OK, I copyed some songs using itunes, and dont know, is there a way to play m4a
files in winamp?
- - - - - - - - - - -
Please join my forums at
I'm sure you will find something there you will like.
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Have you tried it? They should just play right out oft he box.
Bruce Toews
E-mail and MSN/Windows Messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Radio Show and Podcast: http://www.totw.net
Web Site (including info on my weekly commentaries): http://www.ogts.net
Info on the Best TV Show of All Time: http://www.c
it has been my experience that when you download something from
ITunes you can't play it on any other player on your system unless
you burn it onto a cd and then rip it back on there. The licensing
is very proprietary. As for m4a format yes, winamp does play that type.
At 08:26 AM 3/1
Is there any scripts available
for Gold Wave?
Roden Zalameda
RCZ Enterprise
E mail:
Skype name:
yahoo Messenger ID:
MSN Messenger/Windows
Technical Support e mai
i have tryed the windows mixer and it sounds the same where did you get your
driver updates! so that i might be able to find them! it occurs all the time!
and there is no bass or treble!
> To: Pc-audio@pc-audio.org
> Subject: Re:
hey mike i have joined u on the forums! i believe that if you use the latest
version of winamp u will be able to play m4a files i had the same problem!
> To: Pc-audio@pc-audio.org
> Subject: m4a
> Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2006 06:22:24 -
Yes get them here:
Goldwave 5 scripts:
Contact Information:
Skype ID: rharmon928
Phone: 330-724-6093
Location: Akron, Ohio USA
"The chief handicap of the blind is not blindness, but the attitude of
Frank, I have no idea as to the cost of the sound card because it is
integrated and was a part of the package when I bought it.
Don Roberts
- Original Message -
From: "frank deweese" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. "
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 1:44 PM
Subject: Re
My only quarrels with Goldwave are:
1. You cannot read the VU meter when recording; or at least, on my
system the reading is usually 0. And,
2. There is no true scrub feature.
Other than these two, it is a super program. In fact, I have both
Goldwave and Total Recorder and use each, but fo
By scrub feature, you mean ...
Bruce Toews
E-mail and MSN/Windows Messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Radio Show and Podcast: http://www.totw.net
Web Site (including info on my weekly commentaries): http://www.ogts.net
Info on the Best TV Show of All Time: http://www.cornergas.com
On Fri, 17
My first driver update was from HP and was specific to their motherboards.
The second was a general Realtek ac'97 update. I found it here:
No bass and treble? Check out the
Hi Don,
Yeah I wish the v u meters were accessible too.
Contact Information:
Skype ID: rharmon928
Phone: 330-724-6093
Location: Akron, Ohio USA
"The chief handicap of the blind is not blindness, but the attitude of
seeing peop
Contact Information:
Skype ID: rharmon928
Phone: 330-724-6093
Location: Akron, Ohio USA
"The chief handicap of the blind is not blindness, but the attitude of
seeing people towards them."
- Helen Keller, 1925
- Original Messag
Larry! M-Audio has Jam Lab, retail $79.00 and Fast Track, retail
$129.00. For those prices I would include shipping. Edirol has just
released the UA4FX which I could deliver for $185.00. I have the older
UA3FX but I don't play guitar.
Chirp|Chirp|Chirp: It's the Bat,
Hello There!
What is the latest version of
Winamp? Where can I find MP4
Roden Zalameda
RCZ Enterprise
E mail:
Skype name:
yahoo Messenger ID:
MSN Messenger/Windows
If you want scrubbing, check out WavePad from
WavePad is actually free unless you want or need the more advanced features
of WavePad Masters edition. The free version does a lot though so don't be
fooled by the free part of it. The free version defin
Hi all,
I installed the rock box software with out any problems on my Iriver 320.
I wish I can say the same about the 340! I have installed the correct files
patched the hex file but when I go to upgrade the firmware it goes threw all
the correct procedures but when I switch the unit back on it
just in case, make sure your iriver is disconnected from the charger
when you switch it on
On 15/03/2006 at 16:49 kevin cussick wrote:
>Hi all,
>I installed the rock box software with out any problems on my Iriver 320.
>I wish I can say the same abo
It's a little bit early to comment on this. Rockbox for the Ipod is really in
developpement stage.
the voice interface is not available yet.
On 15/03/2006 at 20:50 Jim Noseworthy wrote:
>Hi Gang:
>Has anyone had any experience with any of the Ipod pl
Thanks for that.
I connect it up to the cradle to get the patched hex file and the rock box
software on the unit then I get someone with sight to upgrade the firm ware
off the charger but I can't get it to boot up in rock box mode it just comes
back up in Iriver mode any more ideas?
The latest version of Winamp is Version 5.2.1
On 3/18/2006 at 1:15 AM Roden wrote:
>Hello There!
>What is the latest version of
>Winamp? Where can I find MP4
>Roden Zalameda
>RCZ Enterprise
can anyone recomand a good digital recorder? and give the features and benifits
of the recorder?
thank you
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I use an Olympus WS320. it has 1GNB of flash memory and can record WMA at
64kbps stereo for 35 hours. Although not fully accessible, its buttons beep
in ways that it is very easy to learn to use the unit.
Contact Information:
Skype ID: rharmon928
Just a correction. The latest Winamp is 5.21
On 3/17/2006 at 4:47 PM djc wrote:
>The latest version of Winamp is Version 5.2.1
>On 3/18/2006 at 1:15 AM Roden wrote:
>>Hello There!
>>What is the latest
they open in itunes. I'm currently listenning to a radio show in iwnamp, but
I'll give it a try in a few!
- - - - - - - - - - -
Please join my forums at
I'm sure you will find something there you will like.
Check out my website at
my contact pa
Can somebody tell me where the earphone microphone headset plugs in?
Thanks. Kurt
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This list is
You have to plug the earphone plug into the earphone jack on your soundcard.
I have a cable running from that jack up to the table on which my computer
sits. (My tower is on the floor.) SO I can just plug into the the
appropriate plug. HTH.
Lois Goodine.
rick, where did you buy this, and what is the cost? thanks.
- Original Message -
From: "Rick Harmon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. "
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 8:08 PM
Subject: Re: digital recorders
> Hi,
> I use an Olympus WS320. it has 1GNB of flash memor
- - - - - - - - - - -
Please join my forums at
I'm sure you will find something there you will like.
Check out my website at
my contact page at
and my downloads page at
So somebody has to open the computer to plug something into the sound
card? Thanks. Tell me it ain't so! Kurt
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Here's an item which was posted to the blind Cool Tech list which should be
very interesting.
Hello all,
I have written a new sound-editing application called Audio Magic. It is an
alternative to Sound Forge 8, but it is in the public domain and it is
freeware. It does not yet have all of
No. on the back of your tower there are jacks on your soundcard into which
you connect or plug things such as your talking screen reader, speakers,
headphones, etc. If the earphones don't work, you may have to go into your
volume settings and raise the headset volume to %100.
You can find When Radio Was on Wiry 10 pm eastern, 7 pacific Monday
through Friday. That is the only station I have found that runs it.
Hope this helps somebody. Kurt
PC-Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more...
Downloaded the software to my desktop, but can't get it to open.
- Original Message -
From: "Matthew Bullis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "PC audio discussion list. "
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 10:25 PM
Subject: A new public domain sound editor
> Here's an item which w
Could any of my fellow TR users please tell me if it is possible to
modify a preset in the recording source and parameters dialog box? I
guess it is no real problem to just delete a preset and start over,
but if I already have a suitable name, and all other settings are
satisfactory, I don't re
$177 at www.amazon.com
Contact Information:
Skype ID: rharmon928
Phone: 330-724-6093
Location: Akron, Ohio USA
"The chief handicap of the blind is not blindness, but the attitude of
seeing people towards them."
- Helen Keller,
it crashed a friends computer. He is missing some new desktop icons and
start menue options are now missing. A hell a lot of work to do!
- - - - - - - - - - -
Please join my forums at
I'm sure you will find something there you will like.
Check out my website at
That's a negative, there are external jacks on the soundcard of your system.
When the life giver dies, all around is laied to waste. I live my last hour,
I'm a slave to the power of death.
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 7:04 PM
Subject: fo
Hello everyone,
I would urge you all to be very careful when downloading and installing new
software, especially if claims are being made that might sound too good to be
true. At the same time, I don't want to be the guy who wrongly trashes
someone's reputation. I'll just lay out the facts an
Hi, can someone please help me.
I downloaded the program
then I ran the install file. nothing happened, but I could hear the hard
drive working hard.
so I shut down & restarted & now windows can not start because windows
root\system32\hal.dll is currupt or missing. please reinstall a copy of this
it just crashed my computer and a friend's shane davidson.
- Original Message -
From: "Darrell Shandrow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "PC audio discussion list. "
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 9:24 PM
Subject: Beware: AudioMagic, public domain sound editor software...
> He
Hi Rob,
I fear you'll find that file not to be the only one missing. My only remedy
to the Google trojan was a complete reformat and reload of everything; even
my backups were destroyed!
Darrell Shandrow - Shandrow Communications!
Technology consultant/instructor, network/systems administrator
your screwed.
- Original Message -
To: "PC audio discussion list. "
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 11:35 PM
Subject: Re: A new public domain sound editor
> Hi, can someone please help me.
> I downloaded the program
> then I ran the install file. nothing happ
Hello everyone,
I would urge you all to be very careful when downloading and installing new
software, especially if claims are being made that might sound too good to be
true. It seems a direct threat to blind computer users may be "in the wild".
Please review the facts listed below and avoid
Hello, so the excecutable program file has a virus in it? I didn't try the
software yet. Perhaps we should e-mail the author of the program.
Thanks a lot.
Tired of HotMail? Try Runbox. 1 gig of storage for a reasonable price.
Use this link as your referral.
I'd like to ad here that I just downloaded this software but it came in way
to fast so I think it could be a Virus so I'd say bookmark his page and
drop him email to see if he is actually working on a piece of software but
I having read that it's crashed a computer I'll install it on a virtual
Goodness me it sounds like a virus to me.
On 3/17/2006 at 11:35 PM Rob wrote:
>Hi, can someone please help me.
>I downloaded the program
>then I ran the install file. nothing happened, but I could hear the hard
>drive working hard.
>so I shut down & res
I ran it through my virus checker and it came back with no virus found but
that doesn't mean anything. 2 things tipped me off as to Jokerdog's
Identity. The Jokerdog I know is a blind person and I honestly believe that
he would never do such a thing. I don't believe he even knows programming.
Jokerdog referes to the robert betz website where you download accessible
games. We have all used his games at one time or another. I don't think he
created this file but I have emailed him with a copy of the email we
received on the bct list. We will see. I would not run this file.
- Origin
I feel stupid. What's a good program to back up onto cd? I have a second
hard drive, but who knows when this is going to crash. thanks.
- Original Message -
From: "djc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 10:49 PM
Subject: Re: Beware: AudioMagic, public domain sound editor
I'm oviously upset by this and I just set this guy a note and all I said in
it is to please give me his phone number so I can call and chat about his
software. I bet he won't even answer but I'll keep you posted. I don't care
where he is in the world I'll call anywhere and I'll record every word an
Mike this gets off the topic of audio but I use Norton Ghost.
On 3/17/2006 at 11:00 PM mike babcock wrote:
>I feel stupid. What's a good program to back up onto cd? I have a second
>hard drive, but who knows when this is going to crash. thanks.
>- Or
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