Re: recording vocals with sound forge

2005-11-11 Thread
Allison, you are quite correct about Karaoke. Do you have MSN?. Email. [EMAIL PROTECTED] msn. [EMAIL PROTECTED] Come and join me now. Billy - Original Message - From: "Allison Mervis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 7:14 AM Subject: R

Re: good site for mp3 or wav fx?

2005-11-11 Thread Alan Pollard
hi lui, ,re sites for fx,try the following ,it is a fx sound search engine: and provides a 5 or so second this helps.Alan 04:44 PM 11/10/05 -0800, you wrote: > >hi every body, this is chee chau. may i ask, if any >body know of any good sites to download fx in wav o

Re: Third and Final Letter to Spacial Audio

2005-11-11 Thread Steve Matzura
Hi, Gary: On Fri, 11 Nov 2005 02:08:27 -0500, you wrote: >How does WE do? Actually, not to badly. At least it finds all the hot-spots and identifies them as custom controls. It even reads most of them as what they are--big lists mostly. I still have not properly identified the windows or frame

Re: Output v DSP Plug-In for Compression

2005-11-11 Thread Shane Christenson
all I gotta say is, wow. I was so impressed with this thing from the start, I bought it. I love the compression--better in my oppinion than audio stocker or rocksteady, or even the thomas limiter. i think at it's defaults, it sounds perfect. The compression's definitely there, but it's very subt

Round up of Accessible audio editors/recorders

2005-11-11 Thread arthur Pirika
Hi there, well the subject sums it up. What do people find to be the best audio editing/recording sostware to use? In particular, programs that work well with either window-eyes/jaws? I know that sound forge is popular for music, and there's also studio recorder for spoken word content.

Re: Round up of Accessible audio editors/recorders

2005-11-11 Thread Harry Bassler
Arthur, have you tried MP3DirectCut created by Michael Lang of Germany? There's an audio demo with instructions. Harry Bassler - Original Message - From: "arthur Pirika" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 7:19 AM Subject: Round up of Accessible audio editors/recorder

Re: Using old hardware to process audio for stereo

2005-11-11 Thread Brent Harding
I think I got it in 2000 or so, but I know it's been out of warranty awhile, and Dell repair could be more expensive than it's worth. There well could be cheaper processing solutions out there than buying another old laptop of unknown condition on Ebay, especially considering Sound Solution made

Re: recording vocals with sound forge

2005-11-11 Thread Allison Mervis
I'll add you when I am on next. - Original Message - From: "TrueBlue&Proud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 3:33 AM Subject: Re: recording vocals with sound forge > Allison, you are quite correct about Karaoke. > Do you have MSN?. >

Re: recording vocals with sound forge

2005-11-11 Thread Allison Mervis
Wouldn't that conflict with jaws though? What I mean to say is, wouldn't it pick up jaws as well when I record? Allison - Original Message - From: "Chris Skarstad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 2:53 AM Subject: Re: recording vocals

Re: recording vocals with sound forge

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Toews
It would. I know you asked this question before about Gold Wave. I'll just tell you that it will be no easier to accomplish what you want to do with Sound Forge than it would d be with Gold Wave. What I did for the tracks I recorded myself was to put on a pair of headphones, play the karaoke fil

Re: Round up of Accessible audio editors/recorders

2005-11-11 Thread Sun Sparkle
Gold wave works wonderfully with both window eyes and jaws all versions of the programsaand screen readers. - Original Message - From: "arthur Pirika" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 6:19 AM Subject: Round up of Accessible audio editors/recorders > > > > > > >

RE: Round up of Accessible audio editors/recorders

2005-11-11 Thread Doug Wakefield
I have had outstanding luck with Sound forge 8 and windows and virgo. It is excellent for editing voice. Doug -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sun Sparkle Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 9:55 AM To: PC audio discussion list. Subject: Re:

Re: recording vocals with sound forge

2005-11-11 Thread Chris Skarstad
Ah see, i keep forgetting you're using software speech, whereas I've got a dectalk express here so in my case the 2 wouldn't conflict. It looks like Bruce's idea is the best one out there. Ah hey, it was a good thought though! At 08:11 AM 11/11/2005, you wrote: >Wouldn't that conflict with jaw

Fw: Accessability of Sam Broadcaster Program and its usability for Blind People

2005-11-11 Thread Jardata_Mail_Services

Re: recording vocals with sound forge

2005-11-11 Thread Allison Mervis
Thanks! Sounds like a good option. Allison @ - Original Message - From: "Bruce Toews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 9:23 AM Subject: Re: recording vocals with sound forge > It would. I know you asked this question before about Gol

Re: Round up of Accessible audio editors/recorders

2005-11-11 Thread Gary Wood
Hi Arthur. I use Soundforge 7.0, and also have 8.0. I think that it works well with me, using Jaws! - Original Message - From: "arthur Pirika" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 7:19 AM Subject: Round up of Accessible audio editors/recorders > > > > > > > > Hi th

Re: Round up of Accessible audio editors/recorders

2005-11-11 Thread Denny Daughters
Hi guys, I use a program called Fast Edit and it works good with window-eyes. The company is based out of minnetonka minosota. Denny ___ PC-Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... To unsubscribe from this list, s

Re: Round up of Accessible audio editors/recorders

2005-11-11 Thread Jerry Richer
Arthur! Sound Forge works pretty well with either Window Eyes or JAWS out of the box but if you want access to more features you can always get current Snowman scripts for $35. I don't know what the JAWS help is talking about but the Snowman keeps his Scripps current with new releases of bot

Re: Round up of Accessible audio editors/recorders

2005-11-11 Thread Mac Norins
Jerry, What's the Snowman's current "Address"? I remember that he switched around, awhile back. Regards, Mac Norins - Original Message - From: "Jerry Richer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 8:26 AM Subject: Re: Round up of Accessib


2005-11-11 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all I believe that it is possible to play wma files on my iriver h320. However, is it possible to simply transfer copyrighted wma files through windows explorer by copy and past or must some other step be followed to transfer the files to an mp3 player? Must windows media player be used for

Re: Round up of Accessible audio editors/recorders

2005-11-11 Thread Jerry Richer
Mac! The Snowman is at [EMAIL PROTECTED] You know, I hope the cops don't monitor this list, Snowman! Chirp|Chirp|Chirp: It's the Bat, Chirping Bat .Com ___ PC-Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... To unsub

Re: Round up of Accessible audio editors/recorders

2005-11-11 Thread Mac Norins
Why, is he selling coke or something? Just kidding, Snowman! -Mac- - Original Message - From: "Jerry Richer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 1:26 PM Subject: Re: Round up of Accessible audio editors/recorders Mac! The Snowman

to upgrade or not: Sound Forge 6 to 8, with or without Snowman scripts

2005-11-11 Thread Dean Martineau
As the subject line asks, is the upgrade from Sound Forge 6 to 8 worth doing? Does the answer change if one is or is not using the Snowman scripts? What is the cost to upgrade? Thanks. Dean ___ PC-Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more..

Re: to upgrade or not: Sound Forge 6 to 8, with or without Snowman scripts

2005-11-11 Thread kevin and emma
i'm sure i read somewhere the upgrade is $149 from any previous version of SF to SF8. Kevin - co-owner/moderator of the blind gamers discussion list contact me via email/msn: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Original Message - From: "Dean Martineau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. "

Sam broadcaster

2005-11-11 Thread Jed Barton
Hey guys, I'm thinking about going windows media. Is sam broadcaster accessible? Thanks, Jed ___ PC-Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Th


2005-11-11 Thread Jim Noseworthy
Hello: Transferring will not be a problem: the problem might be playing the files. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of André van Deventer Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 4:36 PM To: 'PC audio discussion list. ' Subject: TRANSFERRING WMA CO

Re: Name and Price

2005-11-11 Thread patricknc
It would most likely increase the level, probably to the point of serious overmodulation & it would sound very distorted. - Original Message - From: "Brent Harding" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 11:08 AM Subject: Re: Name and Pric

Re: Sam broadcaster

2005-11-11 Thread Brent Harding
I heard it isn't accessible. I was always curious what the Wolf FM guy uses, as he's got a nice setup with the song info in the player, which I heard is sort of required if one wanted to get licensed anyways, to my understanding. Wonder if the sam encoders for winamp are accessible for media pla

Re: Name and Price

2005-11-11 Thread Brent Harding
Ah, not a good idea then. That's why when I had dad help me hook up, I told him not to put the XM on the phono as I thought it'd sound bad. It would be fine if that input is just a name, like VCR, that is normal without the preamp, but then it'd say aux on it. - Original Message - From


2005-11-11 Thread Brent Harding
Media player probably has to be used to do it so they play. I think audible files, as long as the device is activated, will transfer. I was thinking of getting a CF reader as the Pac Mate is real slow in transferring files to it, if I download to my computer and just drop the files in the my do

Re: Round up of Accessible audio editors/recorders

2005-11-11 Thread G. McFarlane
Hi I like and use Adobe Audition - the scripts work well in both edit and multitrack view. The program was formerly cool Edit Pro. For hundreds of presets in audio restoration Diamond Cut 6 from Tracertek is great. Gordon McFarlane - Original Message - From: "arthur Pirika" <[EMAIL PROTE

Re: Output v DSP Plug-In for Compression

2005-11-11 Thread Steve Matzura
Wow Shane, that's a rave if ever I heard one, andI couldn't agree more. What I like about it just as much as its subtle hand on the compression knob is the volume-raising effect it has on soft intros without the pump sound you hear when the loud parts come in. Also, if my subway- and datacenter-ru

Re: Round up of Accessible audio editors/recorders

2005-11-11 Thread Steve Matzura
The Sound Forge scripts for JAWS can be pretty much discarded. Snowman's got it down to a science. ___ PC-Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED

Mediansoft troubles

2005-11-11 Thread Brent Harding
Hi. I wanted to try mediansoft batch converter for converting video files I record on my TV card to wav or mp3 files in batch, as I have a large folder of them. How do I get the debuggers off of here? I need to have every last trace of anything that looks like a debugger off, as various programs

Re: Round up of Accessible audio editors/recorders

2005-11-11 Thread Steve Matzura
If you had a last name like Snowbarger, what would you call yourself? I went through life as Matt or Mad-Man because nobody could say or spell Matzura. ___ PC-Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... To unsubscribe fro

Re: Sam broadcaster

2005-11-11 Thread Steve Matzura
The Encoders module is very accessible. SAM BC is not. But we're workin' on it, as you see if you've just read Jim's message from JarData. ___ PC-Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... To unsubscribe from this list,

Re: Fw: Accessability of Sam Broadcaster Program and its usability for Blind People

2005-11-11 Thread Steve Matzura
Whoa Jim, that's a letter with some teeth to it. Let's see how far it goes. I may not have expressed things as you did, but essentially we're on the same path I think. ___ PC-Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... T

Re: Output v DSP Plug-In for Compression

2005-11-11 Thread Shane Christenson
Hi steve. I agree with you whole-heartedly. a beautiful piece of work, but it does need more accessibility. Again, I say, wow. Shane - Original Message - From: "Steve Matzura" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 6:36 PM Subject: Re: Outp

Re: Round up of Accessible audio editors/recorders

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Toews
Try Toews. I defy anyone who's never heard of the name to pronounce it correctly. Bruce -- Bruce Toews E-mail and MSN/Windows Messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web Site (including info on my weekly commentaries): Info on the Best TV Show of All Time: On F

Re: Round up of Accessible audio editors/recorders

2005-11-11 Thread Robert Hebert
Jaws of course says it "Toes" How do you say it? - Original Message - From: "Bruce Toews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 5:43 PM Subject: Re: Round up of Accessible audio editors/recorders Try Toews. I defy anyone who's never heard o

Cricket Commentary On the Internet?

2005-11-11 Thread Fazil M.
Hi. Is any internet site carrying commentary on the first cricket test between England and Pakistan, please? Thanks! Regards. Thanks! ENQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU DO ALL DAY! Mentes quaerentes volunt scire quid in Hadei facias totum diem!

Re: Cricket Commentary On the Internet?

2005-11-11 Thread john G
Have you tried the BBC 5 Live Extra website? John At 05:07 12/11/2005, you wrote: >Hi. >Is any internet site carrying commentary on the first cricket test >between England and Pakistan, please? >Thanks! >Regards. > >Thanks! >ENQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU DO ALL DAY! > Ment

Re: to upgrade or not: Sound Forge 6 to 8, with or without Snowman scripts

2005-11-11 Thread Gary Petraccaro
Depends on how complicated you want to get with batch processiong. If all you do is make mp3s, don't bother. - Original Message - From: Dean Martineau To: PC audio discussion list. Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 5:02 PM Subject: to upgrade or not: Sound Forge 6 to 8, with or

Re: Cricket Commentary On the Internet?

2005-11-11 Thread Fazil M.
yes, I did, they have only the recorded clips of various statements but not the live commentary. - Original Message - From: "john G" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 9:13 PM Subject: Re: Cricket Commentary On the Internet? > Have you

Re: Cricket Commentary On the Internet?

2005-11-11 Thread Stephen Jolley
Not that I know of. BBC are carrying it on radio but don't have online rights for commentary. and will have regular updates and analysis. Stephen Jolley - Original Message - From: "Fazil M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "P

Re: Cricket Commentary On the Internet?

2005-11-11 Thread Fazil M.
they had the rights for the Ashes, right? - Original Message - From: "Stephen Jolley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 10:32 PM Subject: Re: Cricket Commentary On the Internet? > Not that I know of. > > BBC are carrying it on radio bu

Re: Cricket Commentary On the Internet?

2005-11-11 Thread Stephen Jolley
Yes. - Original Message - From: "Fazil M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC audio discussion list. " Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2005 5:34 PM Subject: Re: Cricket Commentary On the Internet? > they had the rights for the Ashes, right? > > - Original Message - > From: "Stephen Jolle

Suggestions for a MP3 mixing program?

2005-11-11 Thread K. Washington
Hello. My PC and the Add/Remove utility of Windows XP Home Edition have been getting a big workout the past 3 days. I'm trying to find a feature rich MP3 mixing program that works well with JFW 7.0. A program where most, if not all the mixing/scratching/BPM features are accessible via the key