP is actually connecting to an 8.4 (or older) PG se

Re: TIMEZONE names

2021-06-12 Thread Tom Lane
t time zone abbreviations are not considered valid values for the TimeZone setting. However, once you add a numeric offset, the string becomes a valid POSIX-style setting. regards, tom lane

Re: Clarification needed

2021-06-12 Thread Tom Lane
the host string is a socket path name. regards, tom lane

Re: Incorrect Syntax in Function Syntax diagram

2021-06-23 Thread Tom Lane
nd destroyed the formatting. I agree both with adding braces and with putting LEAKPROOF on its own line. The latter is/should be only cosmetic; but the rest of the list has one line per independent option, and LEAKPROOF is surely independent of the volatility options. regards, tom lane

Re: Incorrect Syntax in Function Syntax diagram

2021-06-23 Thread Tom Lane
o overload them with this issue would be wise. regards, tom lane

Re: Second-granular timezone offset format not documented

2021-07-04 Thread Tom Lane
> -- > 1920-12-25 00:00:00-06:36:36 > (1 row) Yeah, fair point. There's a passing mention of fractional-minute offsets in Appendix B, but the main docs don't cover it at all. I propose the attached draft patch. regar

Re: Second-granular timezone offset format not documented

2021-07-05 Thread Tom Lane
luding "the tz database's LMT offsets should not be considered > meaningful". I tried to interest them in dropping the LMT idea altogether [1]. Unsurprisingly, the proposal went nowhere. regards, tom lane [1]

Re: Manua correction

2021-07-15 Thread Tom Lane
what that meant. regards, tom lane

Re: user-defined function in Perl or Tcl ???

2021-07-16 Thread Tom Lane
hought about it. Of the options we provide in the core distro, plpython is less suitable because it only comes in an untrusted form (for lack of any workable sandboxing feature in Python). So plperl or pltcl is what there is. regards, tom lane

Re: Manua correction

2021-07-20 Thread Tom Lane
Bruce Momjian writes: > On Thu, Jul 15, 2021 at 11:12:38PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote: >> At least two of these changes are flat out wrong. The places >> that explicitly mention "substring(s)" are not doing so because >> we failed to think about what that meant. >

Re: Link t the souce code

2021-07-20 Thread Tom Lane
ry postgresql-version under the current ... Admittedly, someone who doesn't grok that version is a variable might be confused initially, but I think they'd soon figure it out after seeing the file names on the server. regards, tom lane

Re: Link t the souce code

2021-07-21 Thread Tom Lane
ther the example shouldn't be assuming that you chose the .bz2 file instead of the .gz one. regards, tom lane

Re: Link t the souce code

2021-07-21 Thread Tom Lane
-QAed version. On the whole though, I'm having qualms about recommending this in this particular spot, rather than back in Appendix I. Seems like the wrong audience is going to be reading this chapter. regards, tom lane

Re: Link t the souce code

2021-07-21 Thread Tom Lane
his is another case of a GNUism that's become close enough to universal that we don't need to be pedantic about it. regards, tom lane

Re: Link t the souce code

2021-07-21 Thread Tom Lane
Alvaro Herrera writes: > On 2021-Jul-21, Tom Lane wrote: >> I'm having qualms about recommending this in this particular spot, >> rather than back in Appendix I. Seems like the wrong audience is >> going to be reading this chapter. > Well, we can remove that first

Re: Exponentiation example not clear

2021-07-21 Thread Tom Lane
nable, done at;a=commitdiff;h=7fa1e1ef741964eeb50f33d7c72622658bb7e5f4 regards, tom lane

Re: Set-Returning functions in a select list

2021-07-27 Thread Tom Lane
d a coherent proposal though. In the meantime I'm not much on board with sprinkling cross-references into random places, if only because those references will be pointing to the wrong place when/if this refactoring does happen. regards, tom lane

Re: [PATCH] add link to domain data types section from locale documentation

2021-07-30 Thread Tom Lane
ormation_schema.sgml were pretty haphazard. There are 115 references to "domain" in that file by my count, and there seemed little rationale behind the half dozen you'd chosen to link-ify. I cut it down to just linking from the section for the "domains" view, which seemed l

Re: Clarify how triggers relate to transactions

2021-07-30 Thread Tom Lane
for views. So it seems unclear whether the statement is meant to apply to view triggers too. I think it'd work out best to make this a separate para after the one that defines before/after/instead-of triggers. How do you like the attached? regards, tom lane dif

Re: psql's commit df9f599b is not documented

2021-08-03 Thread Tom Lane
e might be curious about, the manual would be three times its current size, but not more useful. regards, tom lane

Re: Potential vuln in example for "F.25.1.1. digest()"

2021-08-17 Thread Tom Lane
> Yeah. I can't get terribly excited about trying to make this one example unconditionally-secure; there are dozens if not hundreds of similar cases in our docs. Trying to make them all safe against insecure search paths would mostly result in unreadable examples. regards, tom lane

Re: Background worker docs,

2021-08-27 Thread Tom Lane
/ ? Or s/in case/after/ ? It does seem like this sentence needs more help than just comma-removal. regards, tom lane

Re: Background worker docs,

2021-08-27 Thread Tom Lane
Daniel Gustafsson writes: > On 27 Aug 2021, at 15:52, Dave Cramer wrote: >> In my mind "in the event that it crashes" made it clear > That, or “if it crashes” gets my vote. Dave's wording sounds good to me. regards, tom lane

Re: Background worker docs,

2021-08-27 Thread Tom Lane
Daniel Gustafsson writes: > On 27 Aug 2021, at 16:15, Tom Lane wrote: >> Dave's wording sounds good to me. > I can go make that happen, backpatched down to 9.6 AFAICT on a quick skim, > unless you’re already on it. Feel free, I've got other st

Re: Clarify how triggers relate to transactions

2021-09-01 Thread Tom Lane
Laurenz Albe writes: > On Fri, 2021-07-30 at 16:20 -0400, Tom Lane wrote: >> I think it'd work out best to make this a separate para after the >> one that defines before/after/instead-of triggers. How do you >> like the attached? > That is better, and I like y

Re: Keyword docs missing, or mislabelled keywords

2021-09-02 Thread Tom Lane
ar bloat. Maybe it'd be appropriate to add some text here about that? But I'm not sure where to stop, because there are lots of things that are identifiers but an unsophisticated user might think are keywords. (Index type names, for example.) regards, tom lane

Re: Warn against transaction level advisory locks for emulating "flat file" DBMS locking strategies

2021-09-08 Thread Tom Lane
t's hard to tell on the basis of what you've said whether the failures you saw were due to this effect or were implementation-dependent false positives.) What I'm inclined to think here is that maybe the docs are not sufficiently vocal about the fact that you can't avoid serialization failures altogether. regards, tom lane

Re: Typos in 34.3.9. Truncating a Large Object

2021-09-19 Thread Tom Lane
PG Doc comments form writes: > The first parameter for both lo_truncate and lo_truncate64 is missing an > "N", it says "PGcon *conn", but should be "PGconn *conn". Good catch! Will fix, thanks. regards, tom lane

Re: Some inconsistencies in release-14

2021-09-19 Thread Tom Lane
ang It could be that that entry for Li is backward, though. regards, tom lane [1]

Re: Default include_dir behaviour

2021-09-22 Thread Tom Lane
PG Doc comments form writes: > please consider adding a short line which clarifies what the default > behaviour of the `include_dir` paramter is if it is not set. include_dir is not a parameter, it's a directive that's executed while reading the file. regards, tom lane

Re: Typo in release notes for pg14

2021-09-23 Thread Tom Lane
nested-loop join (David Rowley) No, "memoize" is the intended spelling. regards, tom lane

Re: Number of GiST support functions

2021-10-04 Thread Tom Lane
ed, either. Will fix, thanks for noticing! regards, tom lane

Re: clarification on chaining of set operations

2021-10-04 Thread Tom Lane
n 7.4 doesn't mention that. regards, tom lane

Re: Correction to documentation at

2021-10-05 Thread Tom Lane
t $2}', this command does not return > any results with correct pid. Probably /zero/ needs to be updated with > /anon_hugepage/ The example seems to work as-given for me (testing on a RHEL8 system). It's of course not guaranteed to work on every flavor of Linux. regards, tom lane

Re: small patch

2021-10-07 Thread Tom Lane
hout requiring to be allowed to be empty. BTW, as it stands, the diagram is ambiguous because there are two ways to parse FETCH cursor_name ... is present but empty, or omitted altogether? regards, tom lane

Re: small patch

2021-10-09 Thread Tom Lane
rir writes: > On Thu, Oct 07, 2021 at 04:24:16PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote: >> BTW, as it stands, the diagram is ambiguous >> because there are two ways to parse >> FETCH cursor_name >> ... is present but empty, or omitted altogether? > I am confident you know what

Re: [PATCH] doc/queries.sgml: add missing comma

2021-10-19 Thread Tom Lane
erminology chosen by the SQL > standards ... although I think this text is mine, so naturally I'd think that. Anyone else have an opinion? regards, tom lane

Re: information_schema.tables table broken in versions 13+

2021-10-23 Thread Tom Lane
PG Doc comments form writes: > The table on information_schema.tables documentation page is broken after > version 12. > Instead of three columns in header and body all text is packed inside one. That's an intentional change. regards, tom lane

Re: Opclass name

2021-10-23 Thread Tom Lane
e, so it's just this one mistake. regards, tom lane

Re: Comment about not being able to run ANALYZE on replicas

2021-10-25 Thread Tom Lane
the replica, but it would be > helpful to have something about this in the official documentation. I'm a little skeptical about that. By that argument, nearly every one of our SQL command pages would need a disclaimer saying that you can't use it on a replica. regards, tom lane

Re: Be more clear what names can be used for tables with "CREATE TABLE"?

2021-11-01 Thread Tom Lane
aterialized view". Which isn't an unreasonable position, but we haven't done it like that consistently. I don't think we need to be similarly exhaustive about enumerating the kinds of types that there are. regards, tom lane

Re: Be more clear what names can be used for tables with "CREATE TABLE"?

2021-11-02 Thread Tom Lane
"Daniel Westermann (DWE)" writes: >> "The name of the table must be distinct from the name of any other >> relation (table, sequence, index, view, materialized view, or foreign >> table) in the same schema." > Works for me, +1 Done that way, then. regards, tom lane

Re: initdb: nothing about template0

2021-11-02 Thread Tom Lane
;t updated when we invented template0. I'll go do something about that --- thanks for the suggestion! regards, tom lane

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