all I gotta say is, wow. I was so impressed with this thing from the start, 
I bought it. I love the compression--better in my oppinion than audio 
stocker or rocksteady, or even the thomas limiter. i think at it's defaults, 
it sounds perfect. The compression's definitely there, but it's very subtle. 
I've found that with the other compressers mentioned above, that they choak 
the sound somewhat. This volume logic plug-in is beautiful, and definitely 
worth the 20 bucks.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Matzura" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <>
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 9:54 AM
Subject: Re: Output v DSP Plug-In for Compression

> On Thu, 10 Nov 2005 07:52:22 -0600, Jonathan wrote:
>>The Volume Logic Plug-in sounds pretty good at its defaults, but a shame
>>there doesn't seem to be any way of changing them with a screen reader.
> Like I said, zero accessibility, darn darn darn!
>>I think Sound Solution, which is also a
>>multiband processor and free, is more accessible. The fields are not
>>automatically spoken, but at least you can tab between them in Sound
>>Solution, and label them. It's also a DSP plug-in, which has its 
> Agreed.
>>Regarding Stream Solo, this is an intriguing plug-in but I suspect it will
>>not be suitable for the way most Shoutcasters broadcast. This isn't a
>>substitute for your current encoder of choice, such as Shoutcast or the 
>>Encoders. Instead, it's a processor that feeds processed audio to your
>>encoder. There are plenty of custom controls in this application to set 
>>parameters of the processing, but at least you can tab between them so I
>>suspect they could be recustomised and labeled.
> Were you able to find the one to change the audio processing preset?
>>What happens with this application is that once you turn the processor on,
>>audio is taken from the input of your sound card and fed back, slightly
>>delayed through the output of your sound card, complete with processing.
>>This means that if you are disconcerted by the delay between when you talk
>>and when something is echoed back, you wouldn't want to use this on the 
>>sound card. You'd instead want one sound card dedicated to taking the 
>>of another sound card and sending it to your encoder like Sam or 
>>That said, I know Ots DJ also has this slight delay, and some Shoutcasters
>>don't mind it.
> A two-card system would probably be optimal, yes.
>>Very interesting stuff, and it would be awesome if we could convince these
>>guys to make Volume Logic more accessible by giving good keyboard access.
>>It's very CPU efficient for what it does, which is a really impressive
>>thing. I note though that the last version was in January, so hope it is
>>still under active development. Perhaps it's just stable and they don't 
>>to keep releasing updates.
> That would be nice.  I tried emailing them at several different
> addresses found in several different read-me files from the VL and
> Octimax_ plug-in documentations, and so far, nothing.
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