On Wed, 27 Jan 2016, Karl Palsson wrote:

Along these lines, I've tried putting in something like
80_mystuff, where I want to set some configurations options for
various packages that depend on the hardware they're running on.
However, the uci-defaults files are run in alphabetical order, so
while 80_mystuff might come after the 01_leds, 02_network stuff
from core OpenWrt, the uci-defaults files from packages normally
don't seem to have a numerical prefix. This then means that my
80_mystuff script tries to set a config option in a file that
doesn't exist yet.

Now, yes, I can have my 80_mystuff script go and try and create
the package config files it might want to modify, but really, I
want "mystuff" to run _last_ or at least, after all the packages
have run. Is there any better system for this other than just
naming my script zzzzz_mystuff instead of 80_mystuff? Is that
expected to be "good enough" ?

what I do is to flash the base image on a device, and then tweak it until I get things working and then create a new image including that file.

If I need different versions for different devices, I work on each one separately and then figure a way to detect the different conditions.

Another example from Scale, We use Raspberry Pi computers to run self-service registration stations and to provide digital signs when connected to large TVs. I use a single image that checks to see if it has a mouse attached, if so it's a registration station, otherwise it's a sign and then the appropriate thing gets launched.

you can use IP addresses/ranges, DHCP parameters, holding a button, or many other things to detect the different conditions.

David Lang
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