nd the logging of the
Yes other distros had to go through this same pain, but that doesn't mean that
the pain isn't there for OpenWRT as well.
David Lang
On Wed, 13 Jan 2021, Dac Override wrote:
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2021 17:34:56 +0100
From: Dac Override
To: openwrt
someone in the
David Lang
openwrt-devel mailing list
On Wed, 29 Jul 2015, John kerry wrote:
I am working on openwrt-ar71xx. After upload the image file the GUI will be
access on some IP address. Now I want to change the GUI, Could anyone tell
how I can change the GUI, i means to say which file shall I modify.
There are a lot of different files,
#x27;t use full power + high gain antenna
David Lang
On Thu, 30 Jul 2015, Ben West wrote:
You can look up your respective country's spectrum regulations. It is
possible prior versions OpenWRT didn't fully conform to each regulatory
domain and were fixed in more recent versions (jus
On Fri, 31 Jul 2015, N.Leiten wrote:
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2015 12:32:14 +0300
From: N.Leiten
To: openwrt-devel@lists.openwrt.org
Subject: Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] Change OpenWrt Wifi default settings
In email dated Пятница - 31 июля 2015 17:08:23 user John kerry wrote:
I am
to make the config be there after a factory reset, you need to put the changes
into the image that you build.
you already did this for /etc/config/network, do the same thing for
David Lang
On Sun, 2 Aug 2015, John kerry wrote:
Hi Leiten,
I have one issue, after
erstanding how to configure the files from the
documentation, configure them from the GUI and then look at the resulting files.
David Lang
On Mon, 3 Aug 2015, John kerry wrote:
Hi All,
I created separate files directory and added network and wireless files and
its working everything but stil
can you connect via a wired port?
given that you've been changing /etc/config/network and /etc/config/wireless,
could you show us what you ended up with there?
David Lang
On Tue, 4 Aug 2015, John kerry wrote:
I am using ar71xx OpenWrt. I have connected internet connection to WAN
just changes doesn't help a lot (and it's rather hard to see what's what with
the wireless file)
but it doesn't look like the wireless interfaces are configured to be part of
the LAN interface.
David Lang
On Tue, 4 Aug 2015, John kerry wrote:
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2015
the other radio (assuming you have
two) to act as an AP for local clients.
David Lang
On Tue, 4 Aug 2015, John kerry wrote:
Its working, i am able to access internet but there is one problem,
When i scan the wireless devices, its gives the list of devices are there
nearby, then i
ings happen.
David Lang
On Tue, 4 Aug 2015, John kerry wrote:
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2015 14:41:38 +0800
From: John kerry
To: David Lang
Cc: Weedy , N. Leiten ,
OpenWrt Development List
Subject: Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] Change OpenWrt Wifi default settings
Yes i configured the mode as AP. could
lient to a remote AP (say the 5GHz band) and then use the
other (the 2.4GHz band) to provide service to nearby equipment. I actually just
finished setting up this exact configuration to extend service into a nearby
building across a parking lot.
David Lang
On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 2:56 PM,
David Lang
On Fri, 7 Aug 2015, John kerry wrote:
I have one and i configured as below:
config wifi-device 'wifi0'
option type 'qcawifi'
option channel 'auto'
option macaddr '00:26:75:bd:37:24'
option hwmode '11ng
/etc/config/networks (under files/)
David Lang
On Sun, 9 Aug 2015, John kerry wrote:
Could anyone Please guide me how i can create 2 separate default settings
for 2.4GHz and 5GHz.
On Sat, Aug 8, 2015 at 8:26 PM, John kerry wrote:
I have to keep 2 default settings for
this in backend, how i can add file which handle this and
configure 2 separate default settings for 2.4GHz and 5GHz.
It's not clear what you are asking to do. Please explain in more detail.
David Lang
On Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 1:50 PM, David Lang wrote:
You cannot use both radi
the files/ process lets you put whatever files you want in place to then use via
your change to LUCI.
for details of how to change the LUCI code, you should ask on it's development
mailing list.
David Lang
On Sun, 9 Aug 2015, John kerry wrote:
Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2015 12:42:49
s SSID was showing and able to connect any device to it.
Then i scan the device and connect to one of it. While joining the network
i selected Client(WDS) then the wireless config becomes like below:
why don't you try following the steps in the video that you posted.
first connect as a clien
set), then take the /etc/config/wireless and
/etc/config/network files and add them to your build under /files
David Lang
On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 6:18 PM, David Lang wrote:
On Mon, 10 Aug 2015, John kerry wrote:
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2015 18:10:14 +0800
From: John kerry
To: Alex Weedy ,
you have a working config
but you want to do something by default
what you want to do is different at different times.
what is it that you want to be the default? when do you want this default to
apply? This isn't clear.
David Lang
On Tue, 11 Aug 2015, John kerry wrote:
Date: Tue, 1
you are meaning something else, I'm still not understanding what you are
trying to do.
David Lang
On Tue, 11 Aug 2015, John kerry wrote:
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 21:20:58 +0800
From: John kerry
To: David Lang
Cc: Alex Weedy ,
OpenWrt Development List
Subject: Re: [OpenWrt-Devel
p you with that, since
the driver and probably other parts of the code that you're running are
not made or maintained by the OpenWrt team.
- Felix
Felix, I don't remember him saying what he's using, how did you spot that?
David Lang
you don't
want? we can't read your mind.
David Lang
On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 2:18 PM, David Lang wrote:
On Thu, 13 Aug 2015, John kerry wrote:
But i dont think so this driver might be the problem, Because when i am
doing using GUI its working so there will be not driver
d to, it is going to
bounce. Which is why it's suggested that you configure the wireless through a
wired link.
But once the wifi is reset, you should be able to reconnect, login again and
continue. Is this not working? If not, what is happening?
settings, it needs to do
what you told it to do, and that involves resetting the radio(s) to make sure
they now do everything you told it to do.
David Lang
openwrt-devel mailing list
catching up on old e-mail
On Wed, 9 Dec 2015, Lukáš Macura wrote:
I would want to start some discussion about first boot provisioning and
theoretical inclusion of some script into default images.
Today, if somebody want some automatic way to autoconfigure OpenWrt boxes, he
has to cre
ult in the config should be changed to what's actually used and the
extra copy should be eliminated.
David Lang
openwrt-devel mailing list
eless, make the file
much easier than maintaining a different version of the package just to change a
couple files.
David Lang
On Tue, 26 Jan 2016, Guillermo Javier Nardoni wrote:
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 21:19:54 -0300
From: Guillermo Javier Nardoni
To: openwrt-
On Wed, 27 Jan 2016, Karl Palsson wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Eric Schultz wrote:
It's always best to use a custom package if you can. Modifying
upstream leads to problems like this.
I don't think you'd need those changes in uci-defaults.sh.
Instead, I th
On Wed, 27 Jan 2016, Karl Palsson wrote:
Along these lines, I've tried putting in something like
80_mystuff, where I want to set some configurations options for
various packages that depend on the hardware they're running on.
However, the uci-defaults files are run in alphabetical order, so
On Wed, 27 Jan 2016, Karl Palsson wrote:
David Lang wrote:
Now, yes, I can have my 80_mystuff script go and try and create
the package config files it might want to modify, but really, I
want "mystuff" to run _last_ or at least, after all the packages
have run. Is there any better
s to them to have them pull in variables from
you can run a S01 script in init.d (or something late enough to work, early
enough to run before whatever you need to change) and have it populate the
variables that other things will use.
David Lang
issues are management, not technical.
David Lang
On Wed, 4 May 2016, Luiz Angelo Daros de Luca wrote:
It is really strange that the decision to create a new project was so
opaque when it was motivated to be a more "transparent project".
They could've started to be more transparent alr
On Thu, 5 May 2016, Carlos Ferreira wrote:
I don't see the end of OpenWRT as a bad thing.
If LEDE is basically a fork but without the development bottlenecks that
seem to be affecting OpenwRT, then the change can be easily done by the
industry segment that uses OpenWRT for their products. In fac
aining progress.
LEDE needs to get infrastructure setup, make a release, and show that they can
maintain it and respond to bug reports.
Let's let everyone get to work rather than defending themselves or lashing out
at the other side, and see how things go over the next several months.
s will they be able to
really think about the larger issues and figure out what to do about them.
And the LEDE folks have a lot of infrastructure to setup (and there will be a
lot of bikeshedding going on while they do this), so they are going to take some
time to get everything going and g
t the reason
for higher numbers isn't for throughput, but to allow for more flows to be
isolated from each other. If you have too few buckets, different flows will end
up being combined into one bucket so that one will affect the other more.
On Mon, 16 May 2016, Roman Yeryomin wrote:
On 16 May 2016 at 11:12, David Lang wrote:
On Mon, 16 May 2016, Roman Yeryomin wrote:
On 6 May 2016 at 22:43, Dave Taht wrote:
On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 11:56 AM, Roman Yeryomin
On 6 May 2016 at 21:43, Roman Yeryomin wrote:
On 6 May
by giving you the
wrong IP for the NTP server
If I can control your gateway, I can redirect all your NTP queries to someone
else (NAT, redirects, etc)
so why not trust the NTP server being provided?
David Lang
openwrt-devel mailing list
ted I'll be sending out an email to get
access to more build servers so this new build infrastructure can
properly support the project in a timely fashion.
why should providing more build servers be contingent on moving to a commercial
hosting provider vs running things themselves?
calls, etc for different distros is much
easier (just write your daemon with the expectation that the input and output
details are going to change, so don't get fancy with them).
David Lang
openwrt-devel mailing list
On Sat, 28 May 2016, Hauke Mehrtens wrote:
On 05/27/2016 12:43 PM, David Lang wrote:
On Thu, 26 May 2016, Delbar Jos wrote:
We are conscious of the fact that together with the proposals made by
Felix, Luka and Wojtek we are now looking at many "competing"
proposals. As a nex
e viewpoint of OpenWRT that LEDE is an experimental testbed (the
way that Fedora is seen as a testbed for RHEL), then people should not be told
to go away if a lede question is posted on the OpenWRT forums (something I've
seen a few times so far)
David Lang
On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at
other things do you think the Devs should not be doing?
and what do you think about the items that the LEDE Devs said were a problem?
David Lang
On Thu, 30 Jun 2016, Tom Psyborg wrote:
Looks like a common problem is when devs get paid well, they are coming up
with more and more problems, ideas to
f user modified it or not.
If the user made a local commit, the short hash becomes useless.
if the user does a SVN checkout and then modifies things, the r is also
not valid (although it does give you an idea where things branched)
David Lang
compiling it.
then something like the -dirty info that was mentioned earlier could also be
embedded to show the development since it branched from the main OpenWRT repo.
David Lang
openwrt-devel mailing list
On Mon, 12 Oct 2015, Felix Fietkau wrote:
On 2015-10-12 22:06, David Lang wrote:
On Mon, 12 Oct 2015, Jonathan Bennett wrote:
His point is that users don't ever do an SVN checkout. Because the r number
is baked into the image, it's a really easy and obvious way for an end user
D to show everything between that commit and the current head)
David Lang
openwrt-devel mailing list
On Mon, 12 Oct 2015, Felix Fietkau wrote:
On 2015-10-12 22:28, David Lang wrote:
On Mon, 12 Oct 2015, Felix Fietkau wrote:
On 2015-10-12 22:02, Javier Domingo Cansino wrote:
Would it be possible to track the revision number in an automated
way even in a git repo? So store the r
ne is the upstream master. If you have such a convention, why not use it to
make the tags that everyone has to deal with shorter then when you are dealing
with someone building a branch that needs more description anyway?
shrug, it's a nice-to-do, not a requirement.
David Lang
On Mon, 12 Oct 2015, Felix Fietkau wrote:
On 2015-10-12 22:36, David Lang wrote:
On Mon, 12 Oct 2015, Felix Fietkau wrote:
On 2015-10-12 22:28, David Lang wrote:
On Mon, 12 Oct 2015, Felix Fietkau wrote:
On 2015-10-12 22:02, Javier Domingo Cansino wrote:
Would it be possible to track
er is smart enough to commit something locally then he knows
what he is doing and is smart enough to report the changes he made.
It's so simple.
I think the concern is that someone may do this and then make the resulting
images available to others to install.
On Wed, 14 Oct 2015, Roman Yeryomin wrote:
On 13 October 2015 at 23:08, David Lang wrote:
On Tue, 13 Oct 2015, Roman Yeryomin wrote:
Would it be possible to track the revision number in an automated way
in a git repo? So store the r number, and automatically increment on
erhead of the large GUI on the
small devices.
Trying to backport 'critical fixes' to an old version (especially a version 3+
years old) is just not going to work. Even the "Enterprise" distros do a
horrible job with that, and they ha
what happened with the in-person discussions in Berlin between the OpenWRT folks
and the LEDE folks?
David Lang
On Tue, 25 Oct 2016, Sami Olmari wrote:
Long time lurker here. I personally wish we'd get things rolling again
nicely... I don't know what would be the ultimate doctorin
that brand attached
to the development moving forward.
I agree, I think this is an obvious choice to make. OpenWRT has a lot of name
recognition, it would be foolish to throw that away.
David Lang
openwrt-devel mailing list
On Wed, 21 Dec 2016, Dave Taht wrote:
On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 12:29 PM, David Lang wrote:
On Wed, 21 Dec 2016, Kathy Giori wrote:
From a PR perspective, I strongly suggest keeping the term OpenWrt as
part of the branding of the project moving forward. It can just be
cosmetic (web site, etc
On Wed, 21 Dec 2016, Stefan Monnier wrote:
- While brands have value, you can change a name without losing all the
brand recognition. I'm thinking here of cases like XBMC->Kodi or
I would point at OpenOffice -> LibreOffice as a failure of name change
oblem that can be solved by a http redirect ...
Is that going to break all links in discussions that point at OpenWRT docs
and/or forum threads?
That's a high cost.
David Lang
openwrt-devel mailing list
On Thu, 22 Dec 2016, John Crispin wrote:
On 22/12/2016 09:42, David Lang wrote:
On Thu, 22 Dec 2016, John Crispin wrote:
Yes, the name is pointing at a product that doesn't exist any longer,
but Deb and Ian aren't involved with Debian any longer either. At some
point the fact that
If you run into problems configuring rsyslog, we have a fairly active mailing
list at rsyslog-users , or ask questions here and
I'll be happy to answer them.
David Lang
openwrt-devel mailing list
On Tue, 2 May 2017, tapper wrote:
Hi you should look at LEDE:
The LEDE Project (“Linux Embedded Development Environment”) is a Linux
operating system based on OpenWrt. It is a complete replacement for the
vendor-supplied firmware of a wide range of wireless routers an
and screen readers might be an option.
The LEDE forum lets you interact with it strictly via e-mail, while the openwrt
forum only has 'something is new' notifications via e-mail
David Lang
openwrt-devel mailing list
the vote on the name was held several months ago, please stop trying to re-do
the vote just because it didn't come out the way you wanted it to.
openwrt-devel mailing list
s out when it hits a limit?
David Lang
openwrt-devel mailing list
at it was safe for
them to be exposed.
But that's not the world we live in.
David Lang
On Wed, 16 Jul 2014, Lyme Marionette wrote:
- Original Message -
On Wednesday, July 16, 2014 2:10:53 PM "Gui Iribarren"
Benjamin is giving some great examples of re
On Thu, 17 Jul 2014, Gui Iribarren wrote:
On 17/07/14 21:03, David Lang wrote:
I know that IPv6 designers pine for the "good old days" of the Internet
when no security was needed.
But the reality is that hackers and worms have shown that leaving
systems exposed to the Internet is
by the way, link local addresses are not going to be used for these devices,
because they will all have some 'cloud' feature that will require they have a
way to phone home.
David Lang
On Fri, 18 Jul 2014, David Lang wrote:
Every IPv4 home router I have seen defaults to 'blo
On Fri, 18 Jul 2014, Benjamin Cama wrote:
Le jeudi 17 juillet 2014 à 17:03 -0700, David Lang a écrit :
But the reality is that hackers and worms have shown that leaving systems
exposed to the Internet is just a Bad Idea.
Do you mean, all the hackers and worms we see today despite all these
ult should be idiot-friendly. Having the easy knob to
toggle to make it 'expert-friendly' should be enough. If the 'expert'
can't flip that knob, they can't secure their network either.
P.S. No, my printer is not v6-ready, either, but let's assum
erface some time, look at all the
attacks that are going on there (especially with an ISP that's not
blocking it for you)
If nothing ever got compromised from network attacks, the malware
wouldn't bother trying them.
David Lang
On Sat, 19 Jul 2014, Gert Doering wrote:
On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 04:08:02PM -0700, David Lang wrote:
go do a tcpdump of your WAN interface some time, look at all the
attacks that are going on there (especially with an ISP that's not
blocking it for you)
I'm well aware of all th
On Mon, 21 Jul 2014, Gert Doering wrote:
On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 03:50:24PM -0700, David Lang wrote:
I'm well aware of all the bullshit that is knocking on my doors all
day. Point is, firewalls on the *routers* are not goint to help the
laptop that moves around, attaches to a
On Mon, 21 Jul 2014, Gert Doering wrote:
On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 12:18:46AM -0700, David Lang wrote:
While it is nice to say that IPv6 has a large address space and so nobody
will ever scan it, I don't believe it.
Don't believe. Try math. 2^64 is big enough that if you manage to
On Mon, 28 Jul 2014, John Crispin wrote:
On 27/07/2014 23:07, Rafał Miłecki wrote:
Note: this is *not* anyhow officially related to the OpenWrt! This
is my private request, I use OpenWrt ML just to reach ppl
interested in this topic. Also I can't guarantee my development
will success and can't
On Mon, 28 Jul 2014, John Crispin wrote:
On 28/07/2014 10:41, David Lang wrote:
On Mon, 28 Jul 2014, John Crispin wrote:
On 27/07/2014 23:07, Rafał Miłecki wrote:
Note: this is *not* anyhow officially related to the OpenWrt!
This is my private request, I use OpenWrt ML just to reach ppl
On Sun, 10 Aug 2014, Florian Fainelli wrote:
Le 10 août 2014 09:44, "Etienne Champetier"
a écrit :
Le 10 août 2014 18:18, "Stefan Monnier" a
écrit :
It would be great to have all feeds in one place, on GitHub.
I think making oneself dependent upon a commercial company
e a lot of swap" to cover this
In spite of what some people say, it's far from a clear-cut win to disable
David Lang
openwrt-devel mailing list
On Sat, 20 Sep 2014, Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos wrote:
On Fri, 2014-09-19 at 18:39 -0700, David Lang wrote
Well being used to something bad, doesn't mean things cannot get better.
Routers (to which I have some experience at), rarely have processes
running that wouldn't matter i
ting to improve this. From the pastebin
link Dave listed below, they have it up to ~80Mb now
David Lang
On Oct 2, 2014 9:55 AM, "Dave Taht" wrote:
On Wed, Oct 01, 2014 at 12:10:46PM -0400, Weedy wrote:
On 30/03/14 06:29 PM, Dave Taht wrote:
On Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 02:24:44PM -0400, We
On Fri, 3 Oct 2014, Urs Rau (UK) wrote:
Hi Jo-Philipp,
On 26 Sep 2014, at 09:55, Jo-Philipp Wich
mailto:j...@openwrt.org>> wrote:
The wan port is likely a dedicated, non-switch interface (e.g. eth1) on
this model. If you want to declare VLANs on it then simply create a new
interface usin
rdware that has multiple radios tends to have
problems with this. It takes having very directional antennas to try and keep as
much of the signal away from the other radio to even start.
What is it that you are trying to accomplish?
David Lang
On Sat, 10 Jan 2015, Bruno Randolf wrote:
On 01/10/2015 08:38 PM, David Lang wrote:
I would not expect to find consumer hardware that had two radios on the
2.4GHz band, the problems that you would run into trying to keep the
output of one radio from deafening the other (if not outright popping
they haven't improved.
Now, this isn't the same as having the support upstream in openwrt, which is
what we all want, but if they do release the full source at the time of the
router release, it is better than most.
David Lang
On Fri, 16 Jan 2015, Fernando Frediani wrote:
twork 'scale' and the 2.4GHz network 'scale-slow')
It was suggested that I see if I can gather
/sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy*/netdev:*/stations/*/rc_stats and xmit stats
frequently (every 10s or so).
What else can/should I gather?
David Lang
ult kernel option to
enable seccomp filter.
It needs the kernel support to use the seccomp filter, but why is this so
critical that it must be enabled by default?
David Lang
openwrt-devel mailing list
o be better than it used to be)
David Lang
openwrt-devel mailing list
On Mon, 16 Feb 2015, Charlie Smurthwaite wrote:
Hi David,
On 16/02/15 21:03, David Lang wrote:
A work-around for many of the items other than the basic VLAN membership
and tagging is to force the traffic between the different switch ports to
go through the CPU by putting the different ports
ing it to daisy-chain
another AP off of.
David Lang
openwrt-devel mailing list
r the "Enterprise" APs with the
advanced capabilities.
David Lang
On Mon, 16 Feb 2015, Joel Wirāmu Pauling wrote:
I for one would love to see brctl and vconfig disappear completely in
favour of ovs-* based standard toolchain for all switch interaction.
Certainly in the Bigger iron area,
Is this going to include support for the DSL on these boxes? the Table of
Hardware page still says that the DSL is not and will never be supported. I've
seen enough changes in such things over the years to hope that this is no longer
the case.
David Lang
On Sun, 1 Mar 2015, dani
make it much easier for these different approaches
to be presented as packages that can be added to OpenWRT without forcing
everyone to change to them.
David Lang
openwrt-devel mailing list
ver you want to use, and (as I
posted earlier), to have tools to assemble/generate the configs, but requiring
changes to every piece of software to just change the format requires more than
"every langauage can understand JSON"
David Lang
On Fri, 6 Mar 2015, Zefir Kurtisi wrote:
see if we can use one
of those config languages (either as-is or with an automated conversion back and
David Lang
On Fri, 6 Mar 2015, David Lang wrote:
changing the format doesn't solve the problem, it just causes churn in all
the software.
The problem is the lack of standard
On Friday, March 6, 2015 11:11:07 PM PDT, Matthias Schiffer wrote:
On 03/05/2015 08:25 PM, David Lang wrote:
On Thu, 05 Mar 2015 13:36:10 +0100, Matthias Schiffer wrote: ...
At the moment we use scripts to edit /etc/config/* to our needs. There
are multiple reasons why we'd like to ge
On Mon, 9 Mar 2015, José Vázquez wrote:
OpenWRT is a linux distro oriented to networking so the kernel and
drivers are important, but you must not forget that the init process
(procd and related after AA) is one of the cores of this distro and
makes it work. The most relevant packages are orient
There are a lot of things in Linux that have been developed by developers who
have signed NDAs to get access to the detailed specs and access to developers.
David Lang
openwrt-devel mailing list
On Wed, 11 Mar 2015, Felix Fietkau wrote:
On 2015-03-10 20:22, Zefir Kurtisi wrote:
On 03/09/2015 11:28 PM, David Lang wrote:
On Mon, 9 Mar 2015, José Vázquez wrote:
This gives at least two sources for optimization for the reference driver: 1)
inter-layer processing overhead (passing
me to be passed to the various ubus services.
If the config format needs to be changed, I wouldn't oppose JSON. I'm just
questioning why it would need to change at all. I don't see how it would help,
either the overlay problem or the changing config problem.
David Lang
On Sun, 22 Mar 2015, Outback Dingo wrote:
On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 10:33 AM, valent.turko...@gmail.com <
valent.turko...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 21 March 2015 at 15:49, Janne Cederberg
Greetings all!
Been searching around and found for example OpenWISP but thought I'd
ask the list as well
On Mon, 23 Mar 2015, Jean-Michel Pouré - GOOZE wrote:
Le lundi 23 mars 2015 à 16:21 +0100, Jonas Gorski a écrit :
This is currently not easily possible with OpenWrt, as it contains
several "out-of-tree" kernel modules, which aren't part of the kernel
sources and thus can't be statically linked
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