Re: [Openstack] Recruiting - Translation Coordinator

2013-04-30 Thread Masanori ITOH
translation coordinators: Tomoyuki Kato Masanori Itoh Akira Yoshiyama Best regards, Masanori -- JOSUG / Japan OpenStack User Group From: Ying Chun Guo Subject: [Openstack] Recruiting - Translation Coordinator Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2013 17:36:07 +0800 > > > Hi, all > > Now the

Re: [Openstack] Recruiting - Translation Coordinator

2013-03-28 Thread Ying Chun Guo
Hi, Now we have gotten volunteers for French, Brazilian Portuguese, Hindi (India), and Spanish. we need more volunteers for Japanese, Spanish, Czech, Vietnamese (Viet Nam), Hungarian, Russian, Italian, Korean (Korea), Turkish (Turkey), and Catalan. Please send me mail if you have interests. Tha

Re: [Openstack] Recruiting - Translation Coordinator

2013-03-26 Thread Yujie Du
Good work! We are trying to translate the latest document,anyone can join! 原文地址: 原始文档: 翻译提交: 发布地址:

[Openstack] Recruiting - Translation Coordinator

2013-03-26 Thread Ying Chun Guo
Hi, all Now the translation of OpenStack message strings and documents is managed by Transifex. The access control in Transifex is set as "Free for all". Anybody can jump in and contribute to the translation. It's easily to attract translators but it's not good for the quality. In order to ensur