On Friday, August 12, from approximately 21:00 to 23:00 UTC our
Mediawiki instance on wiki.openstack.org will be upgraded from its
present 1.25 pre-release to the latest 1.27 version. We're allotting
two hours in case issues are encountered with the upgrade requiring
us to roll back to a snapshot, but if all goes well the outage will
hopefully be much shorter.

JP Maxwell, who has worked through the upgrade plan over recent
weeks, set up a test instance for us at
https://wiki-upgrade-test.openstack.org/ where interested parties
can perform some preliminary tests over the next couple days and
help us catch any important features/extensions which are broken or
missing. Note this is running from a snapshot of the production
database, so will not reflect content changed at wiki.openstack.org.

Feel free to catch us in #openstack-infra or follow up to this
message if you have any concerns or want additional information on
this maintenance.
Jeremy Stanley

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