Re: [Openstack] Long lag in mailing list

2013-07-31 Thread Jeremy Stanley
er base of the migrated list. Queue settings are being tweaked to chew through the delivery backlog and get things back on track, so hopefully should be much quicker soon. -- Jeremy Stanley ___ Mailing list:

Re: [Openstack] DevStack doesn't support Debian Wheezy?

2013-08-01 Thread Jeremy Stanley
e Debian-OpenStack Team's Alioth list, . -- Jeremy Stanley ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe :

[Openstack] [OSSA 2013-020] Denial of Service in Nova network source security groups (CVE-2013-4185)

2013-08-06 Thread Jeremy Stanley
uture 2013.1.3 release. References: -- Jeremy Stanley OpenStack Vulnerability Management Team signature.asc Description: Digital signature ___ Ma

[Openstack] [OSSA 2013-019] Resource limit circumvention in Nova private flavors (CVE-2013-2256)

2013-08-06 Thread Jeremy Stanley
a-2 development milestone and will appear in a future 2013.1.3 release. References: -- Jeremy Stanley OpenStack Vulnerability Management Team signature.asc Description: Di

[Openstack] [OSSA 2013-021] Cinder LVM volume driver does not support secure deletion (CVE-2013-4183)

2013-08-07 Thread Jeremy Stanley
/bugs/1198185 -- Jeremy Stanley OpenStack Vulnerability Management Team signature.asc Description: Digital signature ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe

Re: [Openstack] Openstack IN a Virtual Machine?

2013-10-02 Thread Jeremy Stanley
hour at the moment, and do it all on virtual machines managed by other OpenStacks. -- Jeremy Stanley ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe : http://lists.openst

Re: [Openstack] error while installing pbr in devstack

2014-12-22 Thread Jeremy Stanley
should work with Setuptools 8) or wait until merges. -- Jeremy Stanley ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe : htt

Re: [Openstack] [zuul][tempest] zuul tempest is broken

2014-12-22 Thread Jeremy Stanley
se some zuul/tempest's > core/maintainer to check this issue. We've been working on it all day. Pip 6.0 was released today and it's taken most of the day to get DevStack working correctly with it. Should finally be resolved now, if you try

[Openstack] [nova][stable][OSSA 2015-005] Nova console Cross-Site WebSocket hijacking (CVE-2015-0259)

2015-03-26 Thread Jeremy Stanley
ll maintaining consistent behavior. To that end, I'm Cc'ing the openstack-dev list, setting MFT and tagging the subject accordingly. [1] -- Jeremy Stanley ___ Mailing list:

Re: [Openstack] Docs website https failure

2015-07-07 Thread Jeremy Stanley
: Connection > refused There is not, nor has there ever been, an site. What you want is instead. -- Jeremy Stanley ___ Mailing list:

Re: [Openstack] [openstack-dev] [openstack-community] OpenStack Meiji (明治) - Our next release name has been selected

2015-07-08 Thread Jeremy Stanley
r processes and customs are infantile. It's not constructive at all. Further, we should pick one mailing list on which to have this discussion rather than cross-posting to four. -- Jeremy Stanley ___ Mailing list:

[Openstack] [infra] offline for upgrade

2015-08-11 Thread Jeremy Stanley
hours, so expect to find it up and running again by 18:30 UTC. -- Jeremy Stanley ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe :

Re: [Openstack] OpenBSD ospf6d and ECMP

2015-08-25 Thread Jeremy Stanley
ed how (if at all) you're using OpenStack in your network. -- Jeremy Stanley ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe :

Re: [Openstack] [openstack][stackforge] incubation process

2015-09-22 Thread Jeremy Stanley
an existing official OpenStack project or form a new official OpenStack project. The TC may at some point decide to make this a more formal expectation, but for now there is no requirement to obtain any official status for your project. [*] http://lists.openstack.or

Re: [Openstack] What is the difference between cloudstack and openstack.

2015-10-24 Thread Jeremy Stanley
oundation, outlines what they recognized then as remaining deficiencies in openness (but in my opinion was an unfortunate matter of too little too late): > -- Jeremy Stanley _

Re: [Openstack] Promoting the role of +1 reviewers in our community

2013-10-29 Thread Jeremy Stanley
one. Just a thought. > Anyway, here's cheers to all the non-core reviewers :) Hear hear! -- Jeremy Stanley ___ Mailing list: Post to :

[Openstack] [OSSA 2013-030] XenAPI security groups not kept through migrate or resize (CVE-2013-4497)

2013-11-14 Thread Jeremy Stanley
g/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2013-4497 -- Jeremy Stanley OpenStack Vulnerability Management Team signature.asc Description: Digital signature ___ Mailing list:

Re: [Openstack] [Nova] Proposed removal of the PowerVM driver

2013-11-22 Thread Jeremy Stanley
this driver? Or is there some middle ground to keeping the code intact in Grizzly/Havana but not really supporting it? -- Jeremy Stanley ___ Mailing list: Post to : openstack@lis

Re: [Openstack] vmwareapi with VMwareESXDriver

2013-12-03 Thread Jeremy Stanley
nguage=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1000131 > -- Jeremy Stanley ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe :

Re: [Openstack] vmwareapi with VMwareESXDriver

2013-12-03 Thread Jeremy Stanley
ers for your compute nodes from Apple. Otherwise they won't license the OS to you, virtual or not. -- Jeremy Stanley ___ Mailing list: Post to : U

[Openstack] [OSSA 2013-034] Heat CFN policy rules not all enforced (CVE-2013-6426)

2013-12-11 Thread Jeremy Stanley Havana fix: Notes: This fix will be included in the icehouse-2 development milestone and in a future 2013.2.1 release. References: -- Jeremy Stanley

[Openstack] [OSSA 2013-034] Heat CFN policy rules not all enforced (CVE-2013-6426)

2013-12-11 Thread Jeremy Stanley Havana fix: Notes: This fix will be included in the icehouse-2 development milestone and in a future 2013.2.1 release. References: -- Jeremy Stanley

[Openstack] [OSSA 2013-035] Heat ReST API doesn't respect tenant scoping (CVE-2013-6428)

2013-12-11 Thread Jeremy Stanley Notes: This fix will be included in the icehouse-2 development milestone and in a future 2013.2.1 release. References: -- Jeremy Stanley OpenStack Vulnerability Management

[Openstack] [OSSA 2013-033] Metadata queries from Neutron to Nova are not restricted by tenant (CVE-2013-6419)

2013-12-11 Thread Jeremy Stanley (nova) Notes: This fix will be included in the icehouse-2 development milestone and in a future 2013.2.1 release. References: -- Jeremy Stanley OpenStack Vulnerability Management

[Openstack] [OSSA 2013-032] Keystone trust circumvention through EC2-style tokens (CVE-2013-6391)

2013-12-11 Thread Jeremy Stanley
-6391 -- Jeremy Stanley OpenStack Vulnerability Management Team signature.asc Description: Digital signature ___ Mailing list: Post to : open

[Openstack] [OSSA 2013-036] Insufficient sanitization of Instance Name in Horizon (CVE-2013-6858)

2013-12-11 Thread Jeremy Stanley -- Jeremy Stanley OpenStack Vulnerability Management Team signature.asc Description: Digital signature ___ Mailing list: Post to : openstack@lists.openstac

Re: [Openstack] Additional Grizzly releases?

2013-12-17 Thread Jeremy Stanley
ed mostly by the level of activity in the community working to provide that support, after all. -- Jeremy Stanley ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe :

Re: [Openstack] Security Breach! Tenant A is seeing the VNC Consoles of Tenant B!

2013-12-24 Thread Jeremy Stanley
letely block this? [...] Is it possible the user for Tenant A is an admin account? Remember, admins are global administrators regardless of what tenant they might be associated with. -- Jeremy Stanley ___ Mailing list:

[Openstack] [OSSA 2014-004] Glance Swift store backend password leak (CVE-2014-1948)

2014-02-12 Thread Jeremy Stanley
:// Notes: This fix will be included in the icehouse-2 development milestone and the upcoming 2013.2.2 release. References: -- Jeremy Stanley OpenStack Vulnerability

Re: [Openstack] Pip Error In Swift Installation (Swift All in One tutorial for a single node)

2014-03-26 Thread Jeremy Stanley
released with the corresponding patch included. -- Jeremy Stanley ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe :

Re: [Openstack] Question about my company info in stackalytics

2014-04-16 Thread Jeremy Stanley
kforge/stackalytics/tree/etc/default_data.json or one of the other files in the same directory. -- Jeremy Stanley ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe

Re: [Openstack] Question about my company info in stackalytics

2014-04-20 Thread Jeremy Stanley
On 2014-04-18 08:20:59 +0530 (+0530), Rajdeep Dua wrote: > How do i get that CL reviewed?  Try reaching out to the core reviewers for that project if it's not getting attention:,members -- Jeremy

[Openstack] [OSSA 2014-017] Nova VMWare driver leaks rescued images (CVE-2014-2573)

2014-05-29 Thread Jeremy Stanley
2013.2.4 and 2014.1.1 releases. References: -- Jeremy Stanley OpenStack Vulnerability Management Team signature.asc Description: Digital signature

Re: [Openstack] Is there a sample application source code run on openStack?

2014-06-09 Thread Jeremy Stanley
s as in a non-"cloud" deployment). Yes, to take advantage of modern concepts like automatic elastic scaling you may need applications which support those sorts of deployment methods, but under the hood OpenStack provides virtual machines--so if your needs can be met on VMs then they're pro

Re: [Openstack] Is there a sample application source code run on openStack?

2014-06-09 Thread Jeremy Stanley
uot;In order to fully leverage a race track, you need a race car." However, that doesn't mean your unmodified family sedan will be slower on a race track than on the highway. -- Jeremy Stanley ___ Mailing list:

Re: [Openstack] Issue with Security Groups

2014-06-27 Thread Jeremy Stanley
service restarts? > > Not as far as I know. Security groups are meant to be persistent by > design. You don't need to do anything. It's entirely likely you've discovered the behavior described in (

Re: [Openstack] Issue with Security Groups

2014-06-30 Thread Jeremy Stanley
On 2014-06-27 11:30:48 + (+), Jeremy Stanley wrote: > It's entirely likely you've discovered the behavior described in > (if so, then yes, a known issue). Actually, I meant to say but the first one is w

Re: [Openstack] [OpenStack-Infra] [Zuul] Understanding dequeue-on-new-patchset

2014-08-21 Thread Jeremy Stanley
auses the current one to get dequeued, Jenkins can end up running those jobs anyway. Did we ever end up implementing a solution for that, or does that behavior still exist? -- Jeremy Stanley ___ Mailing list:

Re: [Openstack] [OpenStack-Infra] [Zuul] Understanding dequeue-on-new-patchset

2014-08-21 Thread Jeremy Stanley
when we spotted it I don't see any evidence it's happening now. So you're right it shouldn't be the case. I've at least dug up a change which got quickly cancelled by a new patchset before any jobs began, and confirmed they never ended up running on any Jenkins masters

Re: [Openstack] OpenStack On Debian Jessie

2014-09-08 Thread Jeremy Stanley
ronments at this point... Icehouse has been available for months and Juno is just around the corner now. -- Jeremy Stanley ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe :

Re: [Openstack] [openstack][neutron] tox -e py27 is not working in the latest neutron code

2014-09-12 Thread Jeremy Stanley
ssions. Please do not post the same question to multiple mailing lists solely to broaden its audience. -- Jeremy Stanley ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe

[Openstack] [OSSA 2014-035] Nova VMware driver may connect VNC to another tenant's console (CVE-2014-8750)

2014-10-14 Thread Jeremy Stanley
point release. References: -- Jeremy Stanley OpenStack Vulnerability Management Team signature.asc Description: Digital signature ___ Mailing list:

Re: [Openstack] [COA] How to get involved

2015-12-09 Thread Jeremy Stanley
ion Working Group which holds periodic meetings (via conference call I think?) with a roster and minutes linked from (and I also see a contact E-mail address listed at the end of that

Re: [Openstack] OpenStack Python SDK

2016-04-19 Thread Jeremy Stanley
On 2016-04-19 14:30:03 + (+), CHOW Anthony wrote: > List of OpenStack python clients can be found here: > > [...] Also see for a broader SDK portal. -- Jerem

Re: [Openstack] there seems to be a conflict of IP port 6000 for swift

2016-04-29 Thread Jeremy Stanley
to the default ephemeral ports range for the Linux kernel, so chances are you'd run into the same nondeterministic deployment failures they did. -- Jeremy Stanley ___ Mailing list:

Re: [Openstack] Usename change in gerrit

2016-05-31 Thread Jeremy Stanley
e problem by configuring your ~/.ssh/config file with something like: Host openstack-gerrit HostName User myGerritUsername Hope that helps! -- Jeremy Stanley ___ Mailing list:

Re: [Openstack] [oslo] Issues with pbr when building custom packages

2016-06-09 Thread Jeremy Stanley
tool to list it. If the pbr library is installed into your environment, it includes an executable "pbr" entrypoint with a "freeze" subcommand with output similar to pip freeze except indicating the abbreviated Git SHAs included from the pbr.json file in each corresponding egg-inf

Re: [Openstack] [oslo] Issues with pbr when building custom packages

2016-06-09 Thread Jeremy Stanley
PBR can already handle like calculating patchsets since the last tag and translating to suitable Debian package version numbers. -- Jeremy Stanley ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe :

Re: [Openstack] Send metrics to Graphite with StatsD

2016-06-16 Thread Jeremy Stanley
ng OpenStack trademarks/logo without authorization. -- Jeremy Stanley ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe :

[Openstack] Wiki upgrade maintenance 21:00 UTC Friday, August 12

2016-08-10 Thread Jeremy Stanley
cerns or want additional information on this maintenance. -- Jeremy Stanley ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe :

[Openstack] [OSSA 2016-012] Malicious qemu-img input may exhaust resources in Cinder, Glance, Nova (CVE-2015-5162)

2016-10-06 Thread Jeremy Stanley
2) References ~~ - - Notes ~ - Separate Ocata patches are listed for Cinder and Glance, as they were fixed during the Newton release freeze after it branched from master. -- Jeremy St

Re: [Openstack] [openstack] How to modify company affiliation

2016-12-05 Thread Jeremy Stanley
he system is attempting to prevent you signing up for duplicate accounts. Each member should have one and only one account in our foundation member system. Update the affiliations list in your current account's profile (as described above) rather than creating a new account. -- Jer

Re: [Openstack] [openstack-dev] [OSSN-0074] Nova metadata service should not be used for sensitive information

2017-01-19 Thread Jeremy Stanley
may receive rather than passing them through untouched). [*] -- Jeremy Stanley signature.asc Description: Digital signature ___ Mailing list: Post to

[Openstack] [OSSA-2017-001] CatchErrors leaks sensitive values in oslo.middleware (CVE-2017-2592)

2017-01-26 Thread Jeremy Stanley
m IBM (CVE-2017-2592) References ~~ - - -- Jeremy Stanley signature.asc Description: Digital signature ___ Mailing list: http://lists.openst

[Openstack] [OSSA-2017-002] Nova logs sensitive context from notification exceptions (CVE-2017-7214)

2017-03-23 Thread Jeremy Stanley
7214) References ~~ - - -- Jeremy Stanley OpenStack Vulnerability Management Team signature.asc Description: Digital signature ___ Mailing list: http://l

Re: [Openstack] Unit Test Error when test using tox

2017-03-27 Thread Jeremy Stanley
mysql-client, mysql-server, postgresql, postgresql-client) which I guess might explain why I only ran 66 tests instead of 136, though the failures you quoted didn't look like they were related to any tests which would have needed those. -- Jeremy Stanley

Re: [Openstack] Help with openstack single node deployment

2017-03-27 Thread Jeremy Stanley
ack-gate framework we use at -- Jeremy Stanley ___ Mailing list: Post to : openstack@lists.openstack.o

[Openstack] [infra] maintenance Friday, March 31 20:00-23:00 UTC

2017-03-28 Thread Jeremy Stanley
messages bound for the server will queue at the senders' MTAs until the server is back in service and so should not result in any obvious disruption. Apologies for cross-posting so widely, but we wanted to make sure copies of this announcement went to most of our higher-traffic lists. -- J

Re: [Openstack] Find core developers

2017-04-21 Thread Jeremy Stanley
ble: -- Jeremy Stanley ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe : h

[Openstack] [infra] maintenance Friday, May 26 20:00-21:00 UTC

2017-05-24 Thread Jeremy Stanley
will queue at the senders' MTAs until the server is back in service and so should not result in any obvious disruption. Apologies for cross-posting so widely, but we wanted to make sure copies of this announcement went to most of our higher-traffic lists. -- Jeremy Stanley signatur

Re: [Openstack] [Mirantis] How to keep ntpd down

2017-07-20 Thread Jeremy Stanley
and it'll just flat refuse to update it. In those sorts of situations I've pretty much always sent the server back or requested appropriate replacement parts to service it myself on site. -- Jeremy Stanley signature.asc Description: Digital signature _

Re: [Openstack] Hello

2017-09-08 Thread Jeremy Stanley
look around for our lists of announced vulnerabilities, some of our security-oriented community processes, and summaries of security-related software/tools under development. -- Jeremy Stanley signature.asc Description:

Re: [Openstack] DHCP for IPv6

2017-09-28 Thread Jeremy Stanley
s a lot of sense to me, as a privacy/security-conscious sysadmin. -- Jeremy Stanley signature.asc Description: Digital signature ___ Mailing list: Post to :

Re: [Openstack] HKY55303

2017-10-06 Thread Jeremy Stanley
use the E-mail address it was poorly attempting to pretend to come from). The actual sender's address ( doesn't even seem to be subscribed to this list, so I have to assume one of the list moderators accidentally approved the message by mistake. -- Jeremy Stan

Re: [Openstack] Request to add new Features to Openstack

2017-11-05 Thread Jeremy Stanley
n these above Feature requests. Can you elaborate on what you feel is missing from the above linked services? It's difficult to determine from your terse message whether you're simply unaware these already exist, or you find them lacking in some way for your particular use case. -- Je

[Openstack] [OSSA-2017-006] Nova FilterScheduler doubles resource allocations during rebuild with new image (CVE-2017-17051)

2017-12-05 Thread Jeremy Stanley (Pike) - (Queens) Credits ~~~ - Matt Riedemann from Huawei (CVE-2017-17051) References ~~ - - -- Jeremy Stanley Open

Re: [Openstack] Fwd: [Openstack-zh] openstack CN domain and keyword

2018-01-01 Thread Jeremy Stanley
ontact listed in the cn TLD whois DB rather than a random discussion mailing list, and the sender's address seems to be at a throw-away domain which doesn't match the more official-looking address in their signature at all). -- Jeremy Stanley signature.asc Descriptio

Re: [Openstack] Regarding Openings on Red Hat's Public Sector Team for OpenStack Engineers

2018-01-29 Thread Jeremy Stanley
lists. Thanks! -- Jeremy Stanley signature.asc Description: PGP signature ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe :

Re: [Openstack] Openstack manual setup

2018-01-30 Thread Jeremy Stanley
there. -- Jeremy Stanley signature.asc Description: PGP signature ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe :

Re: [Openstack] Openstack neutron with ASR1k

2018-02-01 Thread Jeremy Stanley
k User Survey from April 2017 (page 42) at least, which claims that more deployments used Ansible (45%), Puppet (28%), Fuel (16%) and Chef (14%) than Juju (9%). TripleO didn't even have enough responses on that question to rank.

Re: [Openstack] Openstack neutron with ASR1k

2018-02-01 Thread Jeremy Stanley
On 2018-02-01 19:21:03 + (+), Jeremy Stanley wrote: > On 2018-02-01 19:15:51 +0400 (+0400), Fawaz Mohammed wrote: > > TripleO (Supported on CentOS and RHEL) and Juju (Supported on > > Ubuntu) [1] are the most used OpenStack deployment tools. > [...] > > Most

Re: [Openstack] Openstack neutron with ASR1k

2018-02-01 Thread Jeremy Stanley
On 2018-02-01 14:58:46 -0500 (-0500), Satish Patel wrote: > Interesting survey but if i am not wrong Fuel is end of life and they > stopped development right? [...] Sure, but that doesn't mean people aren't still running environments deployed with it. -- Jeremy Stanley

Re: [Openstack] which SDK to use?

2018-04-17 Thread Jeremy Stanley
other, and tend to eventually drop support for older OpenStack APIs so if you're going to be interacting with a variety of different OpenStack deployments built on different releases you may need multiple versions of the client libraries (depending on what it is you're trying to do). -- Je

Re: [Openstack] which SDK to use?

2018-04-19 Thread Jeremy Stanley
r client lib. [...] Or, for that matter, leverage OpenStackSDK's ability to pass arbitrary calls to individual service APIs when you need something not exposed by the porcelain layer. -- Jeremy Stanley signature.asc Description: PGP signature ___ M

Re: [Openstack] Masakari client error

2018-05-16 Thread Jeremy Stanley
conflict with dependencies of some OpenStack service, so you can't necessarily expect to be able to co-install them on the same machine without some means of context separation (virtualenvs, containers, pip install --local, et cetera). -- Jeremy Stanley signature.asc Description:

Re: [Openstack] down?!

2018-07-23 Thread Jeremy Stanley
for reporting! > Can someone investigate or escalate this to the right place? A more appropriate list would have been (Cc'd on my reply). -- Jeremy Stanley signature.asc Description: PGP signature ___ Mailing

Re: [Openstack] git-review tagging schedule

2018-08-22 Thread Jeremy Stanley
t into 1.27.0? At a minimum I think we'll want to get and its parent change merged so that the release note about -c going away will be included in the release. Anything else? -- Jeremy Stanley signature.asc Description: PGP signature

[Openstack] [all] Bringing the community together (combine the lists!)

2018-08-30 Thread Jeremy Stanley
he irony of cross-posting this message to four mailing lists is not lost on me. ;) [1] [2] -- Jeremy Stanley signature.asc Description: PGP signature __

Re: [Openstack] [Openstack-sigs] [all] Bringing the community together (combine the lists!)

2018-08-30 Thread Jeremy Stanley
support in Mailman unless we can somehow work with them to help in reimplementing it. -- Jeremy Stanley signature.asc Description: PGP signature ___ Mailing list: Post to : openstack@lists.op

Re: [Openstack] [openstack-dev] [all] Bringing the community together (combine the lists!)

2018-08-30 Thread Jeremy Stanley
ve a *lot* of "black hole" subscribers who aren't actually following that list but whose addresses aren't bouncing new posts we send them for any of a number of possible reasons. -- Jeremy Stanley signature.asc Description: PGP signature ___

Re: [Openstack] [Openstack-operators] [openstack-dev] [all] Bringing the community together (combine the lists!)

2018-08-30 Thread Jeremy Stanley
way, come to understand it, and become part of that process. Requiring them to have their conversations elsewhere sends the opposite message. -- Jeremy Stanley signature.asc Description: PGP signature ___ Mailing list: http://lists.openstack.

Re: [Openstack] [Openstack-sigs] [Openstack-operators] [openstack-dev] [all] Bringing the community together (combine the lists!)

2018-08-30 Thread Jeremy Stanley
welcome message, or merely linked to a published document (and whether that's best suited for the Infra Manual or New Contributor Guide or somewhere else entirely is certainly up for debate), or even potentially both. -- Jeremy Stanley signature

[Openstack] Mailman topic filtering (was: Bringing the community together...)

2018-08-31 Thread Jeremy Stanley
tough, but luckily MIT's listadmins have posted some so we don't need to: -- Jeremy Stanley signature.asc Description: PGP signature ___ Mailing list:

Re: [Openstack] [all] Bringing the community together (combine the lists!)

2018-08-31 Thread Jeremy Stanley
pointed out we don't usually tell them to take their questions elsewhere any more). -- Jeremy Stanley signature.asc Description: PGP signature ___ Mailing list: Post to : opensta

Re: [Openstack] [Magnum] no documentation for openstack client commands

2018-09-13 Thread Jeremy Stanley
r-friendly if they at least linked!/project/openstack/magnum instead of the base URL for SB on that main project page, but hopefully it's enough for most people to find what they're looking for. -- Jeremy Stanle

Re: [Openstack] [Magnum] no documentation for openstack client commands

2018-09-13 Thread Jeremy Stanley
On 2018-09-13 13:32:27 + (+), Jeremy Stanley wrote: > On 2018-09-13 15:27:51 +0900 (+0900), Bernd Bausch wrote: > [...] > > To add insult to injury, when I click on the bug icon of the user > > guide page, I am told "Launchpad doesn't know what

[Openstack] [all] We're combining the lists! (was: Bringing the community together...)

2018-09-20 Thread Jeremy Stanley
nfra-ptg-denver-2018 [4] [5] -- Jeremy Stanley signature.asc Description: PGP signature ___ Mailing list:

Re: [Openstack] [Openstack-sigs] Capturing Feedback/Input

2018-09-21 Thread Jeremy Stanley
t; Local meetups/events, we discussed putting that here as well. It seems a fine plan, just keep in mind that documenting and publishing feedback doesn't magically translate into developers acting on any of it (and this is far from the first time it's been

Re: [Openstack] [openstack] openstack setups at Universities

2018-10-09 Thread Jeremy Stanley
the first which comes to mind for me is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology: -- Jeremy Stanley signature.asc Description: PGP signature ___ Mailing list:

Re: [Openstack] non public glance image can seen by all tenant

2018-10-26 Thread Jeremy Stanley
ance team has been asked to look into. See also the rather lengthy troubleshooting discussion on the Operators ML starting here: -- Jeremy Stanley signature.asc Description: PGP

Re: [Openstack] [all] We're combining the lists! (was: Bringing the community together...)

2018-10-29 Thread Jeremy Stanley
good). [0] [1] -- Jeremy Stanley signature.asc Description: PGP signature ___ Mailing

Re: [Openstack] [openstack client] command completion

2018-11-06 Thread Jeremy Stanley!/project_group/openstackclient instead. -- Jeremy Stanley signature.asc Description: PGP signature ___ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe :

Re: [Openstack] [all] We're combining the lists!

2018-11-09 Thread Jeremy Stanley
are closed down for good). [0] [1] -- Jeremy Stanley signature.asc Description: PGP signature ___ Ma

Re: [Openstack] [openstack-dev] [all] We're combining the lists!

2018-11-10 Thread Jeremy Stanley
opics Which is its initial location for crowd-sourcing/brainstorming, but will get published to a more durable location like on itself or perhaps the Project-Team Guide once the list is in use. -- Jeremy Stanley signature.asc Description: PGP signature

[Openstack] IMPORTANT: We're combining the lists!

2018-11-18 Thread Jeremy Stanley
case either might be resulting in subscribers missing it. [0] [1] -- Jeremy Stanley signature.asc Description: PGP sign

Re: [Openstack] IMPORTANT: We're combining the lists!

2018-11-27 Thread Jeremy Stanley
o them over the next week. [0] [1] -- Jeremy Stanley signature.asc Description: PGP signature ___ Mai

[Openstack] IMPORTANT: This list is retired

2018-12-03 Thread Jeremy Stanley
:// [1] -- Jeremy Stanley signature.asc Description: PGP signature ___ Mailing list: