Hi, Gary:

On Fri, 11 Nov 2005 02:08:27 -0500, you wrote:

>How does WE do?

Actually, not to badly.  At least it finds all the hot-spots and
identifies them as custom controls. It even reads most of them as what
they are--big lists mostly.  I still have not properly identified the
windows or frames for current track, time elapsed, time remaining, all
of which are on screen, I just have to find them and figure out a way
of reading a pre-defined frame when a keyboard key is pressed.  As I
said before, I'm a hopeless newbie with Window-Eyes so I don't even
know what the advanced features are that are analogous to what I know
I can do in JAWS with frames, scripts and hotkeys to trigger the
reading of frames and the execution of scripts.

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