+1.  Thanks to John and Sean for the excellent responses  they provided 


Brad Topol, Ph.D.
IBM Distinguished Engineer
(919) 543-0646
Internet:  bto...@us.ibm.com
Assistant: Cindy Willman (919) 268-5296

From:   Sean Dague <s...@dague.net>
To:     OpenStack Development Mailing List 
Cc:     "Openstack \(openst...@lists.launchpad.net\) 
\(openst...@lists.launchpad.net\)" <openst...@lists.launchpad.net>
Date:   07/17/2013 02:49 PM
Subject:        Re: [openstack-dev] [Openstack] [cinder] Proposal for 
Ollie Leahy to join cinder-core

On 07/17/2013 02:35 PM, John Griffith wrote:
> Just to point out a few things here, first off there is no guideline
> that states a company affiliation should have anything to do with the
> decision on voting somebody as core.  I have ABSOLUTELY NO concern about
> representation of company affiliation what so ever.
> Quite frankly I wouldn't mind if there were 20 core members from HP, if
> they're all actively engaged and participating then that's great.  I
> don't think there has been ANY incidence of folks exerting inappropriate
> influence based on their affiliated interest, and if there ever was I
> think it would be easy to identify and address.
> As far as "don't need more" I don't agree with that either, if there are
> folks contributing and doing the work then there's no reason not to add
> them.  Cinder IMO does NOT have an excess of reviewers by a very very
> long stretch.
> The criteria here should be review consistency and quality as well as
> knowledge of the project, nothing more nothing less.  If there's an
> objection to the individuals participation or contribution that's fine,
> but company affiliation should have no bearing.


The people that do great work on reviews, should really be your review 
team, regardless of affiliation.


Sean Dague

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