Re: [openstack-dev] [tc][ceilometer] Some background on the gnocchi project

2014-08-11 Thread Brad Topol
Hi Eoghan, Thanks for the note below. However, one thing the overview below does not cover is why InfluxDB ( is not being leveraged. Many folks feel that this technology is a viable solution for the problem space discussed below. Thanks, Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] The future of the integrated release

2014-08-21 Thread Brad Topol
I do hope there will be less focus on whether Ceilometer has fancy status or not and instead more focus on an open and frank dialogue on what can be done for Ceilometer to achieve its goal of being able to meet high volume monitoring requirements. Thanks, Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Disting

Re: [openstack-dev] Kilo Cycle Goals Exercise

2014-09-08 Thread Brad Topol
. Thanks, Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: Monty Taylor To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" , Date: 09/07/2014 08:15

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=true in tox.ini

2014-09-12 Thread Brad Topol
+1!!! This is awesome. I *always* ran into this was about to get find . -name "*.pyc" -delete tattooed on the inside of my forearm. Now I don't have to. Thanks!!! --Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: As

Re: [openstack-dev] [heat] [glance] Heater Proposal

2013-12-05 Thread Brad Topol
reinforce this perception, I am hoping that Heater functionality finds a home in either Glance or Heat. I don't have a preference of which. Either of these is superior to starting a new project if it can be avoided. Thanks, Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919

Re: [openstack-dev] Proposed Logging Standards

2014-01-28 Thread Brad Topol
would like to be included. Thanks, Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: Scott Devoid To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" Dat

Re: [openstack-dev] [Heat] Online midcycle meetup

2014-11-20 Thread Brad Topol
globe. So for example, if you had one location in Raleigh and one wherever else folks are co-located you could still get the benefits of having some group of folks collaborating face to face. Just a thought. --Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet

Re: [openstack-dev] [infra] [storyboard] Goodbye Infra on Launchpad, Hello Infra on StoryBoard

2014-11-20 Thread Brad Topol
This looks very cool!!! Is it ready for the rest of the other projects to start using as well? Thanks, Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: Michael Krotscheck To

Re: [openstack-dev] [Keystone] OSAAA-Policy

2014-12-09 Thread Brad Topol
+1! Makes sense. --Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: Morgan Fainberg To: Adam Young , "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)"

Re: [openstack-dev] [Keystone] Nominating Brad Topol for Keystone-Spec core

2015-01-23 Thread Brad Topol
nd am confident that our talented group of folks will continue to drive outstanding innovations in the Keystone project. Regards, Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: M

Re: [openstack-dev] [keystone] Redesign of Keystone Federation

2014-05-29 Thread Brad Topol
+1! Excellent summary and analysis Morgan! --Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: Morgan Fainberg To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage ques

Re: [openstack-dev] [keystone] Stepping down as PTL

2014-09-22 Thread Brad Topol
+1000!!! Dolph, you did a fantastic job leading the Keystone project. Many thanks for all of your efforts!!! --Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: Jay Pipes To

Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova] [All] API standards working group

2014-09-24 Thread Brad Topol
I am interested in participating as well. Thanks, Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: Morgan Fainberg To: Dolph Mathews , "OpenStack Development Mailing List

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] How can we get more feedback from users?-- Great idea Angus!

2014-10-24 Thread Brad Topol
+100! Angus this is awesome!!! Anyway to get one of these for each project? Thanks, Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: Sandy Walsh To: "OpenStack Develo

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] How can we get more feedback from users?-- Great idea Angus!

2014-10-27 Thread Brad Topol
. Thanks, Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: Angus Salkeld To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" , Date: 10/26/2014 07:20

Re: [openstack-dev] [Keystyone] Mid-Cycle Meetup Planning

2014-11-12 Thread Brad Topol
I have filled out the form and very much look forward to attending!!! Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: Morgan Fainberg To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (no

Re: [openstack-dev] [keystone][oslo][ceilometer] Moving PyCADF from the Oslo program to Identity (Keystone)

2014-07-25 Thread Brad Topol
+1 Makes a lot of sense to me as well!! --Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: gordon chung To: Davanum Srinivas , "OpenStack Development Mailing List (no

Re: [openstack-dev] Keystone and Multiple Identity Sources

2013-09-11 Thread Brad Topol
hanks, Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Cindy Willman (919) 268-5296 From: Adam Young To: OpenStack Development Mailing List Date: 09/11/2013 11:28 AM Subject:[openstack-dev] Keystone and Mul

[openstack-dev] TC Candidacy

2013-10-07 Thread Brad Topol
team of strong and core contributors that work across several of OpenStack's core projects. [1] - [2] - Thanks, Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distingu

Re: [openstack-dev] [keystone] Support for external authentication (i.e. REMOTE_USER) in Havana

2013-10-30 Thread Brad Topol
+1! Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: Adam Young To: Date: 10/30/2013 11:13 AM Subject:Re: [openstack-dev] [keystone] Support

Re: [openstack-dev] [keystone] Inherited domain roles

2013-06-19 Thread Brad Topol
+1 Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Cindy Willman (919) 268-5296 From: "Yee, Guang" To: OpenStack Development Mailing List Date: 06/19/2013 12:24 PM Subject:Re: [openstack-dev]

Re: [openstack-dev] [Openstack] [cinder] Proposal for Ollie Leahy to join cinder-core

2013-07-17 Thread Brad Topol
+1. Thanks to John and Sean for the excellent responses they provided below! --Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Cindy Willman (919) 268-5296 From: Sean Dague To: OpenStack Development Mailing List Cc

Re: [openstack-dev] A vision for Keystone

2013-07-19 Thread Brad Topol
! --Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Cindy Willman (919) 268-5296 From: Adam Young To: OpenStack Development Mailing List Date: 07/18/2013 02:21 PM Subject:[openstack-dev] A vision for Keystone I

Re: [openstack-dev] A vision for Keystone

2013-07-26 Thread Brad Topol
. Thanks. Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Cindy Willman (919) 268-5296 From: Adam Young To: Date: 07/25/2013 09:59 PM Subject:Re: [openstack-dev] A vision for

Re: [openstack-dev] Proposing Morgan Fainberg for keystone-core

2013-08-06 Thread Brad Topol
+1 on Morgan. He is an outstanding contributor! --Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Cindy Willman (919) 268-5296 From: Dolph Mathews To: OpenStack Development Mailing List Date: 08/06/2013 03:22 PM

Re: [openstack-dev] OpenLdap for Keystone

2013-09-05 Thread Brad Topol
devstack has the ability to install keystone with openldap and configure them together. Look at the online doc for on how to configure devstack to install keystone with openldap. Thanks, Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: bto

Re: [openstack-dev] OpenLdap for Keystone

2013-09-06 Thread Brad Topol
,c-sch,c-api,c-vol,n-sch,n-novnc,n-xvnc,n-cauth,horizon,mysql,rabbit,ldap #disable_all_services #enable_service key mysql swift rabbit Thanks, Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Cindy Willman (919) 268-5296 From

Re: [openstack-dev] Troubleshooting cross-project comms

2015-11-04 Thread Brad Topol
+1 That's an extremely good suggestion!!! --Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: Sean McGinnis To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage

Re: [openstack-dev] [oslo] A special thank you to Davanum (Dims)

2015-11-23 Thread Brad Topol
+++ Dims is awesome. And so are the other folks mentioned on this thread Happy Thanksgiving folks! Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: Joshua Harlow To: "Open

Re: [openstack-dev] [keystone][all] Move from active distrusting model to trusting model

2015-11-23 Thread Brad Topol
iscuss relaxing this rule for larger portions of Keystone if needed. But as a general policy we strive to stick to the distrust model as much as we can as the "perception of impropriety" that exists with the trusting model can result in tangible headaches. Thanks, Brad Brad Topol

Re: [openstack-dev] [keystone][all] Move from active distrusting model to trusting model

2015-11-24 Thread Brad Topol
Lance makes some very good points below. I agree fully with them. Thanks, Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: Lance Bragstad To: "OpenStack Development Ma

Re: [openstack-dev] [keystone][all] Move from active distrusting model to trusting model

2015-11-25 Thread Brad Topol
we see lots of reviews from folks coming from different perspectives and not lots of reviews where a single perspective group think prevails. Happy Thanksgiving! --Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon

Re: [openstack-dev] [keystone] New Core Reviewer (sent on behalf of Steve Martinelli)

2016-05-25 Thread Brad Topol
CONGRATULATIONS Rodrigo!!! Very well deserved!!! --Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: Lance Bragstad To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for

Re: [openstack-dev] New core reviewers nomination for TOSCA-Parser and or Heat-Translator project [tosca-parser][heat-translator][heat]

2016-06-07 Thread Brad Topol
Bob, Miguel, Bharath and Mathiue, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Very well deserved!!! --Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: Sahdev P Zala/Durham/IBM@IBMUS To: "Open

Re: [openstack-dev] [magnum] 2 million requests / sec, 100s of nodes

2016-06-19 Thread Brad Topol
Thanks Ricardo! This is very exciting progress! --Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: Ton Ngo/Watson/IBM@IBMUS To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List \(no

Re: [openstack-dev] [tc][ptl][keystone] Proposal to split authentication part out of Keystone to separated project

2016-04-08 Thread Brad Topol
If Termie comes out of retirement to respond to a thread are there really any winners??? :-) --Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: Monty Taylor To: "Open

Re: [openstack-dev] [keystone] changes to keystone-core!

2016-01-28 Thread Brad Topol
CONGRATULATIONS Dave and Samuel. Very well deserved!!! --Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: "Steve Martinelli" To: openstack-dev Date: 01/27/201

Re: [openstack-dev] [keystone] Liberty SFE Request -DynamicPolicies

2015-07-13 Thread Brad Topol
I am a +1 on this as well. I agree with Guang Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: "Yee, Guang" To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage que

Re: [openstack-dev] [keystone] PTL non-candidacy

2015-09-10 Thread Brad Topol
Thank you Morgan for your outstanding leadership, tremendous effort, and your dedication to OpenStack and Keystone in particular. It has been an absolute pleasure getting to work with you these past few years. And I am looking forward to working with you in your new role!!! --Brad Brad

Re: [openstack-dev] [keystone] Let's get together and fix all thebugs

2015-10-10 Thread Brad Topol
Great idea David!!! --Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: Samuel de Medeiros Queiroz To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage ques

Re: [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team

2015-06-04 Thread Brad Topol
How big a work item is this? Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: Thai Q Tran/Silicon Valley/IBM@IBMUS To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List \(not for usage ques

Re: [openstack-dev] [Keystone] Proposing Marek Denis for the Keystone Core Team

2015-02-10 Thread Brad Topol
+1! Marek has been an outstanding Keystone contributor and reviewer! --Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: David Stanek To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List

Re: [openstack-dev] [keystone] SPFE: Authenticated Encryption (AE) Tokens

2015-02-13 Thread Brad Topol
this spec in this release cycle. Thanks, Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: Lance Bragstad To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)&qu

Re: [openstack-dev] [keystone] new core reviewer (rderose)

2016-09-02 Thread Brad Topol
Congratulations Ron!!! Very well deserved!!! --Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: Steve Martinelli To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage ques

Re: [openstack-dev] [keystone] new core reviewer (rderose)

2016-09-02 Thread Brad Topol
Shh! Let them get the leg irons welded shut on him first :-). Pay no attention Ron... Congratulations! Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: Morgan Fainberg To

Re: [openstack-dev] [keystone] Pike PTL

2016-11-29 Thread Brad Topol
+1! Great job Steve Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: Henry Nash To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" Date:

Re: [openstack-dev] [keystone] removing Guang Yee (gyee) from keystone-core

2017-02-02 Thread Brad Topol
+1!!! Thanks Guang for all your hard work and your outstanding contributions to Keystone.   You were always a pleasure to work with. I wish you all the best on your new adventure!   --Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D.IBM Distinguished EngineerOpenStack(919) 543-0646Internet:

Re: [openstack-dev] TC candidacy

2016-09-30 Thread Brad Topol
I have known Mr. Taylor for many years and I would like to come out as his first endorser for his big league thoughts and recommendations below. Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680

Re: [openstack-dev] [keystone] new keystone core (breton)

2016-11-01 Thread Brad Topol
Congratulations Boris!!! Very well deserved!!! --Brad Brad Topol, Ph.D. IBM Distinguished Engineer OpenStack (919) 543-0646 Internet: Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 From: Steve Martinelli To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for

Re: [openstack-dev] oaktree - a friendly end-user oriented API layer - anybody want to help?

2016-11-16 Thread Brad Topol
forward to seeing how it matures. Is there an easy way for busy folks to stay up to date on how this progresses? Ideally the interop challenge work (which is continuing forward) should hopefully be able to take advantage of the innovations that this project will deliver. Thanks, Brad Brad Topol