Hi, We recently completed the work needed to host mailing lists for projects at their own domains. With our expanded focus in Zuul v3 on users beyond those related to the OpenStack project, now seems like a good time to create dedicated Zuul mailing lists.
I'd like to create the following two lists to start: zuul-annou...@lists.zuul-ci.org -- A list for release announcements and to disseminate information about job definition changes (including information about the shared zuul-jobs repos). zuul-disc...@lists.zuul-ci.org -- A list for general discussion about using Zuul and development work. Note in particular that, at the moment, I'm not proposing a dev/user mailing list split. Much of our dev work directly impacts users and needs broad discussion. Likewise, we're better developers when we dive into real user problems. So to the extent possible, I'd like to avoid creating a split where one isn't necessary. Of course, if that doesn't work out, or if circumstances change, we can add new lists as necessary. It seems like the most conservative approach is to create only one discussion list and add more if needed. It's also worth noting that some of us wear multiple hats related to OpenStack and Zuul. It will still be reasonable for folks to have Zuul-related discussions on this list, or openstack-dev, when they relate entirely to OpenStack's use of Zuul. We might discuss adding new executors on openstack-infra, and we might promulgate a new role for working with devstack logs on openstack-dev. Neither of those discussions need to happen on the new lists. However, like any project used heavily by another, people involved in OpenStack with a significant interest in Zuul should subscribe to the new lists, so they can interact with the rest of the Zuul community. How does that sound? Thanks, Jim _______________________________________________ OpenStack-Infra mailing list OpenStack-Infra@lists.openstack.org http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-infra