Morgan Fainberg writes:
> As I have been converting Zuul and NodePool to python3, I have had to do a
> bunch of changes around encode() and decode() of strings since gear is
> (properly) an implementation of a protocol that requires binary data
> (rather than text_strings).
> What this has high
Artur Zarzycki writes:
> ...
> And now as I understand zuul should recognize dependencies between patches.
> So I created patch1 in repo1 and patch2 in repo2 with Depends-On:
> I45137d1186caeafda0cee3504370d01ef3d9d271 (patch1)
> and I'm trying to merge patch2. I see that zuul run gate jobs for
In nodepool master we just merged a change (add "--reason" to 'nodepool
hold' command) which will require a schema change. To do so, run the
mysql> alter table node add column comment varchar(255) after state_time;
Clark Boylan writes:
> The downside here is we double our total number of jobs (though we do
> not double the number of gearman job registrations since gearman will
> register a job per node type regardless of option used). It is also much
> more explicit and will likely require a greater underst
Clark Boylan writes:
> Could we do this by slightly changing the zuul gearman protocol to drop
> the "label" suffix and expect that all jobs have this hardcoded? Then we
> could do the second option and we would have:
> build:tempest-trusty
> build:tempest-xenial
> This should come out to rou
Announcing Gertty 1.4.0
Gertty is a console-based interface to the Gerrit Code Review system.
Gertty is designed to support a workflow similar to reading network
news or mail. It syncs information from Gerrit to local storage to
support disconnected operation and easy man
MichaĆ Dulko writes:
> Just wondering - were there tries to implement syntax highlighting in
> diff view? I think that's the only thing that keeps me from switching to
> Gertty.
I don't know of anyone working on that, but I suspect it could be done
using the pygments library.
In consultation with Jeremy and some other Zuul contributors, I
have established the #zuul channel on Freenode. As intensive
development of Zuulv3 gets underway, this is a place where folks
working on that effort can discuss details without being
overwhelmed by the traffic in #openstack-infra
Joshua Hesketh writes:
> There's probably further discussions here but I don't have enough knowledge
> in this area to comment further. The aim though should be to make it easy
> to bootstrap a server with the module you're developing on so you can
> easily verify and debug your changes.
Don't f
"Philipp, Damian" writes:
> Hello,
> yup, this did help. It would be great if I could just pip install the
> working version of zuul to my build hosts.
Sounds good. I released Zuul 2.5.1 with this change.
OpenStack-Infra mailing l
Bhavik Bavishi writes:
> Hi,
> In our project we have started using ZUUL. Our project is stack based
> and more of branch oriented, in other words in stack almost all
> components (each component is separate git repo) should follow same
> workflow but for few are exceptions and this also change
Recently, a bunch of folks have expressed an interest in helping with
Zuul v3. With more than a handful of people engaged in active
development, it seems like it might be time to adopt some useful
development practices. One of those is scheduling a weekly meeting, the
other is task tracking.
Ricardo Carrillo Cruz writes:
> 22:00 UTC works for me too, even if it's a bit late for me.
Okay, it seems like Mondays at 22:00 works for most folks. We can
change it later if it's too much of a stretch.
I know a lot of people are traveling this week, so let's plan on having
the first meeting
In our first Zuul meeting, we discussed how we wanted to run the meeting
and agreed that we would like to have an agenda page in the wiki, as one
I have created it here:
I'm happy to report that we have made significant progress on adding
ZooKeeper support to Nodepool, in preparation for supporting Zuul v3.
You may recall that a while back, we made a release of Nodepool (0.3.0)
before we started this work so that folks who didn't want to live on the
Darragh Bailey writes:
> On 13 December 2016 at 00:25, James E. Blair wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm happy to report that we have made significant progress on adding
>> ZooKeeper support to Nodepool, in preparation for supporting Zuul v3.
> I keep mean
I've been working on reconciling a confusing part of the Nodepool config
file: the mapping between labels, provider images, and diskimages.
Broadly speaking the three constructs are:
diskimages: the file(s) that DIB produces
provider images: a disk image uploaded to a provider, combined with
Clark Boylan writes:
> This appears to currently be called "meta".
Let's change it while we're at it. :)
>> That also lets us remove the 'providers' section from each label
>> definition. That is used to indicate which providers should be used to
>> create nodes of each label, but by associat
Paul Belanger writes:
> What are you visioning for the image-type key? I only bring it up since we've
> dropped 'images' here.
The thing that says "qcow2"? That's an attribute of the provider and
doesn't need to change (we also usually get it via OSCC anyway -- maybe
we can remove it).
> On th
Andreas Jaeger writes:
> we discussed in today's infra meeting to move forward as follows:
> 1) update some missing content since a few projects haven't published
>content since we started:
> is a copy from
>docs.o.o that needs to be add (James E. Blair) writes:
>> Yup, I think this makes sense and avoids duplicate image data. One other
>> similarish use case that I don't think this addresses that we should
>> consider is the one we had in hpcloud and what we do in osic-cloud1
In December we released version 0.3.1 of Nodepool which is the last
version that doesn't use ZooKeeper[1].
Today we're releasing 0.4.0 which includes major changes to the image
building component of Nodepool. We have been using this in production
for OpenStack for about a month and have been
Clint Byrum writes:
> Are the jobs so complicated that you can't just write a dedicated gearman
> worker to do the translation to/from zk? I mean, gearman is really really
> really simple for a reason.
> Just saying.. might be simpler to write a throw-away 500 line python gear
> worker, than mo
Rackspace writes:
>A maintenance event has been scheduled. Details below:
>Affected device(s)
>Maintenance window
>2017-01-19 0300-0400 CST
>Expected disruption
>Loss of access to database for 10-15 minutes
"Karpenko, Oleksandr (Nokia - DE/Ulm)"
> Hallo together,
> Sorry for bothering you but I am not able to find any zuul specific mailing
> list.
> First of all if there is some better place to ask questions, please
> let me know and I will do it there.
You've come to the right place.
Clint Byrum writes:
> Excerpts from Oleksandr Karpenko's message of 2017-01-27 16:46:24 +0100:
>> Hello together,
>> Thanks for your answers.
>> Yes, we are interested in this feature and ready to contribute. But we
>> will need a support from your side for clear understanding how to
We're meeting in person at the Project Team Gathering in Atlanta soon,
so I wanted to share the current state of Zuul and how we're thinking
about setting up jobs so we're all able to contribute to our goal of
actually running Zuul v3 when we are there.
Also, we might borrow some of these wor
For a while, Zuul has had support for connections to multiple services
for use in triggering jobs, fetching changes, and reporting results.
This has been in use (the github patches work with github, we do support
reporting to gerrit as two different users, we send email over SMTP),
but we have
Paul Belanger writes:
> Greetings!
> I wanted to start a thread about what people thought about expanding our
> coverage of projects a little. I've been working on ansible roles for CI
> things
> for a while, and figure it might be a good first step to have zuulv3 test a
> role[1] to install z
Clark Boylan writes:
> Also reading these job defs and comparing against the zuulv3 spec it
> isn't clear to me what the expected behavior for inheriting pre and post
> playbooks is. Seems like maybe pre is a queue so parent pre roles run
> first and post is a stack so parent post roles run last?
In working on the implementation of the encrypted secrets feature of
Zuul v3, I have found some things that warrant further discussion. It's
important to be deliberate about this and I welcome any feedback.
For reference, here is the relevant portion of the Zuul v3 spec:
David Moreau Simard writes:
> I don't have a horse in this race or a strong opinion on the topic, in
> fact I'm admittedly not very knowledgeable when it comes to low-level
> encryption things.
> However, I did have a question, even if just to generate discussion.
> Did we ever consider simply
Ian Cordasco writes:
> On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 6:10 PM, James E. Blair wrote:
>> We did talk about some other options, though unfortunately it doesn't
>> look like a lot of that made it into the spec reviews. Among them, it's
>> probably worth noting that th
Darragh Bailey writes:
> On 22 March 2017 at 15:02, James E. Blair wrote:
>> Ian Cordasco writes:
>> >
>> > I suppose Barbican doesn't meet those requirements either, then, yes?
>> Right -- we don't want to require ano
This is a test message to verify mailing list functionality after the
OpenStack-Infra mailing list
We're going to have several absences next Monday, the 10th, so let's
skip the Zuul meeting that day.
OpenStack-Infra mailing list
Tom Fifield writes:
> Hello infra,
> Exploratory question here, no idea what's actually going on.
> We have a prospective new user on Ask OpenStack, who despite trying
> multiple auth methods (Launchpad & Google) multiple times did not
> receive a confirmation email.
> I checked and there h
I think enough of us have post-summit plans/chores/burnout that it makes
sense to cancel the May 15, 2017 Zuul meeting. See you on May 22.
OpenStack-Infra mailing list
As part of Zuul v3, we're adding support for GitHub (and later possibly
other systems). We want these systems to have access to the full power
of cross-project-dependencies in the same way as Gerrit. However, the
current syntax for the Depends-On footer is currently the
Gerrit-specific chang
Jeremy Stanley writes:
> On 2017-05-25 00:33:10 + (+), Tristan Cacqueray wrote:
>> On May 24, 2017 11:04 pm, James E. Blair wrote:
>> [...]
>> >How does that sound?
>> Thinking about further connections support, could this also works
Sean Dague writes:
> On 05/24/2017 07:04 PM, James E. Blair wrote:
>> The natural way to identify a GitHub pull request is with its URL.
>> This can be used to identify Gerrit changes as well, and will likely be
>> well supported by other systems. Theref
Jeremy Stanley writes:
> On 2017-05-25 08:50:14 -0500 (-0500), Kevin L. Mitchell wrote:
>> Can I suggest that, for OpenStack purposes, we also deploy some sort of
>> bot that comments on reviews using the old syntax, to at least alert
>> developers to the pending deprecation? If it had the smart
Joshua Hesketh writes:
> On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 1:09 AM, James E. Blair wrote:
>> So I think that we should start out by simply silently ignoring any
>> patchset elements in the URL. We could consider having Zuul leave a
>> note indicating that the patchset component is
Due to the US holiday on Monday, the Zuul meeting on May 29, 2017 is
OpenStack-Infra mailing list
Jeremy Stanley writes:
> On 2017-05-30 12:53:15 -0700 (-0700), Jesse Keating wrote:
> [...]
>> Github labels: This is like approvals/reviews.
> [...]
> Perhaps an interesting aside, Gerrit uses the same term (labels) for
> how we're doing approvals and review voting.
Yeah, or at least, related
Monty Taylor writes:
> We should use aiohttp with no extra REST framework.
> Meaning:
> - aiohttp serving REST and websocket streaming in a scale-out tier
> - talking RPC to the scheduler over gear or zk
> - possible in-process aiohttp endpoints for k8s style health endpoints
> Since we
Clint Byrum writes:
> Your words are more succinct than what I wrote, which is nice. I think
> we agree on the general direction for the time being.
> However, I don't think ZK will be a good choice for async event
> handling. I'd sooner expect MQTT to replace gear for that. It's worth
> noting
Clark Boylan writes:
> I'm wary of this simply because it looks a lot like repeating
> OpenStack's (now failed) decision to stick web servers in a bunch of
> python processes then do cooperative multithreading with them along with
> all your application logic. It just gets complicated. I also thi
Ricardo Carrillo Cruz writes:
> This is a nodepool.yaml that can help you get going:
Glad it worked!
You can drop 'zmq-publishers' from the config entirely.
If 'images-dir' and 'diskimages' are required, then I would consider
that a bug; we should ha
Clint Byrum writes:
> Excerpts from corvus's message of 2017-06-09 13:11:00 -0700:
>> Clark Boylan writes:
>> > I'm wary of this simply because it looks a lot like repeating
>> > OpenStack's (now failed) decision to stick web servers in a bunch of
>> > python processes then do cooperative mu
Tristan Cacqueray writes:
> Hi,
> With the nodepool-drivers[0] spec approved, I started to hack a quick
> implementation[1]. Well I am not very familiar with the nodepool/zookeeper
> architecture, thus this implementation may very well be missing important
> bits... The primary goal is to be ab
This periodic update is primarily intended as a way to keep
contributors to the OpenStack community apprised of Zuul v3 project
status, including future changes and milestones on our way to use in
production. Additionally, the numerous existing and future users of
Zuul outside of the Op
Several of us will be traveling to and attending AnsibleFest in London
next week, so I propose we cancel the Monday meeting.
Also, expect review bandwidth to be considerably reduced next week.
OpenStack-Infra mailing list
Monty Taylor writes:
> With that in mind, I believe the path should be for the new server
> being written for the console-log streaming to be called "zuul-web"
> and that it should serve the console-log websocket at /console-stream
> or /console-log or something.
> We can then use our Apache fr
Announcing Gertty 1.5.0
Gertty is a console-based interface to the Gerrit Code Review system.
Gertty is designed to support a workflow similar to reading network
news or mail. It syncs information from Gerrit to local storage to
support disconnected operation and easy man
Jeremy Stanley writes:
> On 2017-08-03 20:34:14 + (+), Morgenstern, Chad wrote:
>> I'm wondering, now that the ini is corrected (I hope), will our older
>> posts show up or will only the blogs we post after the change is
>> picked up show up on your site?
> The cache directory for it al
With we are moving gating of Zuul
itself and some related job repos from Zuul v2 to Zuul v3. As part of
this, we need to disable some of the checks that we perform on the
layout file. That change disables the following checks for the
openstack-infra/* repo
As many of you may recall, our plan to migrate the devstack jobs to Zuul
v3 was to gradually convert pieces of the existing devstack-gate script
to Ansible roles which would be shared between the Ansible run inside
the devstack-gate script and the Ansible run by Zuul v3. Eventually,
the idea
David Moreau Simard writes:
> I'm OK with this.
> Should we get to a point where the scripts can be used by both Zuul v2
> and Zuul v3 simultaneously so that there is no "migration" or "cutover" so
> to speak ?
> It might mean some amount of work but it shouldn't be too bad, I think ?
> Ansible
Darragh Bailey writes:
> Hi,
> Currently the main issue from end users, is the user experience around the
> UI when looking at job results once the run is complete, and to a lesser
> extend looking at your jobs in the zuul status page when running.
> I'm wondering if there is a plan to have a
We need to merge a backwards incompatible change to Zuul master.
The change is: and it makes Gerrit
label entries case sensitive. Unfortunately, some combinations of
Gerrit versions and underlying database configurations make this both
necessary and diffic
Darragh Bailey writes:
> On 6 September 2017 at 01:26, James E. Blair wrote:
>> Darragh Bailey writes:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > Currently the main issue from end users, is the user experience around
>> the
>> > UI when looking at job r
We originally created the docs-draft site (and filesystem partition)
because doc builds were *big* and we had to expire them much more
quickly than build logs. The expiration times were 21 days for
docs-draft and 6 months for build logs.
The tables have turned.
Docs-draft expiration is stil
A change recently landed on the feature/zuulv3 branch of Zuul with a
Sem-Ver commit message footer. This is used by PBR to alter the way it
constructs version numbers. It's pretty nifty, but in my opinion, it
has a fundamental flaw: it can't be undone.
I think use of this by a project shoul
Darragh Bailey writes:
>> The abandon/restore steps are required by Gerrit in order to delete the
>> branch. We could force-push the branch tip, but this is the procedure
>> we have asked and would ask any other project to use in a similar
>> situation, in order to reduce the risk of error.
> (James E. Blair) writes:
> Hi,
> We need to merge a backwards incompatible change to Zuul master.
> The change is: and it makes Gerrit
> label entries case sensitive. Unfortunately, some combinations of
> Gerrit ve
Clark Boylan writes:
> Hello everyone,
> I'd like to nominate a few people to be core on our job related config
> repos. Dmsimard, mnaser, and jlk have been doing some great reviews
> particularly around the Zuul v3 transition. In recognition of this work
> I propose that we give them even more
It turns out that there are some jobs in OpenStack's Zuul that were
relying on a behavior in devstack-gate and zuul-cloner that would check
out a tag when given an override branch.
Zuul v3 is a bit more literal -- the 'override-branch' option (for both
jobs and projects) will only checkout a
A number of issues related to how jobs are defined and run on projects
with stable branches have come up recently. I believe they are all
related, and they, as well as the solutions to them, must be considered
The Problems
I've identified the following five problems:
At the infra meeting today, we discussed how to handle job variants. I
will try to summarize the discussion and extrapolate some things.
The Zuul v3 migration doc in the infra manual is very clear that some
project-templates should only be added in project-config, rather than
I discussed this briefly with some folks in IRC and received support,
but I thought it wise to bring to the mailing list.
I think we should add E741 to the list of pep8 errors that we ignore as
a matter of course in infra projects.
This is a recently added change which forbids the use of var
Andrea Frittoli writes:
> We will need somewhere in the logs a description of the traversal that was
> done to build the final job. I believe that would help debugging issues that
> may arise from unexpected inheritance behaviour.
> Andrea Frittoli (andreaf)
Yes! We have that to some degree t
Doug Hellmann writes:
> In the discussion yesterday, and in the emails today, you've implied
> that there is an ordering to job definitions beyond inheritance. Is that
> discovery order documented somewhere? If not, is it simple enough to
> describe in a few sentences here? Are repositories scann
Rikimaru Honjo writes:
> Hello,
> (Can I still use this thread?)
In the future, you may want to start a new thread on for general Zuul questions.
I've changed the CC list and subject of this message to redirect the
conversation there.
> Excuse me, I'm tryi (James E. Blair) writes:
> The Changes
> ===
> I believe the following changes will address all five problems and
> achieve both design goals:
> a) Apply inheritance at the same time as variance
> Rather than applying inheritance a
Rikimaru Honjo writes:
> I confirmed the below PPA, but my version is the latest.
> Should I use ubuntu higher than 16.04...?
We are running on 16.04. But it looks like this is the PPA we're using:
At the PTG we brainstormed a road map for Zuul once we completed the
infra cutover. I think we're in a position now that we can get back to
thinking about this, so I've (slightly) cleaned it up and organized it
I've grouped into a number of sections. First:
Very Near Term
Paul Belanger writes:
>> * demonstrate openstack-infra reporting on github
> I can start working on this one, is there any objections if we use
> gtest-org/ansible first?
Thanks! This may involve continuing to debug some github rate limit
issues which we've been ignoring since we aren't doing a
A while back we created a feature branch in git for Zuul and Nodepool v3
(feature/zuulv3). Now that OpenStack-Infra is running it, and all of
our development focus is on it, we are unlikely to merge any more
changes to Zuul v2 or issue another Zuul v2 release. In fact, we are
approaching the
Jens Harbott writes:
> 2017-11-23 5:28 GMT+00:00 Tristan Cacqueray :
> ...
>> TL;DR; Is it alright if we re-enable this CI and report those tests on
>> zuul-jobs patchsets?
> I like the general idea, but please wait for more feedback until doing so.
I am in favor of the idea in general,
Tristan Cacqueray writes:
> Hi,
> Now that the zuulv3 release is approaching, please find below a
> follow-up on this spec.
> The current code could use one more patch[0] to untangle the common
> config from the openstack provider specific bits. The patch often needs
> to be manualy rebased.
Fabien Boucher writes:
>> * finish git driver
> If ok for you, I want to propose myself to work on that git driver topic.
> I'll try to
> provide a first patch asap.
That's great, thanks!
There's some code there already, but it has no tests and hasn't been
used in a while -- I don't know i
Clint Byrum writes:
> I know a bunch of this stuff is janky as all get out, because as much of the
> jankiness is my own fault as anybody else's. But so much work has gone into
> zuulv3 beyond what OpenStack needs, I am still not convinced we need to wait
> for any of this. Maybe the zuul-web stu
Tristan Cacqueray writes:
> Hi,
> Top posting here to raise another complication.
> James mentioned an API problem regarding the NodeRequestHandler
> interface. Indeed the run_handler method should actually be part of the
> generic code so that the driver's handler only implements the 'launch'
"Apua A.Aa" writes:
> Hi,
> As title, is there a plan or road map for Zuul and Nodepool to
> support/migrate to Python3.x currently?
Yes, the next versions, Zuul and Nodepool v3.0, will support python 3
only. Note that they will be very different from the current versions
and are not backward
Tristan Cacqueray writes:
>>> I also proposed a 'plugin' interface so that driver are fully contained
>>> in their namespace, which seems like another legitimate addition to this
>>> feature:
>> I think that will be a nice thing to have, but I'd like to
Clark Boylan writes:
> Hello everyone,
> Just wanted to quickly recap what we got done this week during our
> control plane upgrade to Xenial sprint.
Now that this is over, I wonder if we should start a 'marathon' (as
opposed to a sprint) to finish the rest of the servers?
Now that w
Ian Wienand writes:
> There's a bunch of stuff that wouldn't show up until live, but we
> probably could have got a lot of prep work out of the way if the
> integration tests were doing something. I didn't realise that although
> we run the tests, most of our modules don't actually have any test
This is a test message following some maintenance to the mailing list
server. There is no need to reply.
OpenStack-Infra mailing list
It seems that every time we boot a new server, it either randomly has a
hostname of foo, or And maybe that changes between
the first boot and second.
The result of this is that our services which require that they know
their hostname (which is a lot, especially the complic
We recently completed the work needed to host mailing lists for projects
at their own domains. With our expanded focus in Zuul v3 on users
beyond those related to the OpenStack project, now seems like a good
time to create dedicated Zuul mailing lists.
I'd like to create the following two li
Clark Boylan writes:
> On Sun, Jan 7, 2018, at 2:30 PM, David Moreau Simard wrote:
>> When I compared ze10 with ze09 today, I noticed that ze09's "hostname"
>> command returned "ze09" while ze10 had "".
>> However, both nodes had the full fqdn when doing "hostname -f".
Clark Boylan writes:
> Hello,
> I think we are very close to being ready to merge the zuulv3 feature
> branch into master in both the Zuul and Nodepool repos. In particular
> we merged which should
> prevent breakages for anyone using that deployment met
We've created two new mailing lists for Zuul. If you run an instance of
Zuul, or are a user of Zuul, you should subscribe. The new lists are:
This will be a low-
> Hi zuulers,
> the zuul-executor resource governor topic seems to be a recurring now
> and we might want take the step and make it a bit smarter.
To be honest, it keeps coming up because we haven't gotten around to
finishing the work already in progress on this. We're not done with t
On Thursday, January 18, 2018, we will merge the feature/zuulv3 branches
of both Zuul and Nodepool into master.
If you continuously deploy Zuul or Nodepool from master, you should make
sure you are prepared for this.
The current version of the single_node_ci pattern in puppet-openstackci
We recently introduced a new URL-based syntax for Depends-On: footers
in commit messages:
The old syntax will continue to work for a while, but please begin using
the new syntax on new changes.
Why are we changing this? Zuul has grown the a
Paul Belanger writes:
> On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 08:28:27AM -0500, David Shrewsbury wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Sun, Feb 18, 2018 at 10:25 PM, Ian Wienand wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > How should we go about restricting certain image builds to specific
>> > nodepool builder instances? My immediate i
To date, Zuul has (perhaps rightly) often been seen as an
OpenStack-specific tool. That's only natural since we created it
explicitly to solve problems we were having in scaling the testing of
OpenStack. Nevertheless, it is useful far beyond OpenStack, and even
before v3, it has found adopte
David Moreau Simard writes:
> Unless there's any objection, I'd have a slide with up to date numbers such
> as:
I don't have any objection to making them public (I believe nearly all,
if not all, of these are public already). But I would like them to be
as accurate as possible :).
> - # of pr
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