I'm oviously upset by this and I just set this guy a note and all I said in
it is to please give me his phone number so I can call and chat about his
software. I bet he won't even answer but I'll keep you posted. I don't care
where he is in the world I'll call anywhere and I'll record every word and
I'll make it available to you as a Podcast. I'm totally blind and I sure
don't like when someone plays a game with the Blind Community.

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On 3/17/2006 at 10:49 PM djc wrote:

>I ran it through my virus checker and it came back with no virus found but
>that doesn't mean anything. 2 things tipped me off as to Jokerdog's
>Identity. The Jokerdog I know is a blind person and I honestly believe
>he would never do such a thing. I don't believe he even knows programming.
>This guy signed his message Daniel and I have no idea who this person is
>but perhaps he's sighted. I'm sorry that people have run in to trouble and
>this is a good reason to backup your machines so you can roll back incase
>of an emergency like this.
>            djc's Jukebox: http://paulmerrell.net:9212 Saturday Evenings 9 to
>midnight Eastern.
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>            email Or Msn: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     I C Q Number Is: 4781694
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             djc's Jukebox: http://paulmerrell.net:9212 Saturday Evenings 9 to
midnight Eastern.

     My Journal http://livejournal.com/users/djc1                       
             email Or Msn: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

     I C Q Number Is: 4781694

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